Nail Instagram Product Placement With These 12 Tips

Instagram product placement

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Instagram is one of the fastest-growing platforms with millions of active users. While random people use it to keep in touch with loved ones, brands consider it as a perfect potential to sell their products. If you also have a brand, better not to lag and instead nail Instagram product placement advertising.

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What Is Product Placement On Instagram?

Product placement on Instagram is an indirect form of advertising in which you embed your product in the Instagram content of an influential person. Since Instagram product placement is done by influencers, it is referred to as product placement Instagram influencer.

product placement is one of the three ways of advertising on Instagram. The other two are advice-giving and discount offers.

Does Instagram Product Placement Work?

It is proved that advertising must not look like advertising to work out the best. Instagram product placement is a form of ads but it is so indirect that it does not repel audiences.

Instagram influencers don’t try to sell the product in this type of advertising, but they either recommend, mention, or brag about it. This is an example of product placement on Instagram.

Plus, Instagram influencers, do not mention low-quality products because it ruins their reputation and they’ll be accused of fraud and dishonesty. 

And finally, some influencers place a product on their feed, not for money but out of sincere affection for that brand, like apple users. Honest recommendation without caring for self-interests is what people will accept more easily. 

These are the reasons why product placement advertising on Instagram works out.

Tips To Nail Instagram Product Placement

If you want to be that person who makes money on Instagram this way, first you should become an Instagram influencer. Later, brands will reach out to you themselves to work with you under your terms.

If you want to get an influencer to do product placement ads, have in mind these tips;

1. Define Your Target Audience

Who do you want to see your product? Are they on Instagram at all? This is a very important question. First, you should write the persona of your audience to based upon that, find out who your audiences are.

How to write the persona of your audience? You should study your already customers. If they are not on Instagram, perhaps you did not choose the right platform.

Perhaps it is a B2B business model and you should be looking for your audience on LinkedIn, not Instagram. So before you even start, define your target audience.

2. Pick The Right Influencer

To pick the right influencer, you first should define your goal of product placement ads. Let me elaborate it in an example.

Let’s imagine you have a beauty product and there are two influencers who are the candidate for product placement on Instagram.

One is a viner with 20M followers and the second candidate is a makeup artist with 3M followers.

Who should you pick? Of course, it depends on the goal you are after. If just launched your brand and you want to generate awareness of your brand, the viner is a good idea and you just launched a new product and want to increase sale, the makeup artist is a good choice.

Read; Brand Awareness Campaign for Instagram: From Why to How

It goes without saying that fake influencers with bot followers can not be even considered candidates.

Make sure you read Interested In Checking Instagram Followers? Do Fake Follower Check

And finally, do not underestimate micro and mini influencers. Because their followers are super targetted, super engaged, and very loyal. Where to find them? Ainfluencer.

Ainfluencer connects you to thousands of connected influencers relating to your niche. Interested? Sign up for free.

3. Think About The Way You Want Your Product To Be Presented

  • In what format do you want your product to be advertised? Do you want it to be in an image or you want a whole video for it? If you pick the video format how many minutes do you want it to be? IGTV suits you?
  • Where do you want your product to appear? Suffice it for you if it appears in an Instagram story that disappears after 24hrs or you want a post?
  • Do you want the influencer to actively refer to the product or you want him/her to present it completely indirectly?
  • What message do you want to convey via product placement ads?

 Make sure you discuss all the details with the influencers.

4. Educate The Influencer Enough

The influencer you work with must know what it is about your brand and how your product works. If increase the quality of product placement on Instagram.

5. Ask The Influencer To Add A Little Bit Of Story To The Content

I know it sounds too much, but it is worth it.

Instagram users spend more than 90 minutes on Instagram daily and they are bombarded with all different types of products and feed and it is easy for users to forget a product they see. Chances are they may not even notice.

A little bit of a story makes your product memorizable.

6. Ask The Influencer To Be Present In The Shot Or Video

Product placement ads can be done in absence of the influencer and still means that the product had the approval of the influencer, but it is better if users see the influencer using that product.

2 Posts of Jen shelter. She's not present in 1 Instagram product placement
Photo of a product alone sounds promotional

7. Look How Your Competitors Do Product Placement On Instagram

It is always good to analyze competitors and top brands to see what they are up to. Also, you may come up with better ideas.

8. Pay Attention To Those Who Are Willing To Cooperate

Earlier I said some influencers just do Instagram product placement on Instagram out of sincere loyalty toward the brand not for money. Try to spot them.

I am not suggesting having them do product placement ads without actually paying them. I say cooperate with them to show your appreciation. Plus the best ROI normally comes out of these ads.

9. Bargain Always

Measure the average price that Instagrammers charge you and compare it to the price your chosen Instagrammer wants to charge you. Then bargain reasonably. It does work.

Phoebe (in Friends series) saying we will give you ten dollars.

Read; How Much Do Instagram Influencers Make?

10. Don’t Let It Be Promotional

WOM (Word Of Mouth) is still considered the best way of advertising still. So make sure it does not sound promotional authentic.

11. Sign A Contract With The Influencer

It is more professional to sign a contract with the influencer with who you work. Bring down every piece of information to avoid probable issues. Make sure you include the details.

12. Do The Post Instagram Product Placement

Whether you reached the goal you set in the beginning or not, make sure to analyze which Influencer had the highest ROI and how you would do it all over again. It helps you run a better campaign next time.

Let An Instagram Manager Take Care Of Instagram Product Placement Ads

If you are familiar with the concept already, proceed with Instagram product placement ads considering the mentioned tips. 

But if you are new to the whole idea, I recommend you to refer to someone who is professional, has done it before previously, and wants your account to grow. That person can be your Instagram manager who is paid to grow your account.

AiGrow is a trustworthy company where you can hire your Instagram manager. These IG managers not only take care of product placement ads on Instagram, but also guarantee a certain number of new, targeted, and engaging followers depending upon your niche (between 3000 to 5000 normally) You can also count on your manager in growth activities and creating content.


Instagram product placement is an effective way of advertising in which an Instagram influencer embeds a product into his/her feed. However, there are 12 tips to consider if you want to optimize it;

  1. Define your target audience
  2. Pick the right Instagram influencers
  3. Think about the way you want your product to be presented
  4. Educate the influencer about the product
  5. Take advantage of storytelling
  6. Ask the Instagram influencer to be present in the feed
  7. Analyze competitors
  8. Bargain
  9. Don’t be promotional
  10. Sign a contract
  11. Analyze your campaign after it is run