How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business in College: Best 2024 Guide

How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business in College Best 2024 Guide

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Social media has allowed small and large business owners to run and market their businesses online without much investment but just good content. The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and introducing every new feature makes it even easier for you to run advertisements on social media and grow your business in college. 

Some stores are solely run online on social platforms without needing a physical store. Therefore, if you are running a start-up in college, it is essential to consider Instagram marketing strategies that help you grow your business in college through this prominent social platform

In this guide, we’ll explore the process of using Instagram to grow your business in college. We’ll break down each step into manageable tasks, providing straightforward tips and techniques that you can easily implement. Without further ado, let’s start.

Benefits of Having an Instagram Account for Your Business

Businesses on Instagram connect with their prospective clients, create brand awareness, drive sales, and keep up with the digital era where e-commerce is a preferred mode of running a business. You can opt to have a business account for the following reasons.

#1 Visual Marketing

Instagram is primarily a visual platform, making it suitable for exhibiting your products and services through videos and pictures. Visual marketing is a powerful tool since it leaves a permanent imprint on the minds of your prospective clients on what your services and products are all about. 

Through Instagram, you can create an aesthetic that represents your brand identity and that your target clients can relate to. Instagram reels and stories are some features that allow businesses to sell the best visual representation of themselves. Therefore, you must be creative with the content you post in order to grow your business in college, whether on your stories or the normal page.

#2 Engagement

When you hire a writer at an online essay writing service, one way to ensure they customize your paper according to your requirements is through engaging them. Such engagement is also crucial if you want to grow your business in college.

With features such as likes, comments, shares, and direct messages, Instagram has made it possible for business owners to interact with their audience and foster a sense of community around their brand. 

Replying to your followers’ comments makes them feel appreciated and heard, and they may leave positive reviews about your products and services. Interacting with your audience gets word about your business, which increases traffic and sales.

#3 Brand Awareness

Instagram is among the most significant marketing platforms, and businesses are embracing it, seeing as thousands of business pages are now on this platform. The platform provides various marketing models from influencer marketing to sponsored posts to grow your business in college. 

Most business owners prefer Instagram marketing, as it requires a reasonable budget compared to running print marketing and other forms of marketing. It also has a broader reach compared to other forms of marketing since Instagram has millions of users who can easily bump into your business, especially if you implement the right strategies.

To create brand awareness on this platform, you must carry out targeted advertising whereby your business page is suggested to a specific demographic, depending on their behavior or interest.

For example, if you run a makeup store, your page can appear on the feed of a particular group that seems to like pages selling makeup or has made inquiries from makeup pages. Targeted marketing increases traffic and conversion rates.  

#4 Insight and Analytics

Instagram provides business pages with essential algorithm tools that give business owners insights into their page interactions. The analytic tools help you track your engagements and clicks, making it possible to understand your audience even better. 

By looking at the engagement metrics, you will get more clues on the posts they like. Once you identify the type of content they want, you can focus on creating a related content marketing strategy.

Additionally, through analytics, you can determine which specific time your engagement rates are higher. For example, most people browse through social media at night after they are done with work and are unwinding. That’s the time you are most likely to get high engagements, traffic, and conversion rates. Therefore, these analytics help you study your audience’s Instagram behavior and strategize how to get their attention.

#5 E-Commerce Integration

Despite having a physical store, business owners should also explore the e-commerce option, especially in this digital era where online businesses are thriving without much capital required. Instagram has outstanding features for e-commerce, and thus, you don’t have to incur any web design costs. 

Features such as in-app checkout make it possible for businesses to sell their items directly to the consumers on the platform.

The seamless shopping procedure on Instagram often attracts more clients. Therefore, you can run a physical shop selling your products to your online clients. The primary benefit of e-commerce is that compared to a physical store; it does not restrict your client base to a specific location.

How to Grow Your Business in College on Instagram  

Instagram is a place to explore and learn more about how you can put your business on the map. The reach and conversion rates on the platform have been an attractive element for most business owners. Here are some approaches to help you grow your business in college.    

#1 Create an Instagram Business Account

Instagram allows individuals to create a business or personal account. Also, if you already have an existing account with more followers, you can still convert it into a business account. Having a business account gives you more insight and analytics about your audience and your account’s engagement rates.

A business account also lets your audience know exactly what your business is about since it will not be mixed up with other posts that may confuse your followers. Analyzing your engagement when the account is solely for business is also much easier since you only have to compare older posts to newer posts with related content. Mixing up content makes it hard to track engagement.

#2 Post Consistently

An active account means more traffic and engagement since your page will often appear on your followers’ home page. To achieve consistency, you can create a posting calendar and aim to post regularly. You can line up pictures, reels, inspirational quotes, DIY videos, and more. The content you post should be captivating to your audience for better engagement. 

Once you define your audience and your likes, focus more along that line. For example, if your audience prefers DIY content, you can focus more on creating content related to your business. If you run a clothing store, you can create videos on achieving certain trending styles.

#3 Define Your Brand

Building a brand on social media may take time, but the process will eventually be worth it. Becoming instafamous requires strategizing and constant hard work to grow your business in college. 

The first step to building your brand is defining your niche; therefore, in your bio at the top of your page, you can state precisely what you do. If you run a graphics and design business, indicate it on your bio and include contact information your audience can use to reach you.

Instagram allows a specific limit on the importation of contact information. Therefore, you can bank on this opportunity by importing contacts from your email or LinkedIn to create more awareness for your brand.

#4 Interact With Your Audience

Engaging your audience helps you build a relationship with them. Social media users prefer having their comments replied to or liked, especially if they are inquiring about your services or a product. 

Building a relationship with your audience breeds trust, which is something that is currently lacking in the social media space. Your comment section is among the best ways to win clients since they will ask more questions about your business and get feedback.

#5 Use Hashtags in Your Posts

Hashtags increase the reach of your posts since your page will appear if some of the keywords typed in the search bar appear on your hashtag. Also, they fuel the Instagram algorithm so that your posts appear on other people’s feeds if they are interested in what your Instagram post offers. 

For example, if one follows several pages selling shoes, your page might be suggested for them as they scroll through their feed. Thus, hashtags can get your content discovered by a wider audience, thus increasing traffic.

Before applying hashtags to your post, looking for the perfect keywords to expand your reach is essential. For example, using the hashtag ‘naturalbeauty’ on a skincare page may not yield much since there are many results under that hashtag, making it hard for your page to stand out. 

To get the best hashtags, you first have to check if there is a trending topic around your niche, and you can also gain inspiration from pages with a business similar to yours. You might get a less highly populated hashtag by checking their captions and posts.

#6 Create Interesting Content

Creative content sells on Instagram. Even if you sell a product, you should find an exciting way to communicate it to your audience. For example, Instagram pages selling clothes often make reels of them exchanging clothes in real-time, which might be captivating to the target audience. Your content should tell a story and be more relatable to your followers.

Invest in high-quality videos, pictures, captivating captions, and storytelling that draw your target audience towards understanding your brand more. For example, if you are selling skin care products, your audience has to get a clear picture of what your products can do so you can post before and after photos of people who have used your products and achieved positive results. 

For such content, you may find people who relate to it. For example, someone struggling with acne may want to find a solution from your products.

#7 Run Instagram Ads

If you are running a start-up, you probably have a limited budget. You may be unable to afford a flashy Instagram campaign involving influencers and other marketing strategies. 

However, you can run Instagram ads where your posts appear to be sponsored by the feeds of people not following your page. Instagram offers various advertisement formats, such as carousel ads, photo and video ads, story ads, and much more. You will only have to select which format suits your business.

Dos and Don’ts of Running Your Business on Instagram

When you plan to buy essays online, you have to observe some dos and don’ts to ensure you get quality papers. Similarly, Running an Instagram business page requires observing and avoiding some practices to get optimum results.


Here are some key good practices to grow your business in college:

  • Post quality videos and pictures.
  • Interact with prospective clients by replying to comments and responding to inquiries.
  • Repost user-generated content to appreciate your followers.
  • Run promotion campaigns through giveaways and discounts to increase your traffic, engagements, and conversion rates and appreciate your followers.
  • Capitalize on Instagram stories to share behind-the-scenes videos and shots, give DIY tutorials, and post time-sensitive announcements.
  • Track your Instagram analytics to see how your audience interacts with your page. Understanding these interactions helps you make informed decisions on what changes to make regarding content creation.
  • Be consistent about posting content to give your page more momentum. Neglecting your page also conveys to your audience that you may not be serious about the business.
  • Address any negative feedback by explaining clearly and assuring your audience that you will rectify whatever they are complaining about.


Here are the bad practices to avoid:

  • Don’t bombard your audience with promotional content. You can deviate sometimes and post inspirational, educative, or funny posts.
  • Don’t buy engagement or followers; having an organic following takes time, but it pays off in the end since you will build a community of people who relate to your brand, resulting in authentic engagements and conversion rates.
  • Don’t post content just for the sake of it. It must be meaningful content with a specific purpose.
  • Don’t forget to pay attention to Instagram stories; every feature on Instagram is meant to bring you closer to your followers. The upside of using Instagram stories is that you can now add your stories to your highlights, and your followers can access them anytime, even after 24 hours have elapsed.

FAQs: How to Grow Your Business in College

In this section, we’re going to answer some common questions:

Q1. How Do I Boost My Business Account on Instagram?

In order to boost your account on Instagram and grow your business in college, follow these steps: First, make sure your profile looks professional and includes clear information about your business. Use eye-catching images and videos to grab people’s attention. 

Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. Try out different Instagram features like stories and reels to keep your content fresh and interesting. Lastly, use hashtags wisely to increase the visibility of your posts.

Q2. How Can I Promote My Business on Instagram for Free?

Start by optimizing your profile with relevant information and keywords. Create compelling content that showcases your products or services. Engage with your audience by responding to their comments and messages. 

Use Instagram stories and reels to share behind-the-scenes moments and announcements. Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand to reach a wider audience.


Instagram algorithms and new features have made it easy to reach a broader target audience and grow your business in college. Brand visibility is now possible without the need for business owners to break the bank. All you have to do is get it right when creating content for your business page. 

Your business stands a higher chance of growth when you use the right hashtags, post exciting content consistently, and engage with your audience.

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