Know Your Instagram Follow Limit Or Instagram Will Limit You Followingly!

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Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

There are different strategies to increase your followers, one of which is the follow-unfollow strategy. In this strategy, you should mass-follow on Instagram in hope of getting them to follow back. However, if you wanna deal with Instagram long-term, you should be mindful of its restrictions. That’s why I explained all the information you need to know about Instagram follow limit

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How Many People Can You Follow On Instagram?

Every Instagram user is allowed to follow 7500 Instagram users because Instagram does not appreciate mass-follower bots and 7500 accounts are more than enough for a human being to keep in touch!

This is the Instagram follow limit in general. Now let’s see how many people you can follow a day on Instagram.

How Many People Can You Follow A Day On Instagram?

Well, the Instagram daily limits for a new user differs from a several-year account. New users face more limitations, gradually, Instagram extends the limits.

How Many People Can You Follow A Day On Instagram As A Trusted User?

The number of users you can follow per day is around 150-200. Be aware that you can not follow this number of users at once. You should spread this number during the day because the Instagram follow limit per hour is 10-13 users and you should not exceed this number.

You may wonder if Instagram considers your account trusted. Well, it’s not a big deal! If you are active on Instagram for more than 3 months and you have not violated Instagram terms, you are considered a trusted account and Instagram follow limits for you is as mentioned.

You can either mass follow manually, or use one of the top 10 Instagram followers apps to find and get real followers and mass follow considering the Instagram follow limit.

How Many People Can You Follow A Day On Instagram As A New User?

As a new user, the Instagram follow limit is 100-150 users per day and 10-13 users per hour.

Be careful if you just signed in on Instagram. As a new user, all your actions must be natural, or Instagram closes your accounts!

What Happens If You Push Instagram Follow Limit?

Instagram sends a pre-ban notification to warn you if you violate a certain percentage of Instagram’s guidelines one of which is the Instagram follow limit!

The notification explains the actions you should take to prevent the “shut down.” 

If you ignore its guidelines and keep violating Instagram terms, you get banned and there is no getting away with it! 

How Many People Can You Unfollow On Instagram?

The same rules apply to Instagram unfollow limit.

How Many People Can You Unfollow A Day On Instagram As A Trusted Account?

You can unfollow 150-200 users per day and 10-13 users per hour.

How Many People Can You Unfollow A Day On Instagram As A New User?

You can unfollow 100-150 Instagram account per day and 7-10 users per hour.

What Happens If You Push Instagram Unfollow Limits?

If you push “Instagram unfollow limits” to a certain extent, Instagram first sends a pre-ban warning, and in case the violation continues, you are banned!

How Many Actions You Can Take Per Day?

Now you learned Instagram follow-unfollow limits, but it’s not as if you can follow and unfollow as was told freely!

Instagram limits are bind together! The total actions you can take on Instagram must not exceed 500 per day. These actions include follow, unfollow, like, comment, and direct.

Does The Follow-Unfollow Strategy Work At All?

You learned everything about Instagram follow limits. Is it worth it? Does the Follow-Unfollow strategy work at all?

It does, for sure. But the follow back ratio of one Instagramer might differ from the other due to how professional your Instagram account is! Of course, the higher the Instagram follow-back ratio goes, the better!

There are measure you can take to increase Instagram follow back ratio;

  1. Follow target users who are interested in your niche, not just random users who are unlikely to follow you back
  2. Come up with an Instagram username for more followers
  3. Write an inviting Instagram bio. A professional Instagram bio can convert visitors to followers.
  4. Take advantage of Instagram Story Highlight: Use It To Spice Up Your Account and consider it as the showcase of your account

Mass Follow/Unfollow On Instagram Using AiGrow

AiGrow is a platform that targets your potential followers considering several variations, hashtags, accounts, and location included. 

AiGrow does not violate Instagram follow/unfollow limit, because unfollowing is done manually by your Instagram manager who is an Instagram specialist, and dedicates 60hrs to grow your account!

With AiGrow, you don’t need to worry about Instagram limits in general, everything is taken care of! It guarantees to earn you between 300-4000 new yet targetted followers each month depending upon your niche. The Reviews of AiGrow is an indicator that proves it could keep its users happy.

AiGrow is not just an Instagram follower tool. It is more than that! So, read the AiGrow review now to know more about it.


Follow-unfollow is a strategy for those who seek more followers. But you can not start following users freely due to Instagram follow limit!

In this table, you can see the gist of the Instagram follow/unfollow limit per day;

New Instagram Account Trusted Instagram Account
Instagram Follow Limit 100-150 accounts per day

7-10 accounts per hour

150-200 accounts per day

10-13 accounts per hour

Instagram Unfollow Limit 100-150 accounts per day

7-10 accounts per hour

150-200 accounts per day

10-13 accounts per hour

AiGrow is an Instagram tool that enables you to mass follow/unfollow on Instagram without violating Instagram follow limits. So, to get instant results, sign up for free and grow.

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