Instagram Stories: An Essential Part of a Marketer’s Strategy


Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Instagram stories have only been around for a few years, but it’s already grown in popularity. In fact, over 400 million people use it daily. If you have never used Stories before, though, the entire idea of it can seem daunting.

Many bigger businesses are using Instagram Stories for marketing purposes. Once you get used to using this tool, positing frequently doesn’t have to be difficult.

What are Instagram Stories?

Before looking at why you need to post regularly on Instagram stories, you need to know what it is. 

The Instagram Story feature allows you to share videos and photos with your followers. However, every post you share will vanish after 24 hours passes unless they are added as a permanent “highlight” to your profile. Instagram users can see your Story by clicking on your profile picture, which is always outlined in bright orange. This shows your profile has a new, active Story to be viewed. 

According to some experts, Instagram Stories is an integral tool that all marketers need to show authenticity while showing your company personality. However, beyond giving your audience, an extra peek behind your business “curtain.” 

Read more: ‘How to schedule Instagram stories from dekstop.

Keep reading to learn several reasons why you should make Instagram Stories a part of your marketing plan. 

Instagram Stories Have Surpassed Snapchat in Use

If you use Snapchat to speak to your audience, you need to consider that Instagram Stories are out-performing Snapchat on virtually all levels. In fact, in November 2017, Instagram Stories achieved over 300 million active users per day – this is twice the amount of daily Snapchat users. 

A recent study involving top influencers found that Snapchat influencers are now also using Instagram Stories twice as much as they do Snapchat. In fact, the influencers averaged approximately 7.6 Instagram Stories each day, compared to just 3.5 Snapchat Stories each day.


Storytelling is Possible with Instagram Stories 

With Instagram Stories, businesses can convey messages and have conversations in a more casual way than social media usually allows. This helps to position the Stories feature as the ideal storytelling platform. With Instagram Story content, you have information that’s less curated and more “in the now” than content that’s posted in the real feed. 

Remember, social media is all about storytelling. For most brands, including non-visual, companies can create posts about all the incredible stories related to how people’s lives are changed thanks to the services or products they offer. This human element connects with and resonates with the brand’s audience.

Instagram stories strategy

Instagram Stories Allow You to Prepare Less and Publish More

By posting bulk Instagram content throughout the day, you have a chance of being flagged as “spammy.” This may also annoy your audience enough to result in an unfollow. 

However, with stories, you can post as often as you want without becoming intrusive. Stories are designed for continuous consumption and watching. This means the more content you post here, the better. Also, because the content only lasts for 24 hours, it doesn’t have to be as polished as a typical Instagram post. 

Most Instagram users much more forgiving with stories – even with brands. Here, users don’t expect a super-calculated, polished shot seen in a typical Instagram profile. Instead, people expect to see the brand’s real authenticity and humanity. 

Stories Let You Go Live 

A growing trend on social media is live video marketing. This is mainly attributed to consumers being more attracted to live streams than ever before. Approximately 81 percent of all internet users viewed more live video content in previous years than ever before. 

The huge success of Instagram Stories is attributed to the live streaming ability it offers to Instagram users. This lets you create live stream events, go live spontaneously, and even host question-and-answer sessions.

Drive Engagement and Traffic Using Instagram Stories

An Instagram user with over 10,000 followers can unlock more creative stories’ features, including the ability to link to various Instagram profiles and add external links to all their Stories. To visit this included link, the viewer has to swipe up on the video or image. 

Stories allow you to connect personally with your followers and helps to drive more traffic to specific web pages, such as a shopping cart, news article, or blog post. 

Are You Using Instagram Stories?

If you aren’t using Instagram Stories, now is the time to start. As you can see from the information here, they offer a wide array of benefits that will help you better market your business and achieve the results you desire for your company, product, and service.

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