Different Web Design Elements For Your Business Website

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One of the most vital parts of a business venture is its online presence, and how your business fares in the digital world would be largely determined by the web design of your business website. You will need to consider various design elements, and in this article, you will learn about some of your business website’s most crucial design elements.

Clutter-free design

You should ensure that the design of your web pages does not make them look too cluttered. It would be best if you did not put up a lot of information on a single page as it will congest your page. Go for web designs that are clean and would be clutter-free. You should put all your important links in the right places so that it is easy to find them. This will ensure that users are not overwhelmed with unnecessary information when visiting your web pages.  

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The search box

A user will always try to find the search box when visiting your business website for the first time. New users will not know where you have kept the information they want, and they will not be navigating to find it as it will take their time. So they will be likely to go and click on the search box to find it directly. So you must put up a search box on your business website. This will ensure that people can find what they want to see easily and efficiently without wasting too much time. Generally, it is preferred to keep the search box in the upper left corner of your page.

Photos and images

With photos and images, you will have to consider several different things. You will have to decide if you want to put up a background photo or not. You may also go for solid color backgrounds. When you want to put up a background photo, you may put in your official business logo to represent your business. You may also put up specific photos that may define your business. But you must put up a background photo that is quite mellow and should not contrast with the content you upload on that page. An eCommerce SEO company might also suggest you compress the size of images to make the page load fast. It would inevitably result in more traffic.

It is also vital that you upload photos within the contents of your pages, as they will help in substantiating your content and provide more context to what you put in your article. At the same time, it is important that the size of the photos that you upload are optimum and do not take more load time because it will slow your page down and consequently lose your organic traffic. A web page that takes up a lot of time to load will frustrate your users who move on to your competitor’s websites. Put all the images of your products with the contents to find it easier to sell them. It will help in creating a much detailed perspective on your content.

Textual content

You would have to focus on your font size and the font type in your textual content. It would be best to avoid any such fonts that may seem amateurish and unprofessional. Hence, it is best to use a font like the Times New Roman, Ariel, Bookerly, Calibri, Century, or Cambria. Try avoiding font types like Comic Sans. Some business owners prefer to use different fonts; one font is used for their headlines while another conveys the main information. This does have its advantages as the users will find it easy to differentiate between the two. Regarding the font size you use, it will be necessary that you choose one that is neither big nor too small. The point size of 12 or 14 will work fine as it is considered the optimum font size for online textual content and is easily readable on different screen sizes.

The choice of your colors

A great web design will always be affected by the type of color combination which you choose. Your colors will reflect your web pages’ backgrounds and the textual content you put in. You must choose color combinations that appear pleasing to see and behold. You can consider going for either a single background color or trying different color combinations. 

Ideally, it would be good to limit your web pages to three colors maximum when using color combinations. Try using colors that alternate between dark or light hues. Making your colors contrasting would be essential for your success. You will also need to select the colors on your text that can be contrasted to the background. But you should not use colors which would be too bright for anyone’s eyes. Using simple black for the texts would be good, while the background is still quite professional.  

For more information on web design elements and how you can make your business website more successful, you must hire a professional web design agency by searching for website designers in NY.

Choose a reliable web host server.

Your website will not be available online without a server. This is where web host providers come in. It is like hardware for your website, wherein you get to store all of your content. But before you jump in on the cheapest web host you can find, you need to consider factors when choosing a WordPress hosting company. Having an unreliable website can also be detrimental to your search engine optimization efforts and your business’s bottom line.

Hence, you must weigh in on multiple hosting companies. For instance, find the pros and cons of Bluehost vs. SiteGround before choosing which service provider is suitable for you.


The design of your business website will be one of the main aspects of your online business venture. The design of your business website will be one of the main aspects of your online business venture. The other main aspect of setting up a business is to get in touch with the best registered agents that will handle the documentation, creating custom business documents, handling taxes, etc. so you can focus more on growing your business

Your web design will help determine its appearance and how it would appear to a new visitor. It shall also impact the way your website fares in terms of user experience. If you want to make the business website attract more people, your website must become functional, navigable, and responsive. It will help make a positive first impression on your users when they visit your page for the first time. In addition to this, you will have to use the right colors and images in combination. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.

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