Instagram Courses and Training to Boost Your Skills Fast

Instagram courses

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Social media is one of the greatest advancements that were fostered by technology and the internet. If a few decades ago people were still communicating through letters, now this is possible thanks to social media. Truth be told, technology has nurtured the development of many inventions that ease our life, and the internet is one of them. 

Now you can order food online and receive it at your front door. The same goes for ordering clothes, gadgets, and many more. At the same time, communication is done easier now. With a good connection to the internet, you can have video calls with your family, you can communicate with your friends abroad, and you can get to know new people. 

As the internet is continuously developing, so do the fields that are connected to it. And social media is one of them. Even though at the beginning social media was invented to ease the communication between people across the globe, now it has gained new purposes also. As they are developing more and more, social media platforms begin to be the place where businesses and companies could promote their services and products. It could be the place where you can make your talent and hobbies known. It could be the place where you build communities. It could be the place where you can find people alike that share the same passions. 

You have surely heard of social media influencers, a new type of job whose birth was nurtured by the development of social media. No matter if you want to become a social media influencer or to promote your business or talent, learning how to do this is important. Why? Because the algorithms are constantly changing, and to reach a wide pool of people, you need to learn more about this. 

Instagram is one of the social media platforms that is used by billions of people around the world. Here, in contrast with Facebook, the emphasis is put on photos, videos, reels, and so on; shortly said, on visuals or what you see, and not on the text you write. You cannot write an essay and post it to Instagram because no one will read it. And even though it is pretty intuitive to use, to grasp its subtleties, you could start training and boosting your skills. How to do this fast? 

Here we have created a list of Instagram courses and training you can start that will help you improve your skills and become better at using this platform. This list consists of both free and paid courses, so choose the ones that best fit your goals and purposes. 

Beginner Instagram Courses 

If you are a beginner and just starting to decipher the algorithms of Instagram and how it is working, then choose one or all of these courses to get it started. 

Instagram for Business by Facebook Blueprint 

If you need a simple, concise, and fast introduction to what Instagram for Business is about, then this 10-minute course could help you. On Instagram, you can sign up for a personal profile or a business account. The latter one is usually used by companies, businesses, and brands around the world, but not only. There are creators, photographers, visual artists, and many more who have a business account. 

Why? Because it comes with many insights on your audience, insights that will help you reach it faster and easier. And this is exactly what this short course is about. You will learn how to set up your business account, how to use the insights to your advantage, and build the visuals and text. 

Keep in mind that this course is taught by Facebook and it is an introductory one. There are no quizzes to make, exams to take, or diplomas to get. So, if you want a free course with beginner-friendly information and insights, choose this online course to start your Instagram training. 

Graphic Design Basics by Canva 

Canva is a great user-friendly online tool that you can use to design your visual elements for Instagram. Even though it may not seem much to you, how your Instagram feed looks is essential. You need to pay great attention to the aesthetics of your profile, so learning a few things about the fundamentals of graphic design is imperative. 

So, why not take on this course taught by Canva? It is free, it lasts less than 30 minutes, and it promises to introduce you to the wonderful universe of design. During this course, you will learn more about colors, composition, alignment, color wheels, and many more. This information will be of huge help for any beginner that wants to kick off its Instagram business account. So, sign up for this free online course and learn more about the basics of graphic design. 

Social Media Certification by Hootsuite 

If you are looking for a course to develop and boost your skills even more, then this 6-hour course on social media is the right way to start. It is taught by social media experts from Hootsuite and you need to pay $199. But it is one of the best courses out there for beginners. 

During this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Instagram and other social media platforms, how to set up paid advertising and campaigns, and how to build a community around you or your business. It is an interactive course with quizzes, movies, and a lot of content that will help you boost your skills. At the end of it, you need to pass the examination and afterward, you will get a diploma. 

Intermediate and Advanced Courses 

If you’re looking for more advanced courses, the following options might be of interest:

iPhone Photography Essentials by Skillshare 

As we mentioned previously, the emphasis is on visuals on Instagram. They have the power of grabbing the attention of the viewer and keeping it engaged. But to do this, they need to be professionally built. Photos are an integral part of Instagram and you may think you need a professional camera to take impressive photos. But this is not true and you can do this with your iPhone too. 

So, by taking this course you will learn more about how to achieve a good composition in your photo, different photo editing apps, how to set up your iPhone to take impressive photos, and many more. There are 19 video classes with a total length of fewer than 2 hours. The price of taking this online class is included in your Skillshare membership. If you do not have one, just sign up to boost your Instagram skills. 

Instagram Content Planning Courses by ilovecreatives 

Each of the courses above can teach you the basics of Instagram, how to take professional photos, how to advertise your campaign or build graphic design elements. But this course is more than this and it aims to teach you how to plan your content efficiently. You may imagine that signing up for a business account and posting photos or videos is enough. 

But to actively build a community and engage with it, you need to plan your content carefully. Which is exactly what you need to advance your Instagram skills. This is an advanced course you can enroll in, a course which has the registration open only a few times per year. It takes about 15 hours to complete the course at your own pace and you need to pay $499 for it. 

Final Words on Instagram Courses

If you are looking for Instagram courses and training to boost your skills, here you have a few free and paid options to choose from. There are introductory courses that can help you learn more about the aesthetics and visuals, how to set up a business account, or how to access insights about your audience. And if you want to boost your skills faster, you can enroll in training that teaches you how to plan your content strategy or how to take professional photos with your iPhone.

Author Bio:

Rosa Hemming is a blogger and professional content writing expert from the United States, currently working at the best essay writing service. She is keen on movies, serials, and social media. Her blog consists of lists of the best films divided by genre and for different moods, as well as marketing tips and tricks. Find her on Twitter. 

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