Mega Followers for Instagram: Is It Real Or Just A Scam?

Mega Followers for Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

When you visit an Instagram profile, what is it that you pay attention to the most? If the number of followers is not the first thing you look at, it is one of the top three, I bet. Ever since Instagram became popular among people all over the world, users considered the number of followers as an indicator of how well-liked a person is. So many services began to promise to deliver mega followers for Instagram in exchange for a certain amount of money. Here is the question! Is it real or just a scam? This is what we want to talk about in this article. So stick around.

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Mega Followers For Instagram Are Not Real!

Nothing valuable ever comes easy. Mega followers mean you could produce such good content that people are willing to follow your account and this is too valuable to be purchasable!

So the bottom line is that this is just a scam as you would already assume I suppose. But I still want to support my claim.

Also Read: Interested In Checking Instagram Followers? Do Fake Follower Check

Mega Followers Are Cheap

Here is a fact. People must have a reason to follow you on Instagram. Your followers are your friends, families, people who are interested in you or people who are interested in your content. 

These mega followers are not subcategorized by any of the mentioned users. You might say they are paid to follow but here is the deal. How much do mega followers for Instagram cost? 

Perhaps every K followers cost $5 to $10 so these followers can’t be real!

Read; How to Get 10K Followers on Instagram Without Being Banned

Fake Followers Are Delivered Instantly

All services that sell mega followers for Instagram claim that they sell real and active followers. Then how come they are delivered instantly after you pay for them. Doesn’t it seem robot-like?

Those Who Buy Mega Followers for Instagram End Up Losing Their Accounts

Instagram shuts down the accounts with enormous fake followers. If these followers are real and active-as the selling services promise- then how come buyers lose their Instagram account?

Mega Followers For Instagram Do Not Engage

Followers normally engage once in a while. They may like, comment, or at the very least view the video you uploaded on Instagram. But since these followers are fake, you do not see any improvement in the engagement you receive on Instagram.

These Followers Have Little Followers And Enormous Followings

According to Instagram limits, every Instagrammer can follow 7500 users. That’s a lot of people to keep in touch with! I don’t know how a real human being can do that.

The situation gets really suspicious when their followers are barely 100! This alone is a great indicator that these followers are not real at all.

Earn Mega Followers For Instagram; Don’t Buy Them

Here is a question. Can we say all the services that claim to deliver mega followers for Instagram are scammers? Not at all. AiGrow, for instance, guarantees to deliver a certain number of followers for your account and they are real, active, and targeted.

I know what you might be thinking! You might say doesn’t it disagree with what I just said earlier? Hold on. I let you know why AiGrow is a trustworthy service or if you do not want to get mega followers for Instagram, and how you can distinguish a good service from a bad one.

A Good Service Does Not Deliver Followers In A Short Time

AiGrow is a company where you can hire Instagram experts. These experts, after considering your niche, guarantee you to earn a certain number of followers [3000-5000 new and targeted followers on average.] These followers normally are earned in a course of six months.

A Good Service Costs Reasonably; It’s Cheap

Instagram experts of AiGrow do growth activity on your account such as creating two to three pieces of content per week. So They charge you accordingly.

You Notice A Rise In Your Engagement Rate

I personally think the most important indicator of good service is increasing the engagement you receive on Instagram. If you get higher Instagram engagement, it means your followers are real, not just a scam.

Your Posts Go Viral Or To The Explore Page

Instagram managers of AiGrow, not only guarantee certain numbers of Followers but also bring your posts to the explore page or let you know how you can go viral on Instagram.


Instagram followers are one of the most important indicators of how well you are doing on Instagram so many services began to sell mega followers for Instagram but are they trustworthy at all?

These are the signs of scammers:

  • They are cheap
  • They are delivered in a short time [less than 24hrs]
  • You receive warning pop-ups from Instagram or you lose your account
  • You get no more engagement
  • They have a lot of followings and a few followers

Instead of buying followers, you can earn them. AiGrow is a company where you can hire Instagram managers. These managers helped many accounts to increase followers and engagement rate massively. They can help you too. Sign up for free.

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