How to Unmute Someone on Instagram; An Ultimate 2023 Guide for More Connection

In the vast world of Instagram, various ways exist to enhance your user experience and tailor your feed to your preferences. One such option is the ability to mute someone on Instagram, allowing you to selectively choose whose stories you want to see less of without unfollowing or blocking them. 

However, there may come a time when you’re curious about what a muted account has been up to or when you decide to welcome them back into your Instagram feed. This guide will explore how to unmute someone on Instagram, so you can easily reconnect with their posts and updates.

Unmuting someone on Instagram is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few simple steps. By following these steps on how to unmute accounts on Instagram, you can regain access to their stories and posts, ensuring you don’t miss out on any important updates or moments they share. 

So, whether you’re ready to re-engage with a friend or a favorite influencer or simply curious about what someone has been up to, let’s dive into how to unmute someone on Instagram.

How to Unmute Someone on Instagram: Why Is It Important?

Knowing how to unmute someone on Instagram can be important for several reasons:

1. Maintaining Communication: learning how to unmute someone on Instagram allows for effective communication and ensures you manage Instagram messages or updates. Knowing how to unmute someone on IG opens communication channels, enabling a more seamless and efficient exchange of information.

2. Strengthening Relationships: More information on how to unmute someone on Instagram signifies a willingness to engage and connect with them. It shows that you value their presence and want to maintain a positive relationship. By learning how to unmute someone’s story on Instagram, you create opportunities for meaningful Instagram engagement, fostering stronger connections and potentially deepening friendships.

3. Avoiding Misunderstandings: Muting someone can sometimes lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings. You can actively participate in conversations by unmuting, clarifying any confusion and ensuring that your intentions are properly conveyed. This helps to prevent unnecessary conflicts or strained relationships that may arise from miscommunication.

4. Staying Updated: knowing how to.unmute stories on Instagram lets you stay informed about their activities, interests, and updates. This can be particularly important for friends, family, or colleagues whose lives you want to track. You can engage with their content, support their endeavours, and stay connected with their lives by learning how to unmute someone on Instagram.

5. Encouraging Engagement: Getting to know how to unmute someone story on Instagram can invite them to engage with your content and increases Instagram engagement rates. It shows you are open to their perspectives, opinions, and feedback. By learning how to unmute people on Instagram, you create a more inclusive and interactive environment, fostering a sense of community and encouraging others to actively participate in your online presence.

In summary, more info on how to unmute someone on Instagram is important because it maintains communication, strengthens relationships, avoids misunderstandings, keeps you updated, and encourages engagement. By knowing how to unmute stories on IG, you actively participate in the digital community, fostering connections and creating a more inclusive online experience.

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How to Unmute Someone on Instagram; Two Ways

While engaging with others, you may temporarily need to mute someone’s posts or stories. However, there may come a time when you want to know how to unmute someone on Instagram and start seeing their content again. 

Fortunately, Instagram provides two simple ways on how to unmute Instagram account, ensuring you can easily reestablish connections and stay updated with their updates. Whether you know how to how to mute someone on IG, these methods will help you reverse the action and restore their content to your feed.

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#1: How to Unmute Someone on Instagram Through Your Account?

If you have previously muted someone’s account on Instagram, you can reverse this action by following these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. Go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

3. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner to open the menu.4. From the menu, select “Settings and Privacy.”

How to unmute someone on Instagram notes
How to unmute someone on Instagram notes

6. Under the What You See section, select “Muted Accounts.”

How to unmute someone on Instagram posts
How to unmute someone on Instagram posts

7. You will see a list of accounts that you have muted. Find the account you want to unmute and tap on it.

How can you unmute someone on Instagram

Please note that Instagram’s features and interface may change over time, so it’s always a good idea to refer to the official Instagram Help Center or the app’s documentation for the most up-to-date instructions.

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#2: How to Unmute Someone on Instagram Through Their Page?

You can learn how to unmute someone on Instagram through their page if you want to unmute them for both stories and posts. In the following, we will answer two most questions: 

  • How to Unmute Story on IG?
  • How to Unmute Posts on Instagram?

Let’s delve into it.

How to Unmute Instagram Story?

If you want to learn how to unmute stories on Instagram, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

2. Go to the profile page of the person you want to unmute. You can do this by searching for their username in the search bar, tapping on their username in your feed, or a comment they left on a post.

Unmute my phone
Unmute my phone

3. Once you’re on their profile page, you should see a “Following” button at the top of the screen. 

How to unmute notes
How to unmute notes

4. Tap on the “Following” or “Muted” button. This will open a pop-up menu with different options.

How to unmute someone notes on Instagram
How to unmute someone notes on Instagram

5. From the pop-up menu, select “Stories” to unmute their stories.

How to unmute someone posts on Instagram

6. After tapping “Unmute,” the button should change back to “Following,” indicating that you have successfully unmuted their account.

Once you’ve completed these steps on how to unmute IG story, you will start seeing their posts and stories in your feed again, and you will receive Instagram notifications from their account if you have them enabled.

How to Unmute Someone’s Posts on Instagram?

If you want to learn how to unmute someones posts on Instagram through their page, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

2. Search for the person’s Instagram page by typing their username in the search bar at the top of the screen.

3. Once you find their page, tap on their profile picture or username to open their profile.

4. You should see a “Following” button on their profile. 

5. Tap on the “Following” or “Muted” button. This will open a pop-up menu with options.

6. In the pop-up menu, you will see two options: “Mute Posts” and “Mute Story.” If you have muted both, you will see “Unmute Posts” and “Unmute Story” instead.

7. Tap on “Unmute Posts” to unmute their posts. You can also choose to unmute their stories by tapping “Unmute Story” if you had muted them.

8. After tapping the appropriate option, the person’s posts or stories will no longer be muted, and you will start seeing them in your feed again.

Please note that these instructions are accurate as of the current version of the Instagram app. The steps may vary slightly if there are any updates or changes to the app’s interface.

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How to Unmute Someone on Instagram for Only One Story?

To learn how to unmute someone’s story, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your device.

2. On the home page, scroll through the stories until you reach the end of the line.

3. Any muted stories will be located at the very end of the row, and you can identify them because they will appear slightly greyed out.

4. Tap and hold the muted story that you want to unmute. This action will pull up a menu.

5. From the menu options, select “Unmute Story”

How to unmute someone post on Instagram
How to unmute someone post on Instagram

6. The story will now be unmuted; you can hear the audio when viewing it.

By following these steps on how to unmute someone on Instagram story, you can unmute a single Instagram story and enjoy the content.

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How Do You Mute Someone on Instagram?

To mute someone on Instagram, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. Go to the profile of the person you want to mute. You can search for their username or tap their name in your feed or comments.

3. Once you’re on their profile, tap the Following. This will open a menu of options.

4. From the menu, select “Mute” or “Mute Posts” (the exact wording may vary depending on your device and Instagram version).

5. You will be presented with two options: “Mute Posts” and “Mute Story.” Choose the option that suits your needs. Select both options if you want to mute their posts and stories.

6. After selecting your desired options, tap “Mute” to confirm. The person’s posts or stories will no longer appear in your feed, and you won’t receive notifications from them.

Muting on Instagram is a private action, and the person you mute will not be notified. You can always learn how to unmute someone on Instagram by following the same steps and selecting the “Unmute” option.

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How to Unmute Notes on Instagram?

To learn more about how to unmute Instagram notes, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

2. Go to the profile page of the user whose notes you want to unmute. You can do this by searching for their username in the search bar or tapping their profile picture if you follow them.

3. Click the “Following” button on their profile page. It should be located just below their profile picture and bio.

4. Tap on the “Following” button. This will open a pop-up menu with different options.

5. In the pop-up menu, you will see an option called “Mute.” Tap on it to proceed.

6. Inside the “Mute” menu, you will find various options to mute different types of content. Look for the “Notes” option and ensure it is toggled on or highlighted.

7. To unmute the notes, tap the highlighted “Notes” option. This will remove the mute and allow you to see the user’s notes in your feed.

8. Once you have tapped on the “Notes” option, it should no longer be highlighted, indicating that the notes are unmuted.

By following these steps on how to unmute someone’s notes on Instagram, you can unmute notes and start seeing them in your feed again.

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How to Unmute Someone on Instagram; Why Can’t I Unmute Someone on Instagram?

Here are some detailed explanations for why you may not be able to unmute someone on Instagram:

  • 1. Blocking: If you have blocked someone on Instagram, you have restricted their access to your profile. When you block someone, they can no longer see your posts, stories or interact with you on the platform. As a result, you won’t have the option to unmute Instagram account unless you unblock them first. To know how to unmute story on Instagram, first you need to go to their profile, tap on the “Unblock” button, and then you can unmute IG.
  • 2. Unfollowing: If you have unfollowed someone on Instagram, you have chosen not to see their posts and stories in your feed. When you unfollow someone, their content will no longer appear on your Instagram home screen. Since you are not receiving their posts or stories, you won’t have the option to unmute Instagram stories. Knowing how to unmute someone on Instagram, first, you need to go to their profile, tap on the “Follow” button, and then you can go for the Instagram stories sound off.
  • 3. Privacy Settings: Instagram allows users to customize their privacy settings, affecting who can see and interact with their content. If the person you want to unmute has set their account to private, you may not be able to see their posts and stories unless they approve your follow request. In this case, you need to send them a follow request, wait for them to accept it, and then you can unmute Instagram account.

How Do You Unmute Someone on Instagram; Conclusion

In this post, we have answered your very frequent question: “How do you un mute someone on Instagram”. By learning how to unmute someone on Instagram on iPhone or Android, you allow their content to appear in your feed again, ensuring you stay updated with their posts and stories. 

This feature is particularly useful if you had previously muted someone to hide their content temporarily but now wish to re-engage with their posts and stories. Unmuting someone on Instagram is a simple way to maintain connections and stay connected with the content that matters to you.


Q1: How Do I Unmute Someone on Instagram?

To unmute on Instagram, first, open the app and go to your profile. Next, tap the three horizontal lines for the menu, select “Settings,” go to “What You See,” and choose “Muted Accounts.” Find the account to unmute, tap it, and finally, select “Unmute” to restore the person’s posts and stories to your feed.

Q2: How to Unmute Story Someone on Instagram?

To learn how to unmute on Instagram, first, find the profile picture of the person in your feed or Stories section. Tap on their profile picture to view their story. On their story screen, locate the three dots icon with a line through it at the top and tap on it to unmute their story.

Q3: Why Instagram Stories Not Muted?

If Instagram Stories are not muted, there are a few potential reasons. First, ensure you have the latest app version, as updating can resolve any Instagram DM glitches or issues. Second, try refreshing the app by closing and reopening it. Lastly, check if you accidentally unfollowed the accounts whose Stories you want to mute.