How to Identify Instagram Scams and Avoid Them?

Instagram scams

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With over 1 billion users, Instagram is perhaps one of the safest platforms when it comes to online scams. However, the Internet and social media in general always have some threats for its users. Therefore, you need to identify Instagram scams and avoid them. 

How to Identify Instagram Scams and Avoid Them?

So, let’s see what Instagram scams are and what is the best way to avoid them.

1. Fake Brand Accounts

This is one of the Instagram scams that is especially common in the fashion industry. It is possible that fake brands sell things that are not original but their audience does not know this very important fact. There are millions of fake product posts a year on Instagram which is quite a huge number. So, it is a big threat for those who see the photos and order them but receive a fake product at the same price. 

The strategy of these accounts works in a way that they increase their likes and followers using fake accounts and they seem to be like a real account that works under Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc. Everything is ready for a user to trust this account. So, the user pays a lot of money but gets the fake product instead. 

How to Avoid

If you want to buy something on Instagram, you should check the account carefully for a while.  If it is a real brand, it is highly probable that it is verified so it is quite helpful on the way to avoid fake brands on Instagram. Check the URL on their bio link and look for an unusual change in the name of the brand or its logo. Moreover, it is also good that you check the comments for a negative remark. 

You can also know whether the brand is fake if they offer expensive products at a low price. Or, they offer a lot of giveaways. In most cases, you can recognize these accounts, but if you have common sense that the account seems not to be real, then the mentioned solutions may be helpful. 

2. Scam Companies Offering You Fake Followers or Likes

Increasing your followers and likes on Instagram is a challenging issue. There are different paid ways you can use to grow your followers and likes. Firstly, you can ask influencers to promote your business in return for money. Secondly, you can use Instagram paid ads regarding your budget. And finally, you can use safe Instagram growth hacking apps in 2021.  that can organically grow your followers. One of these tools is definitely AiGrow. Using Aigrow, you can securely grow your followers organically. 

However, there are some companies that offer you fake followers and likes. These companies can be influencers or brands that offer you fake growth which is not real. You may work with an influencer and see an increase in your followers or likes but when you check your engagement in the insights section of your Instagram, you will see no growth at all. Here, you can notice that you are getting fake followers and likes. 

How to Avoid

It may be tempting that you increase the number of your followers in bulk. However, it is more important that you also think about targeting the right audience. In the end, you want more sales for your business. You should also know that these bot activities are banned by Instagram according to its latest algorithm. 

3. Scam and Unreal Requests from Instagram

Do not hurry to click on the link in a scam email or scam DM which claims to be sent from Instagram. Be very careful not to let out your login credentials as you see a message which tells you that you are eligible to receive a verification badge. These requests are Instagram phishing through Instagram scam DMs or emails. 

How to Avoid

Simply not trust whatever that you receive or if you find it hard to do so, you can enable two-factor authentication. Enabling this feature allows you to add a secondary code so that the password alone is not enough to enter the account. So, you will be safe from such Instagram scams.

4. False Investment Opportunities

Another form of Instagram scams is false investment opportunities. You may receive a DM that offers you an investment opportunity in which you should pay a little amount and get a lot in return. They may even show you examples of real people who have become rich within 24 hours only. If you trust them and pay them the money, you will notice that they disappear completely in most cases. 

How to Avoid

Always check the credentials of the company from which you receive the DM. Sometimes even a simple Google search can save you from being a victim. 

5. Scam and Fake Giveaways

Giveaways are a great marketing strategy, especially on Instagram. However, there are some giveaways that are not real and are only aimed at collecting your personal information or other harmful purposes. 

How to Avoid

Carefully examine the account that is hosting a giveaway. See if it has authentic activities and an audience. Moreover, check for the regularity of posting, commenting, and any past winners for previous giveaways. Last, but not least, check if the account applies contest rules effectively.

6. Fake and Scam Collaboration Requests

This is a problem that mostly threatens influencers, content creators, and freelancers. You may receive an email or a message that offers you a photoshoot or a campaign that is not real. You spend a lot of money on the flight tickets to go to the locations, transfer services, translators, and a lot of other things but when you get to the location, you will realize the truth. 

How to Avoid

In order not to fall for the tempting offers of these scammers, you should never ignore the red flags merely because the offer is too advantageous. Ask about every detail that is vague to you and request legal documents. Do not pay anything until you are 100% secure. 

7. Scam & Non-Beneficial Courses

You may be offered courses that make you successful on Instagram. In the hope of such a promise, you spend a lot of money on a course that either does not exist or is really not worth your time and money. 

How to Avoid

There are many free courses that you can take part in to learn the growth hacks of Instagram. There are also thousands of articles over the internet to read and videos to watch. Or, if you do not consider free courses useful, you can search for successful influencers who have courses related to Instagram. 

Final Thoughts on Instagram Scams

Paying careful attention to the offers that are sent to you daily can keep you away from being a victim of Instagram online scams. Do not hurry to take the fake chances and instead try to investigate as much as you can to make sure about your security.

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