50 Things To Post On Instagram in 2021 (For All Niches)


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You’re now signed up on Instagram. You’ve chosen the perfect profile picture and crafted the best bio you can think of. Now you have to tackle the biggest challenge of all: choosing things to post on Instagram.

Whether you’re 5 years deep or completely new to Instagram, the poster’s block can happen to the best of us. Constantly thinking of new ideas for posts can be utterly draining.

Being daily posters ourselves, we’ve experienced our fair share of not knowing what things to post on Instagram. It’s a pretty crappy feeling, so we wanted to do our part in making sure that people have plenty of ideas of what to post on Instagram no matter what kind of channel they have.

When you feel like you’ve run out of ideas, here is a wide-ranging list of 50 cool things to post on Instagram to keep your current followers happy and to gain new followers in the process:

Things to Post on instagram-min

  1. Go for natural landscapes. Aim for exotic locales, idyllic beaches, and important landmarks.

  2. Cool pictures of the sky or views from above.

  3. Lucky enough to be around a beautiful sunset? Do not waste time and Instagram it.

  4. View from your window, even if it’s a side street.

  5. Taken a vacation lately? It’s a given to share your travel photos.

  6. Selfies never bore anyone. Take a selfie and post it.

  7. Food pictures. A fancy food plate is all you need to entice and attract anyone you want.

  8. If you are at the restaurant don’t focus on food only. Show off the interiors as well.

  9. Who doesn’t love an adorable pet and if you have one at home, let the whole world know about it.

  10. Have a kid or know someone who just had one? Babies’ pictures are adorable to look at.

  11. Share a slice of your life, your goals, plans, and ambitions. It never hurts to build up a good relation with your followers.

  12. Friends are important and let the world know you have some great ones. The same goes for your family.

  13. There are many cool events happening around your city all year round. If you are in attendance make sure to feature them on your feed.

  14. Quotes might sound cheesy but trust us they increase followers like crazy. Funny or motivating, add some to your feed daily.

  15. Know the up and happening hashtags and post with one of them.

  16. Do not let your workspace be left behind. It’s fun and inspiring to see where you are working.

  17. Have a natural talent? It doesn’t matter whether it’s an imperfect drawing or painting. People love to see the artwork.

  18. Received any advice lately? Do not just limit it to yourself; let the whole world know about it.

  19. Share the lyrics of your favorite song.

  20. Wearing a new shirt or sporting a new haircut? Show us.

  21. Current events. Share what is going on in your city and how you are a part of it.

  22. There is something unique wherever you live and it’s great to let people know about it.

  23. If you have a helpful tip or trick, it’s a great way to reach out to people.

  24. Anything you love. Be it music or the latest book. Post about it.

  25. Share your throwback photos. Your life journey in pictures.

  26. New apps are launching every day. Recommend one.

  27. Are you into writing? A short entertaining story goes viral quickly.

  28. Your morning routine. Is it some coffee at your kitchen top or are you a tea person? Post it.

  29. Your phone accessories and case.

  30. Collect anything? Whether they are badges or stamps, post your collection.

  31. Your business card or photos of your products or services.

  32. Cute stationery always gets maximum likes.

  33. Flaws make us human and if something didn’t work in your life, share it to make people feel more connected to you.

  34. Invite your followers to share their opinion too. Then post them.

  35. Repost from your fans or followers. It helps them feel appreciated

  36. Conduct an Instagram poll and post its results

  37. Came across some really cool statistics about your line of work? Share them

  38. Humor works on Instagram every time and if you are funny; use it to your advantage.

  39. If you use other mediums besides Instagram like Snapchat or twitter, share to let people connect with you there too.

  40. If you know about any philanthropic or charitable causes, it’s always nice to promote it.

  41. Acknowledge a special holiday with a relevant post about it.

  42. Memes are an in-thing now. Simply people just love them.

  43. High-quality images of luxurious cars and heavy bikes.

  44. Behind the scenes shot. Share how you took that perfect photo.

  45. Collages are fun and popular. Combine different things in one post.

  46. Close-ups of simple things from your everyday life.

  47. A recent gift you received.

  48. Celebrate your life’s or business milestones like birthdays or anniversaries by posting about it.

  49. If you come across a bright and colorful object, get creative and take a picture of it.

  50. Don’t just share pictures. You can share cool videos too of around one minute.

Support your posts with an Instagram scheduler

aischedul instagram scheduler

Have any other Instagram post ideas? It doesn’t matter what they are: things to post on Instagram for business, things to post on Instagram to get followers, anything. Share them in the comments below!

With all of these new ideas, you’re going to be pumping out a lot of content. When this happens, as explained in our guide 62 Ways Proven Ways to Grow Your Instagram in 2021, you’re going to need an Instagram scheduler. This way, instead of having to upload each and every post through your phone, you can conveniently upload all of your posts at once from your desktop and schedule them for days, weeks, and even months ahead!

AiSchedul’s scheduler is perfect for this. You can upload and schedule posts from your desktop, create its caption and hashtags, tag anyone relevant to your post, and even choose whether you want your hashtags in your caption or in the first comment! Unlike a lot of other schedulers available, AiSchedul also doesn’t require you to double verify before you post through its scheduler.

For example, with scheduling tools like Buffer, even if you upload your post from your desktop, you still have to confirm on your phone before your content is actually posted. This can be very inconvenient if your posts are scheduled for the middle of the night, early in the morning, or other general times when you can’t access your phone. No phone verification, no posting.

With AiSchedul, however, just upload your posts from your desktop, hit “Schedule”, and walk away. No phone verification needed.


So now you know 50 things to post on Instagram and the quickest and most convenient to upload your posts once you’ve made them. You’re all set!

To get you all the tools you need, click here to sign up for AiSchedul for free and start scheduling those posts!

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