Win Instagram by Creating a Killer Profile

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Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

There are over 550 million users on Instagram. With the amount of content blowing up your feed daily, having an immaculate profile is a must. To win Instagram isn’t just to create awesome content anymore; it’s also to create a killer profile picture and bio.

Here are 7 ways to make sure your Instagram profile irresistible:

#1: Use High-Resolution Photos

Post only high-resolution images on Instagram. This is because quality images tend to attract the attention of your potential buyers. Note that quality is worth more than quantity.

#2: Make It Easy for Fans to Buy

There are various reasons why people follow a brand online. However, the primary goal is to know more about a product and any new updates about the brand. It’s recommended that you use images with enticing captions and links relevant to your brand.

#3: Use a Soft Sell

Use pictures that tell your story and resonate with your followers. Don’t just show your product images; use demos to show your followers what the product can do. This is a compelling selling point. Remember to reshare any posts created by your followers.

#4: Create a Personal Bond

You don’t have to post images about your brand alone. As explained in our guide 62 Proven Ways to Grow Your Instagram Followers in 2018, show behind-the-scenes images that convey your brand’s personality. This helps in building a personal bond with your target audience. Keep sharing personal moments to connect with your followers

#5: Use Instagram Direct

The Instagram Direct feature lets you send pictures, text as well as videos to your audience privately. By using this feature, and automated messaging services like AiGrow, you can reach out to your audience personally through customized messages.

#6: Share Offers and Discounts

People love discounts. Make sure your followers know about existing discounts by placing information in your bio and post descriptions. You can use this as a way to reward your loyal followers.

#7: Stream Instagram to Your Website

Configure your website in such a way that it dynamically streams your Instagram content. Additionally, ask your followers to share your images using a particular hashtag to improve your audience reach.

Take these steps above and make 2018 the year that you win Instagram!

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