Leverage Instagram Bio to Win Etsy Marketplace in 2021

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Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Want to win the Etsy marketplace and grow your online business? So, why don’t you try to leverage Instagram bio to win the market? Here, we want to teach you some simple hacks and tricks that can help you succeed in your business and find more and more customers every day. So, if you are concerned about this, keep reading!

How to Leverage Instagram for Business and Win Etsy Marketplace 

Nowadays, Instagram has become one of the huge monsters among online businesses. Undoubtedly, everyone on Instagram tries to boost its business to grow on this social media platform.  So, the atmosphere is really competitive and you have to perform your best! Actually, you might have an online shop on Etsy, which is one of the most popular eCommerce websites out there! But, the question is that how can you win the Etsy marketplace using the Instagram tools and not only grow your business but also gain more traffic to your Etsy shop?!

Unluckily, Instagram doesn’t let you shop your Etsy products from Instagram, but, it allows you to connect your account to the Etsy Shop! So, keep on reading to find ways of connecting Instagram to your shop and leverage Instagram to succeed on Etsy!

#1 How to Leverage Instagram by linking Posts to Etsy Product Pages

Actually, to link your Instagram posts to Etsy product pages you have two different options! The first one is to use “Instagram shoppable posts” which is an official Instagram feature. But, this choice has some strict limitations and needs too many requirements! For instance, your market must be in some special locations, you need to have a Facebook catalog, and etc. So, we recommend you to consider the second option described below!

Luckily, there is another way to link your Instagram posts to Etsy shop and leverage your Instagram! This is to use AiSchedul


Doubtlessly, this one is one of the easiest, best and also the most economical ways! AiSchedul is a package of tools that gives you some amazing features not supported by the official Instagram app! Such as the ability to:

  • Schedule posts and stories to be shared on a specific time 
  • Automatically share the posts on stories 
  • Search for the best hashtags
  • Giveaway coupons automatically from within your bio URL
  • Generate Email leads and let people contact you directly via email

And the ability to link each Instagram post to the corresponding purchase link on your Etsy shop. How?

Using AiSchedul you can add name and price tags to your posts and let people buy whatever they want by tapping on them! 

In the following picture, you see that @bodybuilding.com.2020 has added some tags to their Instagram posts:

Etsy marketplace

Additionally, you can take a look at this video and learn how does it exactly work:

Don’t waste a second and try it for free right now!

#2 Link Instagram stores to Product Shop Page

Another way to leverage Instagram and win the Etsy marketplace is to add links to your Instagram stories. Actually, stories can really help your business because they are catchy, easy to create, and temporary!

As described before, having a verified Instagram account or 10K+ followers, you can add swipe up links to stories! But, what if you don’t meet these requirements?! No worries! You can still do it with the trick we teach you right now!

Well! To add Etsy links o your stories, you just need to create an account on AiSchedul for free!
That’s what we have done on our @socialpros.co Instagram account:

Leverage Instagram

Just open the app and add links to your stories for free!

#3 How to Leverage Instagram Bio for Business

With no doubt, Instagram bio has an exigent impact on your marketplace and can help you get more followers. Your Instagram bio is the first thing that people check when they want to follow you for sure! Your bio can help people know what is your business, what type of products and services you sell, and etc! So, sharing your Etsy shop link here, you can let people find all these pieces of information in a shorter time. 

Luckily, Instagram allows you to share a link in the bio and using it, you can share your Etsy shop! But what if you want to share more links here?

Fortunately, using AiSchedul you can solve this problem and create an all-in-one bio link! That’s what @bodybuilding.com.2020 has done:

Etsy marketplace

Don’t miss the chance to use it for free!

Wrap-Up on Etsy Marketplace

To leverage Instagram for business and win the Etsy marketplace, you have to connect your account with your Etsy shop in all the ways we have mentioned in this article! So, try all of them and use AiSchedul to make the steps way easier.

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