How to Find Top Instagram Niches That Really Work For 2021

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Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

We all have heard that Instagram niches are really important for our Instagram accounts, but many don’t exactly know how to narrow down to the winning ideas, the top Instagram niches. 

Here we are going to break down and give you some actionable steps that you can take, not only to find an Instagram niche that you like but also a niche that will really gain traction for your Instagram account. 

The Importance of Niches on Instagram

All right, so before we even begin to give you the actual steps, let’s just take it a step back and talk about why exactly having a niche is so important, especially if you’re just starting growth hacking Instagram followers whether you are an Instagram content creator or even a business owner. 

1. You want to be found on Instagram for something special

Now, the first reason why we think it’s really important to niche down is that you want to be known for something. Imagine if someone was posting videos about makeup, fashion, fitness, business, and social media.

For you as the viewer, it’s going to be very confusing for you on whether or not you want to stay, but not only this, it’s also gonna be very challenging for you to recommend this channel or this account to other people.

So, make it easier for your audience to pinpoint what you do so that they can recommend you and refer you. And as such, you’re going to be able to build a tribe and an audience a lot faster. 

2. Instagram Niches Accelerate Your Authority

The second reason why it’s important to niche down, especially when you are a beginner, is because when you are very focused on a specific subject, it’s going to be able to accelerate your authority in that particular topic. 

It means when you go in-depth on a particular subject, it’s going to be able to accelerate the fact that people identified you as the ultimate go-to-guy, which will then lead to a higher conversion rate in terms of growth hacking followers on Instagram. 

Because at the end of the day, people follow accounts for a specific reason. You follow a motivational account for a specific reason. You follow a fitness account for a specific reason. That’s why it’s very important when you’re beginning, especially to niche down.

3. Having Top Instagram Niches is more profitable

Now, we can drill it down even more, why having an Instagram niche is a strategic move is that having a niche is a lot more profitable. If you don’t believe it, let us give you a real-life example. 

Who do you think gets paid more? A general practitioner and health that knows a little bit of everything or a specialized neurosurgeon? Probably the specialized neurosurgeon. 

And the reason for this is like we said earlier, when you really double down on a particular subject and you become a specialist in it, you then become an expert. By being an expert, you can demand higher prices when you start charging for your services.

So these are some ways that you can actually have a leg up as a beginner and how your niche can accelerate your growth on Instagram.

Now, can you be a generalist?

Absolutely! Eventually, as you grow and you have the audience, you can absolutely start branching out and doing different topics. But we highly recommend starting with a narrow focus first and then start to expand as you grow. 

Best Instagram niches for dogs in 2020

If you are now convinced that having a niche is the first basic, you may ask about the next step? How to narrow down to that winning Instagram niche idea?

How to Find your best Instagram Niche to start

Well, our first advice to you, especially if you are someone who is dabbling and you don’t really know which niche to narrow down to because you have so many different ideas is doing a content brainstorm.

1. Do a Content Brainstorm

So, what you’re going to do is you are going to write down all the niche ideas that you have. Maybe it’s fashion versus fitness versus business versus food. But if you feel that you’ve run of ideas we have an article “50 Things To Post On Instagram in 2021” which is a wide-ranging list of cool things to post on Instagram. Reading this article is recommended first. 


You write down all these category ideas and then underneath each one we want you to do a brain dump of all the content ideas that you can think of per category.

Now, what you’ll notice while you do this exercise is that a couple of niches are going to come a lot more effortlessly for you. It means that it’s going to be a lot easier for you to write down the content ideas for a couple of niches versus others. 

2. Detect Your Zone of Genius to Find Best Instagram Niches

What that’s going to signal to you is that those niches that seem a little bit more effortless to create content for are basically within your zone of genius. It means that it’s going to be a lot easier for you to maintain that niche for a long period of time. 

And the reason why this is important is that you really want to choose a niche that’s not just something you’re interested in, but something that you can be consistent in as well. 

Once you’ve finished that activity and you’ve identified at least one niche where you truly feel is within your zone of genius and you are confident that you could be consistent on the next step that we want you to do is niche down even more.

3. Niche Down More & More to get the best Instagram Niche

In this step, specifically, we want you to niche down at a minimum of three levels deep. So, let’s say you’ve finished this exercise and you’ve settled that fitness is the niche that you want to pursue. 

Well, what we are going to tell you in this step is that fitness alone is not niche enough.

So, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to go back to the drawing board and say, okay, fitness, fitness for who? Fitness for moms. Then what type of moms? Fitness for working moms. 

best Fitness Instagram niches

Okay great! 

Then, fitness for working moms who are looking for what? What problem are you solving? Maybe you tell yourself fitness for working moms who just had a baby. Now isn’t that a lot more specific on what you offer? Instead of just saying fitness!

Now, you can say, I teach fitness for working moms who just had a baby. That alone is a lot more specific but also a lot more clear on what exactly you offer to your audience.

The next step that you want to do is you want to validate the demand for your niche.

4. Validate the demands to pick best Instagram niches

Surprisingly, this step right here is not something a lot of people do and that’s the biggest pitfall. If you are creating content that people aren’t really searching for, that you’re not going to be found and you’re going to waste a lot of time creating content that’s not gaining any traction.

For example, one good app that you can use in order to validate your niche ideas is TubeBuddy. It has a Chrome extension that can be used for the optimization of your content or niche, especially on YouTube. Watch the short video below to learn how to get started with TubeBuddy. 

Ultimately, if I were you and I was trying to validate my niche, I would really focus my efforts on looking at how many searches per month and the search volume in order to validate whether or not this is a topic that a lot of people are searching for. 

Other tools like Ahrefs and Keywords Everywhere help you validate your niche by estimating Google search volume. But the point is that they are not free. Moreover, all of these auxiliary tools are specifically for Instagram. So, the question is that “is there any specialized app for Instagram to help you find top Instagram niches that work for you? Yes, we’ve found AiGrow in the marketplace.

A Perfect Tool To Find Top Instagram Niche Ideas

Basically, AiGrow is an Instagram tool that can help you with smarter Instagram marketing. Their advanced platform, the team of experts, and technical methods based on the last changes of the Instagram algorithm help you grow followers, generate leads, stay in touch, and keep your followers engaged. One of the exciting things about AiGrow is its managed Instagram growth plans. We think their Bootstrap plan is very suitable for those to start from zero followers. But what about finding the best Instagram niches?

Actually, there are two ways with AiGrow. First, you can use the platform for your ideas. Below, you can see how to find a perfect niche for your Instagram using AiGrow. 

  1. Sign up Free from here to start.
  2. Just enter your name, Email address, and your desired password. Then register for free.
  3. When you log in, the platform will bring you to your personal dashboard. To add your Instagram account click on “Add Instagram Account”. 
  4. Now, log in to your Instagram account just the way you do on your phone.
  5. The platform will ask you for a verification code that Instagram has sent you. So, enter it.

Now your account is added to your dashboard and it’s time to pick a niche!

You can see wide-ranging niche ideas. So, just select one category for your niche. Then as we said before narrow down to find the best Instagram niche for your account.

Secondly, AiGrow’s 24×7 support team is always there to guide you through any questions you have. Just click on the chatbot and ask whatever you want.

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