Best Instagram Hashtag App for more Followers and Likes

Hashtags on Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

As an entrepreneur, Instagram offers you a huge opportunity to grow your E-commerce business. If you don’t have an Instagram account, you are missing a very good opportunity to increase your sales. But what is the point of having Instagram without having a considerable number of followers? Every hashtag is an entry to your Instagram profile. So it is vital for you to have an Instagram hashtag app.

Although hashtags are very powerful weapons to shot your goal on Instagram, finding out the best hashtags in your captions can be a little tricky and time-consuming.

You might be posting on Instagram without using hashtags and say it’s been okay for you so far. But You are missing the point that by posting on Instagram without hashtags, you are only talking to those who already followed you which is okay if you are already followed by so many. But if you are not Jennifer Aniston, try to make awareness and talk to all of those who are interested in your content including your followers. Relevant hashtags will give you hands with that. This way, you probably increase the number of followers, likes, and consequently your sales. Isn’t it your ultimate goal on Instagram anyway?

Is Using An Instagram Hashtags App So Vital?

As mentioned, using hashtags is super important. But what are the best hashtags for your content? If you do not know the most relevant hashtags to your content, you might absorb users who are not your target audience or not to bring any traffic into Instagram account at all. So yes! Using hashtags can be confusing and it is so important to use an Instagram hashtag app

Here you read some of the reasons to show why Instagram hashtags can be confusing:

  • Hashtags have limits. Some users get so carried away with using hashtags. So you must not overdo it. But hey! Do you know the healthy amount of using them?
  • How hashtags could be measured? Do you have any ideas? Can you measure how much progress each hashtag has made for your post? Can you understand which hashtag is not performing well? Do you know which hashtag it must be replaced with?

Use Hashtag or Not to Use Hashtag? That’s the Question!

Although the complicity of hashtags, the merits are so deniable that you can not get away with it if you want to benefit from Instagram.

an illustration of those not using an Instagram hashtag app and miss out

So my suggestion to you would be asking for help from one hashtag apps. By missing this opportunity, you will lag in the marketing world of Instagram. You would not like that, do you?

I considered your taste might vary from others. That is why I introduce the most professional hashtag apps which escalate traffic and likes of your Instagram account. If you are looking for a free Instagram hashtag app or your device worries you, calm down and keep reading! I’ll get your job done for you!

6 Best Instagram Hashtag Apps

AiGrow , All-in-One Instagram Marketing Tool

Landing page of AiGrow which is an Instagram hashtag app

AiGrow is one of the trusted platforms among the brands. Personally, I don’t know what to do if one day this platform stops working. It provides professional Instagram users with so many services such as a VIP Managed Service, Free Instagram Scheduler, Auto-DM and DM to Email, Engagement PODs and many others. But in this article, we particularly discuss services regarding hashtags.

Aigrow can find the most trend hashtags for your content on Instagram. It allows you to measure the traffic that every hashtag brought to your page.

Hashtag Services of AiGrow:

  • The best option for those whose business is local. Soon those who are living in your neighborhood will follow your Instagram account to receive your services.
  • In AiGrow you add a word related to your niche in the “Add Tags” box and AiGrow comes with the most related hashtags to your niche.
  • Aigrow shows very in-depth related hashtags to your keyword. 

aigrow hashtag search

Pricing of AiGrow

AiGrow is a free hashtag app.

As I said earlier, AiGrow is an Instagram all in one marketing tool, not just a hashtag app. But AiGrow has a better offer for those who seek more. But let’s see if it’s worth it.

In Pro-Especial Managed plan of AiGrow, as an example, you should pay 99$ in return for:

  • Unlimited use of the best hashtag app
  • Unlimited use of the scheduler
  • Unlimited use of the repost feature
  • Unlimited use of the listening and monitoring feature
  • PODs: 5 Starter, 5 Rising, 5 Turbo, 2 Super Turbo 
  • A dedicated Instagram manager who guarantees to increase more than 300 real and targeted followers per month and also does all the growth activities such as follow/unfollow and liking all manually. Beside your manager creates two or three content related to your niche every week and publishes them on your Instagram.

What do you think? Does it worth buying the package aside from the hashtags app?

(If yes, sign up here)

Merits of AiGrow

  • AiGrow is an easy hashtag app to use
  • All the hashtags go to the first comment and that prevents your account to look messy
  • It is safe


Display Purposes – Instagram Hashtag Generator

DisplayPuposes - Instagram Hashtag app

Display purpose is a free online hashtag app. After inputting a few of your own hashtags, Display Purposes will generate related hashtags that serves you.

Features Of Display Purposes

  • Display either enter the suggested hashtags manually or automize them to go live
  • Display Purpose is not a hashtag app but a web-based platform

Pricing Of Display Purposes

Display purposes is a free hashtag app.

Benefits of Display Purposes tool:

  • It prevents all trash, banned, spammy, and nonexclusive hashtags. 
  • It’s super, super simple to use. 

use Displaypurposes for your Instagram hashtags – Popularity Trend Related Hashtags

Landing page of which is an Instagram hashtag tool

Hashtagify provides you with an in-depth analysis of a keyword along with common yet relevant hashtags to make a list for you. 

Features of Hashtagify

  • Hashtagify comes with trends of hashtags and you can even compare them

hashtagify shows the popularity of a hashtag & compare it to another

  • You can check the variation of spelling one word and see and the volume of their search on Instagram

Hahstagify shows the vulume of spelling variations of

  • Hashtagify is both Instagram and Twitter hashtag app
Plans of Hashtagify
  • Personal
  • Business
  • Enterprise
Personal Plan Of Hashtagify
  • Real-time Instagram insights on Hashtags and Users
  • 2 Bronze Trackers (2 Hashtags + 2 Twitter Users)
  • 10 Top Tweeters per tracked hashtag
  • Full access to the ranking of the most popular hashtags
  • Bookmark your favorite hashtags
Business Plan Of Hashtagify
  • Real-time Instagram insights on Hashtags and Users
  • 2 Silver Trackers (2 Hashtags + 2 Twitter Users)
  • 30 Top Tweeters per tracked hashtag
  • Full access to the ranking of the most popular hashtags
  • Bookmark your favorite hashtags
Enterprise Of Hashtagify
  • Real-time Instagram insights on Hashtags and Users
  • 4 Gold Trackers (4 Hashtags + 4 Twitter Users)
  • 100 Top Tweeters per tracked hashtag
  • Full access to the ranking of the most popular hashtags
  • Bookmark your favorite hashtags

Pricing of Hashtagify

Once you pick your plan, Hashtagify itself defines one of the given prices;

  • Bronze Tracker- $11 per month
  • Silver Tracker- $39 per month
  • Gold Tracker- $74 per month
  • Platinium Tracker- $136 per month
  • Power Tracker- $261 per month

Merits of Hashtagify:

  • You can measure KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of each hashtag
  • It shows you how popular one hashtag is
  • It shows how famous one hashtag is in your country
  • It is an all in one app for hashtags
  • Hashtagify has 7 days of the free trial

Demerits of Hashtagify

  • Pricings of Hashtagify are a bit out charging for just a hashtag app


AutoHash in Play store which is an Instagram Hashtag app

This free hashtag app requires you to upload your picture on Autohash and leave the rest on it. It will generate a list of relevant hashtags for the picture. 

AutoHash is a different hashtag app from all the hashtag apps we talked about. To find the best hashtag to your niche, it takes you to upload a photo and AutoHash itself comes up with the most related hashtags to your niche

Features Of AutoHash

  • Unlike all the other tools, AutoHash is a hashtag app that is not web-based.
  • It is designed for iOS and Android users.
  • AutoHash is the best hashtag app with photo recognition feature

Merits of AutoHash:

  • It is free
  • It is useable for iOS and Android users
  • It is one of the best photo recognition apps
  • Autohash provides you with location-based relevant hashtags

Use AutoHash


It adds #AutoHash to the generated list, but you can easily remove it.

Demerits Of AutoHash

It is not compatible with Windows (To run a hashtag app for all devices, sign up here)

SeekMetrics- Advanced Instagram Hashtag Generator

SeekMetrics which is an Instagram hashtag app

SeekMetrics app is for those who can put some efforts and time into generating hashtags.

Merits of Seek Metrics:

  • It is free

Demerits of Seek Metrics:

  • Against promises, not all the hashtags are relevant 

Use SeekMetrics for your Instagram Hashtags

Social Sked

SkedSocial tool

Like AiGrow, SkedSocial is an all in one platform which hashtag service is one of the so many things it has to offer.

How Does Sked Social Work?

You add one hashtag in the caption, then you see hashtags recommendation of the platform.

Merits of Sked Social

  • Sked Social has 7 days of the free trial
  • The more hashtag you type, the more targeted they become
  • It handles Instagram posting and scheduling
  • It posts hashtags in the first comment to increase your findability

Use SkedScial Hashtag tool

Demerits Of Sked Social

  • Social Sked is expensive


If you still wanna hashtag on your own, read “13 Ways to Win with Instagram Hashtags in 2020“ 

What Is The Best Hashtag App?

Since Instagram and hashtags are like salt and pepper, you’d better use an Instagram hashtag app to get your desired traffic.  That is why I suggest you get help from a professional platform like AiGrow and see the crazy traffic to your account.

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