How to Give Photo & Video Credit on Instagram in 2024?

how to give photo credit on Instagram article

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Instagram is all about sharing, and reposting is a common thing to do on it. But let’s say you want to repost a picture made by another artist, do you know how to give photo credit on Instagram? It would be unfair if you use someone else’s work and not give them credit, right? 

Unfortunately, there is no specific or built-in way for crediting a photographer on IG. But worry not! There are alternative ways that you can solve this problem and give video and photo credit on Instagram to your favorite artist. So read on to find out how to give photo credit on Instagram! 

How to Give Photo Credit on Instagram?

If you’re asking “How to give pic credit on Instagram”, I must say that there isn’t a built-in way to automatically add photo credits on Instagram. However, there are a couple of effective methods to achieve this:

1. Tag the Photographer

     This is the most common and reliable way to credit the photo’s owner. When creating your post, simply select “tag people” and type their username. Here is a photo credit example:

    how to give photo credit by tagging someone on your posts
    How to Give Photo Credit on Instagram

    Here is how you can give photo courtesy to someone by tagging them in your post:

    how to tag someone to give them credit on IG
    How to Tag Someone to Give Them Credit on IG

    2. Credit in the Caption

       If tagging isn’t possible (maybe you don’t know the handle), then how to give credit on Instagram? There is another way. you can still credit the photographer in the caption itself. Type the photo credit symbol on Instagram: “@”,  followed by the photographer’s Instagram ID in the caption.

      Mention their name and possibly add something like “Photo by [Photographer’s name]”.  Here is how to mention a photographer on Instagram:

      giving photo credit in caption
      How to Give Credit to Photographer on Instagram

      How To Give Photo Credit in Caption?

      If you don’t know how to give photo credit on Instagram, here is a little instruction:

      1. First, upload your picture
      2. Then tap on writing a caption
      3. Then write your caption and use the credit symbol (@) along with the username of the artist
      how to give photo credit in caption
      How to Give Photo Credit in Caption

      If you want to do a video credit caption on Instagram, you can follow the same steps above. 

      giving video credit on Instagram
      Video Credit Caption on Instagram

      3. Use Reposting Applications:

        How to give credit to photographers on Instagram? Several popular reposting apps for Instagram can help you share content while giving credit to the original creator. Whether It’s a photographer, designer, etc. Here are a couple of options to consider:

        Repost for Instagram (Regrann): This app lets you easily repost photos and videos while keeping the original caption and attribution intact. It also offers features like scheduling reposts and adding custom watermarks.

        Repost for IG: Posts & Reels: This is another popular option that lets you repost photos, videos, and Reels from Instagram. It provides features like story downloading and hashtag suggestions.

        💡Note: There is also another way which isn’t very common. You can use a Hashtag. Create a unique hashtag containing the creator’s name and include it in your caption. If The creator is not very famous, this method might not be the best way to give photo credit on Instagram. 

        How to Give a Video Credit on Instagram?

        Crediting a video is exactly like giving credit to a photo. Your options are still tagging the artist on the video or mentioning them in the caption. You can also use third-party apps to repost their video and give them credit.

        You May Also Like to Read: How to Repost on Instagram (New Ways to Repost Instagram Posts, Stories, Reels)

        Why Should You Give Photo Credit on Instagram?

        There are a million reasons why you should absolutely give credit to the photo that you share on Instagram. Here are some of them:

        #1 Avoid breaking copyright

        Photos are intellectual property, and crediting the photographer acknowledges their ownership and creative work. It’s similar to mentioning the author of a book you’re quoting.

        Sharing content on Instagram can be tricky when it comes to copyright. Here’s the surprising truth: according to Instagram’s help center, posting someone else’s content can infringe their copyright even if you:

        • Bought or downloaded it: Owning a song on iTunes doesn’t grant permission to share it on Instagram.
        • Recorded it yourself: Filming a song at a concert or party for your post isn’t allowed.
        • Gave credit: Crediting the owner doesn’t excuse copyright infringement.
        • Added a disclaimer: Saying “no copyright infringement intended” has no legal weight.
        • Didn’t profit: Copyright applies even if you don’t make money from the post.
        • Modified the work: Changing someone’s content can still be copyright infringement.
        • Found it online: Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s free to use.
        • Saw others share it: Popularity doesn’t make it legal.
        • Believe it’s fair use: Fair use is a complex concept, consult a copyright lawyer for specific situations.

        As you can see, the best way to avoid any problem is to create an original post. But as mentioned before, in reality, many Instagram accounts are happy if you share their content if you properly give credit to them. Everyone loves their content to go viral. Plus, some people even give money to get featured on major Instagram pages

        #2 Respect the Creator

        Whether the post is a photograph or a graphic design, evidently the creator devoted tremendous time to preparing that post. It would be so reluctant of you not to include their name. Moreover, sometimes it’s not enough to mention the primary source; you should refer to all the people who helped create that photo. Take a look at this photo, for example:

        giving credit to multiple Instagram accounts

        As you can see, the user mentioned all who have helped to prepare this post in the caption, from hairdresser to shoe brand.

        #3 It’s What Professionals Do

        Don’t ever think that reposting other people’s content is going to damage your page. Actually, many major brands use this technique to attract new followers. Brands such as @forever21, @starbucks, or even @nike share their fans’ content to demonstrate the popularity of their products among customers. We know these types of reposts or “regrams” as the Instagrammers call it, UGC (user-generated content).

        #4 Build Relationships

        Crediting photographers can foster positive relationships with them. They might appreciate the shoutout and potentially collaborate with you in the future.

        #5 Set a Good Example

        By giving credit, you encourage others to do the same, creating a more respectful and collaborative online community.

        nike asking for reposting a photo as UGC

        Do’s and Don’ts When Giving Photo Credit on Instagram

        How to give photo credit on Instagram even more professionally? Consider these:


        1- First, ask for permission. The best way to give photo credit on Instagram is to first ask for permission from the original account. Here’s an example:

        asking permission for reposting a photo

        But if it’s not possible for you, the next best way is to both mention and tag the photographer/creator account(s) when reposting the content. It’s worth mentioning that it is possible to tag an account while editing your post on AiSchedul.

        2- If possible, in addition to the original account, tag the photographer.

        Related article: Download and Repost without Watermark on Instagram for Free


        1- Do not just mention the account as a hashtag. This way, the original account won’t get any notification.

        2- When giving photo credit on a story, don’t add a username so small that no one can read or tap on it.

        3- If you asked for permission and the owner said no, respect their choice.

        4- Do not use new filters or crop the original photo. Simply choose the photos that go well with your aesthetic theme.

        When You Don’t Need to Give Photo Credits on Instagram

        Here are the situations when you do not need to give credits to the photos you post on Instagram:

        1- When you buy an image from stock websites like Flickr, Pixabay, and Shutterstock

        2- When the image has a Creative Commons Zero license (CC). If an image has a CC license, it means that the owner gave the people the right to share and use that photo.

        3- If you cannot find the source anywhere, as a last resort, you can state where you took that photo. For example, if you find a picture on Pinterest, and there is no way to give credit to it on Instagram, simply state that the photo is from Pinterest.

        Benefits of Crediting a Photographer or Designer on Instagram

        There’s a whole host of benefits to giving proper photo credit on Instagram. Here’s a breakdown of the good it does for everyone:

        For the Photographer:

        When you credit them, you’re essentially giving them a shoutout. People can easily find their profile, see more of their work, and potentially become new followers or even clients. It shows you value their talent and effort behind the lens.

        A well-placed credit can spark a connection. Photographers might appreciate the recognition and reach out to collaborate on future projects.

        For You:

        As we mentioned above, by giving a photo credit to Instagram you can get these benefits:

        • Avoid Copyright Issues
        • Builds Trust and Credibility
        • Potential for Collaboration

        For the Instagram Community:

        You normalize the practice and encourage others to do the same. This fosters a more respectful and collaborative online environment on Instagram.

        Credits act like mini-advertisements. When you tag a photographer, it allows people to discover their work and support more creators they might enjoy.

        Final Words on How to Give Photo Credit on Instagram

        People on Instagram love to see other accounts share their content, but only when those accounts properly give credit to them. If you want to program something, make sure you follow all the advice in this article. For hassle-free reposting, you can use Instagram management apps such as AiSchedul which automatically gives photo credit on Instagram.

        FAQs on How to Give Photo Credit on Instagram

        1- What Does Photo Credit Mean?

        Photo credit is basically a way of saying “Who took the picture?”. It’s like giving someone a shout-out for their work.
        Imagine you borrow your friend’s bike for a ride. When you talk about it later, you wouldn’t just say “I rode a bike”, you’d say “I rode [friend’s name]’s bike”. A photo credit is the same thing but for pictures!

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