Influencer Spotlight Edition 1: @ashleyblackguru

AiGrow Influencer Spotlight

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

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This edition of Influencer Spotlight looks at best selling author, fascia guru, and Vogue-featured motivator, Ashley Black.

Ashley has been helping people look and feel their absolute best since 2014. As she explains on her website:

I have been passionate about sharing the knowledge of fascia for 2 decades now and everything is finally falling into place. Word is getting out, people are becoming aware of their bodies and its function, and they are taking their health and wellness back into their own hands. My goal has always been empowerment and I want you to hold the tool to help YOU help yourself look, feel and function at your best.

On her Instagram, she cleverly uses the fitness progress of her clients not only as a source of motivation for others, but also as a form of promotion for her product – the FasciaBlaster®.

Ashley makes it easy for her clients to share their progress with a combination of niche-related and branded hashtags like #FlexFriday, #FasciaBlaster, and #BlasterWCW. She also incentivizes her clients to share their progress by providing them with the chance to be featured on her channel, which now boasts over 70,000 followers.

Enter AiGrow

Since signing up with AiGrow at the beginning of January, as illustrated in the picture below, Ashley has gained 2,334 followers. Not bad for a little over a month!

AiGrow Instagram Growth
Ashley’s progress from January to February of 2018.

Want to see more of AiGrow’s star roster? Stay tuned for the next edition of Influencer Spotlight!