How to get local followers on Instagram: 2021 Tips

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

I just started a local business in your town and wondering how to get local followers on Instagram? Even if you are a small bakery, a resume writing company, or an artist, there is always someone interested in your goods and services in the neighborhood. After all, everyone loves Instagram these days!

So, if you want to know why and how to get more local followers on Instagram, better read this article to find out how!

Why do you need local Instagram followers?

Many small and medium businesses offer goods and services to local customers. Even some of these companies are based entirely online and don’t have a physical office. For these types of businesses, Instagram can create a fantastic opportunity to attract local customers. If you have the slightest doubt about investing in your Instagram account to get local followers who eventually become your customers, have a look at these facts:

  •       Instagram has more than one billion active monthly followers. This means almost out of every seven people on earth, one of them is actively using Instagram.
  •       90% of all Instagram accounts follow at least one business account.
  •       All types of businesses, from major multinationals to mom-and-pop shops, get positive results from Instagram.
  •       Instagram offers many useful tools for business accounts such as Insights, shoppable links, bio buttons, and geotags that can help you to find potential customers around you.  
  •       Instagram has the highest engagement rate (1.6%) among all the other social media. Almost x17 higher than its parent site Facebook.
  •       It’s a social media wholly based on visual content. It is an excellent opportunity to showcase goods and services through images and videos. After all, a picture is worth thousands of words. And it even gets better: studies show that Instagram videos receive twice the engagement of photos on Instagram.
  •       By attracting local followers, you can sell your goods and service better due to the shorter distance and faster deliveries.

Are you convinced now? Great! Now let’s see how to get local followers on Instagram.

How to get local followers on Instagram?

To find and attract people who live near you, you need to follow some steps. Here are our suggested promotional actions that you can do to attract more local followers on Instagram.

Interact with other local businesses and their followers

By following local businesses on Instagram, especially competitors and their followers, you make a strong link with similar accounts on Instagram, and that’s a good thing. To get the best result, it’s better to get help from a professional Instagram service like AiGrow.

AiGrow is an Instagram marketing platform that helps you grow your brand or personal account organically. AiGrow understands that it might be difficult to narrow down your targeting followers and only focus on local audiences. Luckily, for AiGrow growth experts, it’s a piece of cake! So, let’s take a look at the services that AiGrow offers in this case:

AiGrow growth packages

AiGrow has a variety of promotional packages for every taste. The packages include daily posts, automated DMs, reward posts, and many other items. The prices start from only $5 per week for based services to up to $250 for monthly VIP packages. To gain more local followers on Instagram, you can use AiGrow Pro and VIP packages. This way, not only can you attract local customers, but also you can grow your business in many other areas. Let’s take a closer look at these packages and what you can achieve with them.

AiGrow Pro and VIP packages pricing

AiGrow Pro and VIP packages, a dedicated growth expert, will take care of your account. They can find and reach out to your potential local followers. Eventually, these new fans can become your new customers and enjoy your goods and services. Your page also gets more likes, more comments, and more visitors by doing such promotional activities.

The good thing about this method is that when you attract new local customers if satisfied with your services, they can recommend you to other Instagram users. Studies show that digital word of mouth can significantly impact the popularity of a brand.

Instagram pods

AiGrow also offers Instagram engagement groups in which many Instagrammers from different niches gather in groups. These groups can help you to find similar local accounts and start interacting with them.  

Use local hashtags

With AiGrow, it is easy to find the best hashtags for your Instagram posts. When you use related local hashtags, local followers can find you more easily. Local hashtags can be a combination of the name of your city or town and your brand or what you offer. For example, take a look at this Instagram page:

How to get local followers on Instagram

When using AiGrow, you can see and add the best-targeted hashtags to get the best result.

Use geotags

Geotags are your best friends if you want to attract some local followers. Naturally, people who look for local services start searching for them by entering the city’s name in which they are residents. So, make sure you add the location or geotags for every Instagram post and the story you upload.

How to get local followers on Instagram

Use Instagram ads

Instagram ads are one of the fastest ways to find local businesses. The good thing about using Instagram ads is that you can choose precisely the group of people your ad will be displayed to. For example, if you have a business in Paris and are trying to attract local women with ages ranging from 35 to 55, you can add these exact demographic filters in your ads manager (to use Instagram ads, you must have a business page connected to your Facebook).

Work with local influencers.

Using an influencer can be massively beneficial for your business, especially when you use a local influencer. It’s true; some of these influencers might charge you top dollars only for a single story. But you run a small business; you don’t necessarily need to partner up with mega-influencers. Actually, many macro-influencers and nano-influencers might help you better. Some studies show that as these people know their followers more closely, the engagement of small size influencers are higher than more famous influencers.

How to get local followers on Instagram

Wondering where to find a suitable influencer to boost your business? We suggest Ainfluencer, a powerful platform that can manage all the affairs related to influencers.  

Introduce your Instagram page to your current customers

If you have a physical shop or office, it is a good idea to add your Instagram account to your business card so that people get to know your address on Instagram. Also, you can get your Instagram address printed on your packages.

Attend local events

If there is an event in your town, you can seize the opportunity and present your business to local people. You may want to become one of the sponsors of that local event.    

Run contests and giveaways

Want to know how to get more local followers on Instagram in a fun way? Run a contest! Contests and giveaways are great for gaining new followers and more likes. You can set some rules such as “like and tag one of your friends” or “follow and leave a comment” to attract more people.

If you have a shop, you can use an Instagram photo booth and ask customers to take a photo and upload it with your chosen hashtags. You will upload the photos on your Instagram, and the lucky winner is the one who gets the highest likes. Soon, your Instagram page will be flooded with new visitors who want to support their friends by liking their photos. And that might bring you more local customers!

Conclusion on how to get local followers on Instagram

How to get local followers on Instagram

As you’ve read, there are many ways to attract local followers on Instagram. Attracting local followers is a great and strong start to develop your brand successfully. And when you were ready, you can even expand your realm!

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