Instagram Swipe Up: How to Get Paid Without 10k Followers

Instagram Swipe Up Cover

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Instagram swipe up on Stories is an essential feature for marketers as it connects the app to an external link. However, to make this feature activated, your account must have qualities such as 10,000 followers. Because of the importance of swipe up on Instagram, Instagrammers came up with creative methods that let them access this feature without having the necessary qualities.

This article will show you how to get the swipe up on Instagram without 10k followers in the most simple and effective ways. So to start, let’s see what makes the swipe up feature so interesting. 

What Can I Do with Instagram Swipe up Feature?

Let’s see what all the fuss is about the Instagram swipe up feature and why everybody wants to get one! Well, its purpose is pretty ordinary and straightforward: it provides you with a clickable external link in your stories. When people swipe that up, they will enter that link; as simple as that!

Instagram Swipe Up Feature
Instagram Swipe Up Feature

What makes it so unique and precious is that it’s the only hotlink on Instagram beside the Link in Bio.

Think about it, to make people click on the link that you add to the Instagram bio, you need to continually ask them to “Visit the Link on Bio” in every post and story. But when you have the swipe up feature activated, you can provide the link right there! This can greatly generate leads and boost your sales because it contains the elements of impulse buying. 

So, let’s quickly see what you can do when you get the Instagram swipe up feature. 

1- Link To Your Website

The most common use of swipe up feature is to link your Instagram Stories to your website. This is especially useful if you want to increase your website visits. Also, many brands use this feature to sell their products and services right in the Stories.

The good thing about Instagram Stories is that they are more dynamic and engaging compared to the feed posts. With a little bit of creativity and its various tools such as emoji sliders, countdowns, and stickers, you can persuade visitors to swipe up that link on the bottom. 

I am The Flower Thief Instagram Page
I am The Flower Thief Instagram Page

2- Link to the Affiliate Program Websites

A lot of people use Instagram for affiliate marketing. One of the challenges that they need is to try not to be pushy in sales. Also, some of the affiliate marketing programs are based on PPC or pay per click, meaning the more clicks the affiliate link gets, the more money the marketer gets. Affiliate marketers can use Instagram Stories to promote their links in a fun and less pushy way. 

Kristen Ledwards Instagram Bio
Affiliate Marketing on Instagram

Related Article: Do Amazon Affiliate Marketing on Instagram like a Pro

3- Link To Your Social Media or Podcast Episodes

The other great way to use the swipe up link is to promote your other social platforms on Instagram Stories. For example, say you have a YouTube channel and release videos every week. Instead of putting your YouTube video URL on your bio, changing it every week, and telling people to click on it in your stories and feed posts, you can just make a teaser and put the video link as a swipe up!

This is also great for podcasters on Instagram. They can link their Stories to their RSS feed or the specific episode. You can even use Instagram swipe up to grow your email list!

Related Article: Add Links To Instagram Stories Without Being Verified

Can Anyone Get Swipe Up on Instagram?

Yes, but no. Getting a swipe-up feature on Instagram has only a few conditions, but some of them might be hard to attain. Here are the conditions: 

1- You Must Have 10k Followers

This is the hardest one to get. Instagram won’t allow you to use the swipe up feature unless you have at least 10K followers. Well, that’s a little bit challenging, especially if you just started on Instagram. You could, however, buy this amount of followers, but we strongly advise you against it. Because buying followers only puts your account in danger and ruins your engagement rate. 

Instead, you can use Instagram services such as AiGrow to gain +300 real and engaged followers per month. I’ll talk about AiGrow in the following.

2- You Must Switch to the Business or Creator Account

Have 10k followers and Instagram swipe up not working? Even if you get the 10k followers, you still can’t use the Instagram swipe up feature if you’re on private mode. To read how to switch to the business or creator account, do these steps: 

switch to business account on Instagram
Switch to the business account on Instagram

3- You Have Verified Account

This last option is not necessary, but it’ll facilitate activating your swipe up feature. If you have a verified account, you don’t need to gain 10k followers anymore to get the feature. If you are confident that Instagram will verify you, go ahead and fill the application on the app. Here are the steps:

Request Verified Account
Request Verified Account

Still, want to know how do You add swipe up on Instagram without 10k followers, business, and verified accounts? Then better keep reading! 

Get Paid by Instagram Swipe Up Even Without 10K Followers!

Much to your surprise, there are still ways to get Instagram Swipe up feature without having 10k followers. Let’s check them out:

1- Add Link to Your Story Using AiGrow

One of the best and fastest ways to get the swipe up feature without any hassle is to use AiGrow. As mentioned above, AiGrow is an Instagram management service with many tools to promote your account(s) in the best way. One of its most popular tools is the Instagram Scheduler, which enables you to plan your Stories and lets you add one external link to your content! Just like Instagram swipe up. 

AiGrow Packages Banner

This way, you can connect all of your stories to an external link without worrying about the number of your followers. 

To use this amazing tool, sign up here.  

2- Instagram IGTV

There’s a secret way to add links to Instagram Stories without using any third-party app; however, you need IGTV to do it! Follow these steps to see what we mean:

2.1- Upload a Video to IGTV

When uploading an Instagram IGTV, write the URL you want to be added to the Story in the description box. Then go ahead and add a cover or emoji if you want. If you check the IGTV on your feed, you will notice that this URL is now clickable!  

Link in IGTV
Source: Socialinside

2.2- Share it on Stories

Now it’s time to use the Instagram Swipe up to link the IGTV in your Story. Simply record a video or use a photo and use the link icon on the story and search for your IGTV and add it. This way, your visitors go straight to your IGTV, in which you promote your link and ask the followers to click on it. 

3- Shopping Tags

This one is great for those who have Instagram shops. If you fill an application for product tagging and Instagram finds you eligible, you can add a link to your posts and stories. Just remember that you can only sell physical goods on Instagram. 

how to sell on Instagram
Instagram Shop

Related Article: Your Store Isn’t Eligible for Instagram Product Tagging? Try This Out

4- Instagram Ads

Last but not least! Instagram gladly lets you add an external link as a swipe up feature when promoting a story. Many brands use Instagram swipe up ads to make the most of the interactive atmosphere of Instagram stories. 

Instagram Ads on Story
Instagram Ads on Story

Final Words

In this article, we covered how to get the swipe up feature on Instagram without having the normal criteria. Know any other way to activate the swipe up feature on Instagram Story? Leave it as a comment for us!

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