A Complete Guide to B2B Email Marketing

A Complete Guide to B2B Email Marketing [Updated for 2021]

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Email marketing is one of the winning channels for companies and businesses to communicate with their clients and users. You can engage your audience with email marketing effectively and efficiently. Also, managers can leverage behavioral marketing to grow business using emails. Accordingly, companies that perform B2B email marketing will achieve success and high ROI taking advantage of email marketing metrics and KPIs. Therefore, if you’re willing to take your B2B marketing to the next level, it would be best to consider B2B email marketing as a part of your marketing strategies. 

We gathered some of the best B2B email marketing practices and examples to help you craft various emails that break into the B2B marketing email clutter.  

What is B2B Marketing?

Business-to-business marketing is selling products or services to other businesses and organizations. In a nutshell, any marketing strategy between companies or organizations is called B2B marketing. 

B2B marketing comes in many forms like software-as-a-service (SaaS) subscriptions, tools, accessories, security solutions, office supplies, you name it. As a result, many companies include both the B2B and B2C umbrellas. They even try to grow B2B leads on Instagram and other social media platforms.

Also, B2B marketing targets the demands and interests of people making purchases of their organization. Many companies cash in on great tools‌ ‌for‌ ‌B2B‌ ‌social‌ ‌media‌‌ marketing‌ to expand their businesses.

For instance, HubSpot is a company that engages in B2B marketing. Besides, their customers are other organizations and businesses. Therefore, all of their marketing attempts can be categorized as B2B.

What Is B2B Email Marketing 

B2B email marketing refers to a specific email marketing strategy that managers target their email campaigns to businesses or organizations rather than individual customers. 

According to research, 91% of B2B marketers prefer email to connect to their audiences instead of other social media channels. But, on the other hand, for every $1 they spend on email marketing, they get between $42 to $51 in return.

Indeed, email marketing is more potent than other marketing strategies. Plus, despite different social media channels, it’s the only way you control your whole audience. Therefore, if you suddenly got banned on Instagram or LinkedIn, you won’t lose your entire audience in a snap using email marketing anymore.

B2B Email Marketing Best Practices 

Previously, we discussed the importance of email marketing. You need to examine various practices to discover what is best for you. However, to start a solid B2B email marketing strategy, you must keep an eye on some specific tips. There are various B2B email marketing templates that marketers can use in their B2B emails. Now let’s talk about B2B email marketing best practices.

#1 Segment Your Target Emails

It is essential to tailor your emails exactly to fit your target audience. That is, you need to segment your emails according to the audience’s demand. But, of course, it requires special efforts and data minings. So, many marketers don’t bother to distinguish between their customers who are shopping for personal purposes or business ones. Consequently, they send the same emails to all their customers type. Here is the place that your lead generation and building your audience will fail to succeed. Because when your audience receives irrelevant emails, they may get tired and unsubscribe as a piece of cake. 

To categorize your audiences, you can send a Yes/No question in your welcome email. In this case, your recipient will choose if they want to receive B2B or B2C-related emails. Then, you can easily classify your emails.

#2 Craft Perfect Subject Lines

Your email subject line will make or break your B2B email marketing. Indeed, your subject line will entice them to open or delete your emails. Therefore, take your time and identify your audience and their demands. Then, be creative and build an eye-catching and absorbing email subject. 

#3 Create Profit-Based Emails 

As mentioned above, you must differentiate between B2B and B2C emails because demands are different when people buy for business or personal reasons. So now, you may ask how to create B2B emails?

First, let’s elaborate on your goal of B2B email marketing. All your objectives will end to an ultimate goal, which is making huge bucks on your business. 

To recap, B2B email marketing concentrates on fact, information, and profit. However, marketers mainly focus on emotion for B2C emails. Indeed, most top B2B marketers consider their audience’s information needs first.

#4 Add Only One CTA Button

Some marketers place various CTA buttons in their emails, hoping the recipient will select at least one of them. However, this will confuse your customers, and they may finally click or tap on a link that has no value for you. Consequently, it would be best to apply only one CTA button in your emails to let your customer focus on the context. On the other hand, the arrangement of the text must lead your recipient to your email CTA.

B2B Email Marketing Examples 

On average, B2B companies send out one email marketing campaign every 25 days. 89% of all B2B email marketing campaigns were sent from a company name, not an individual’s name

In the following, there are a few B2B email marketing examples:

1- Asana: Welcome and Re-activation 

Asana has a large platform to assist companies with project management and reports. It has a neat and easy-to-navigate user interface. It sends a nice email to welcome and introduce new users to the platform, indicating how simple it is to use its service. Also, its emails include a solid CTA to engage clients and get them involved with the app. Indeed, Asana introduces your email marketing approach to new users or subscribers, representing its features. 

Moreover, Asana inspires people to control their to-do lists by inviting their users to begin a new task on their project management platform. Asana B2B email marketing example also proves that a B2B email can be a welcome and re-activation email.

B2B Email Marketing

2- Uber: Announcement B2B Email Marketing

Uber keeps the clients’ users up-to-date by sending announcement emails. Indeed, it uses announcement emails to inform customers about interesting variations that will develop its service. This type of announcement holds the bond between B2B brands and customers warm. Besides, it helps firms recall their clients of the reason they subscribed in the first place. 

B2B Email Marketing
Source: zenmedia.com

3- Mint: Update Email

Mint uses graphics and minimal content adjusted with the subject in its emails, reminding clients to check their credit scores. Therefore, you can use B2B emails to remind clients about a piece of information, a vital service, or statistics they could receive from you. 

B2B Email Marketing
Source: zenmedia.com

4- Shopify: Mixed Topics Email

Shopify is a unique B2B email marketing example that helps companies discover more ways to sell their products using the Shopify platform. Its emails include inviting firms to share their story and a number of their solutions. Although you may think the email seems a bit pushy at first glimpse, Shopify gathers everything together to one core theme in an excellent way.

5- Buffer: Welcome B2B Email

Buffer is another excellent example that, after signing up on the platform, it sends the first email to the users. Indeed, they set the theme, hoping to build a relationship with their new clients. Also, they suggest their browser extension as a way to use the tool directly. On the other hand, they clarify that clients can reach out to them whenever they want, even saying “hello.”

Source: zenmedia.com/

Bottom Line

Now you notice customizing a B2B email marketing campaign is not a hard nut to crack. You can use countless B2B email marketing practices and examples to interact with your customers, depending on your business objectives. Besides, using the above tips, you can skyrocket your credibility and business growth.

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