Appear in the List of Fastest Growing Instagram Accounts

Appear in the List of Fastest Growing Instagram Accounts Instantly

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

In this article, we are going to give you a few professional tips on how to appear in the list of fastest-growing Instagram accounts instantly and attract followers in a completely efficient way, which as you may have already noticed is a challenging task. 

As Instagram is becoming one of the world’s most significant social media applications, it provides an excellent platform for anyone who wishes to run a business. However, the larger the community gets, the harder it will be for the marketers to grow their business among the many rivals. That’s why we have decided to help you grow your account instantly. Stay tuned!

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6 Pro Tips to Appear in the List of Fastest-Growing Instagram Accounts

In the rest of the article, we are going to focus on a few risk-free, but efficient, professional tips to help you make your account appear in the list of fastest-growing Instagram accounts. 

#1 Make your feed look elegant 

Your page’s appearance is simply the first thing people notice when they first enter your Instagram page. So if you want to see your account appearing in the Fastest-Growing lists, you should be careful about the theme you use. Having an elegant Instagram theme is one of the most factors that makes you look professional. It makes a great impression on your potential followers. 

There are simple steps you can take to improve your feed in aesthetical ways. For example, using grid layouts and following a consistent pattern will help you a great deal. You can also get inspiration from the already existent themes.

Read More: How to preview Instagram Posts, Stories, Grid, and Bio?

#2 Use convenient hashtags to appear in the list of fastest-growing accounts Instantly

Search for the relevant general hashtags depending on your page’s content and use them in your posts’ caption. Identifying the Best Instagram Hashtags will help your account become one of those accounts that appear in the Fastest-Growing lists. Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags per post which is not slight if you pay close enough attention to the hashtags you are using. 

It’s not always so easy to discover which hashtags to use in your limitation of thirty hashtags. However, fortunately, there are incredible free management services like Aigrow, which can help you find the most popular and relevant hashtags to your work. Additionally, it allows you to search for multiple hashtags and add them all to your posts with one click! To see how it works, take a look at the following video:

#3 Use interactive story features to grow faster!

One common thing among the Fastest-Growing accounts is that they always have that red circle around their profile pictures! Yes, that’s right. Interacting with your followers via story is one thing that helps your business account grow at an incredible pace. The “ask me a question,” and “poll” stickers are recent features that allow the user to communicate with their followers.

Using these interactive stickers, you can intrigue your followers to take a more active role in your business. This will undoubtedly help you maintain both the quantity and quality of your Instagram followers. 

#4 Offer giveaways to appear in the fastest-growing accounts instantly

Giveaways are one of those tricks which instantly bring a multitude of followers to your account. Believe it or not, a well-designed giveaway can affect your account growth better than any other way. For instance, the popular Laura Mercier gained more than 50% increase in followers after their giveaway on their Caviar Chrome collection.  

Offer Giveaways to appear on the fastest-growing Instagram account lists.
Laura Mercier’s last giveaway was an immediate success

They can help your account grow so fast. Hosting giveaways can sometimes be challenging, so it is essential to do it professionally. You can run giveaways and coupon codes on special occasions such as Valentine or Mother’s day.

You can do this individually, or you can collaborate with other Instagram accounts for more efficiency. However, it is better to do so that it raises the interaction with followers to the highest level.

Keep Reding: Automate giveaway contests on Instagram

#5 Use the follow-for-follow method to be among the fastest-growing Instagram Accounts 

You may have seen or heard of accounts that follow people randomly on Instagram to get a follow back. You may have doubted the follow-for-follow method‘s efficiency as many of us get so many daily requests and usually find them disturbing. But the point of this method is to use it correctly and efficiently. The solution is easy. Do not follow everyone. Depending on your page’s activities, look for people who are real audiences. There are many ways to do so. For example, you can start by looking for people who follow specific hashtags or similar pages.

If you are going around and following everyone, there is an excellent chance that you won’t get a follow back. Please pay attention to the fact that it is unlikely for someone who follows a popular account like an actress or social media figure to be necessarily interested in your content.

They may have followed those accounts for entirely different reasons. 

#6 Use your unique link wisely to appear in the fastest-growing accounts

One of the most critical factors on your first impression is your profile picture and your bio link. As you can only add one link at a time to your profile, make sure you use it wisely. 

If you want your other social media accounts and websites attached to your profile, consider creating a personal landing link so you can add it neatly to your profile. Fortunately, there is an easy way to do so. You can create and design your magnificent bio link using the AiGrow app. 

create personal bio link
A neat URL has a great impact on your account growth

#7 Get help from a professional management service for free!

Of course, you can attend to all those above tips manually to be among the Fastest-Growing Instagram Accounts. But why not get help from a professional assistant for free. If you are serious about your business activities on Instagram, it is wiser to get help, and instead, you can focus on your content. There are always safe third-party applications that can come to your aid once it comes to managing your Instagram account.

AiGrow is an Instagram management service that can help you with all the above tasks. Signing-up to AiGrow, you can manage your account like a professional Instagrammer, and it helps you with so many details for example it is really useful for finding suitable hashtags. Even more, the AiGrow will provide you with the most efficient way to detect potential followers. There is a whole tab on the application, which is named Growth. You can easily find all of those features mentioned above and analyze your account’s growth rate quickly and, more importantly, for free.

Final word

In brief, there are too many little steps that we can take in order to make our Instagram account one of the Fastest-Growing ones. However, it is more convenient if we take them through an all-in-one third-party service to benefit from the many advantages of professional assistance. 

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