How to Access DMs on Instagram Online

how to access DMs on Instagram online

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Note: Not interested in the details and just need a way to access DMs on Instagram online from your desktop? Click the button below to get started.

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Tired of managing your DMs from your phone? Need a way to access DMs on Instagram online from your desktop? Well you are in luck!

In this article we’re going to share with you one free tool you can use to access and manage your DMs from your desktop, no matter what kind of operating system you have.

If you are someone who is flooded with DMs in your inbox all the time, or you just simply want to make your life easier, then keep on reading.

How to access DMs on Instagram online for all desktops

Instagram still doesn’t allow users to send and receive direct messages from their desktop. Therefore, many users still don’t know how to check DMs on Instagram from their desktops.

Fortunately, that’s where AiGrow comes in.

AiGrow is a complete, free desktop DM solution for Instagram.


With AiGrow, you can:

  • check messages
  • send messages
  • respond to messages
  • filter your inbox to show read, unread, or sent messages
  • attach images and videos to your DMs
  • Search for messages from individual channels
  • connect DMs to your email account and receive and respond DMs from your email
  • target people on their location, hashtags they use, accounts they follow or simply by their username

It takes the annoying process or managing your DMs from your phone and transforms it into a productive, email-like experience on your desktop.

Plus, if you have one message that you’d like to send to a large number of your followers, you can even automate the process. Just craft your message, choose to whom you’d like to send the message to (new followers, a custom list of followers, etc.), hit “Start”, and AiGrow will begin automatically sending out your message until it is sent to all desired recipients (or until you tell it to stop).

Auto DMs with AiGrow

The best part is that unlike other desktop messaging apps, AiGrow is completely free, doesn’t require any download to work, and works on all operating systems.

Simply visit the website, create an account, add your Instagram account, and you’re done.

Once you’re logged in, you will have full access to your Instagram inbox.

To give you a sense of how easy it is, have a peek at the 30-second video below:


While Instagram still doesn’t have support for checking DMs on your PC, free solutions like AiGrow allow you to access DMs on Instagram online, send DMs, receive DMs, and even auto filter your DM inbox.

Get AiGrow for free by clicking the button below and start upping your Instagram DM game today!

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Do you know any other ways to access DMs on Instagram from your desktop? leave a comment below and help your friends 😉

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