Email Lead Generation: Build Your Audience from Scratch

email lead generation

An audience in the digital market refers to the number of actual humans who actually consume your content. You may have the greatest content in the world, but if no one is consuming it, it doesn’t matter. A great way to get your wonderful content in front of interested eyes is through email lead generation.

The use of emails is more personalized since you have full control over the sign-up funnel, almost full control of the unsubscribe funnel, and there is a higher level of trust since your audience use their own emails to subscribe to your content. Outside of Instagram DMs (with the use of services like AiGrow), email is one of the safest and most effective ways for companies to communicate with their audience.

Read below and use the following email lead generation tactics to begin building up your audience from scratch:


  • Your social media account such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform that you are already on.
  • The desire to create a large audience
  • Friends and Family
  • A sprinkle of patience


  1. Create an account with MailChimp, which allows you to reach up to 200 subscribers for free.
  2. Use a referral link provided by MailChimp to let people sign up for your list.
  3. Ask friends as well as family to sign up to your mailing list.
  4. Reach out to friends on your social media network by posting publically on your timeline, send DMs on Instagram and Snapchat, and remember to tweet about it.
  5. Post the sign-up link on your social media profile (in your Instagram bio, for example)