How to Make Leads on Instagram in 2021

make a lead on Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

This is 2021. Marketing is no longer like what it was before. Don’t you agree? Marketing changed, so did customers’ behavior. They don’t commute to shops and centers as before. They shop on Instagram. When they shop online, they might open 10 tabs or check several Instagram profiles to buy something. They are less loyal to brands. As a matter of fact, 80 percent of those who visit your account for the first time won’t be coming back to your page ever again. This is where you need to make leads if you ever want to sell on Instagram. But the question is, “how do you make leads on Instagram?”

Making Lead on Instagram Must happen in Customer Journey.

Have you ever shopped anything online? I suppose you have. Think about it! How did it happen? Did you buy something as soon as the idea came into your mind? Or the idea came to your mind, then you check the prices, consider its pros and cons before you buy that thing? The mentioned process is called the “customer journey” in the world of digital marketing.

credit: Vendasta

But hey! What do all I said have to do with making leads on Instagram anyway? Look! Lead generation is about to be got stuck in customers’ minds so that the possibility of shopping from you would increase. Customers should remember you in their journey. How? Keep reading and find it for yourself.

Instagram lead generation is not just about posting and using hashtags, although they matter a lot. Before I go through the details, let me convince you why you need to double your effort on Instagram. 

Instagram is the first place platform with the highest number of active users by far. According to the statistics, at least 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile every day.


Have another look at the statistics! Was there any time better for running a business on Instagram? Isn’t it worth planning like other aspects of your business? Why would lag while other business profiles lead users perfectly and sell well?

8 Ways to Make a Leads on Instagram

Making leads on Instagram is a lot easier when you know your goals, plans, and strategies. As said Brian Tracy, even with the best car, you drive slowly in the fog. Map out your Instagram campaigns, content, stories, and even hashtags ahead of time. To get the most out of your Instagram marketing efforts,  use a Free Instagram Scheduler.

1.Instagram Lead Generation Ads

Of course, Instagram lead generation ads are the number one way to make a lead on Instagram. Instagram lead ads are meant to serve businesses to gather customers’ information such as email addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, and job titles. When you as a businessman know your customers, you can provide them with better services or products. These ads can help businesses learn more about customers, improve marketing campaigns, and more.

How To Run Instagram Lead Generation Ads:


2.Upgrade Your Bio and Make Leads on Instagram

Of course, you must write a catchy bio for your Instagram. But what is the most important part of the bio? The one which enables you to make money?

Yeap! It is the link in the bio.

By putting the link in the bio, you can either make money on Instagram through affiliate marketing, sell in your own site or even bring traffic into it.

Among all platforms out there, AiGrow seems to be the first choice for so many businesses. Why? Stick with me.

What is the most insignificant withdraw of Instagram? The disability to put links in the post. AiGrow gives you the ability to put multiple links in the bio. Besides, it’s completely free and easy to use.

bio url page examples

What else?

  • Options to customize your Link In Bio Page
  •  Buttons, background images, social icons, and many other features to create an eye-catching Link in Bio Page
  • Specific URLs for each Instagram post
  • 100% Free

Since the article is about ways to generate leads on Instagram, I won’t give further information. But if you still are interested in knowing more, read this article.

3.Make Leads on Instagram by Retargeting

What is it to take the lead on Instagram anyway? Isn’t it the ability to track your audience? One way is to lead them by Facebook page.

Leading your Instagram followers on Facebook allows you to target Instagram users who are similar to your existing customers. It is the perfect opportunity for those of you who already have at least 1,000 Instagram followers.

It helps you make high-quality leads by targeting users who are more inclined to like your products or services. Facebook lets you make a list of audience based on things like:

  • Everyone who engaged with your Instagram profile
  • Those who visited your Instagram profile
  • Those who engage with your ads
  • Those who comment on your Instagram
  • People who sent DM to your Instagram account
  • Those who saved any of your posts or ads

4.Engage with Your Audience on Instagram

Generating leads on Instagram is also about making your brand more memorable. Maybe you are not of a very famous brand, or maybe your business is local. Engaging with your followers can make you memorable.

View this post on Instagram

What do you think this guy does for a living? Best caption gets 3 Free cookies ?

A post shared by Hot Box Cookies ? (@hotboxcookies) on

It doesn’t have to be just in post. You can make leads by using emojis, sharing related images, replying with a funny GIF in stories, and asking a follow-up question.

5.Instagram Stories Can Be Used for Lead Generation

One way to keep in touch with your followers who might be passing the customer journey is the “swipe up” feature of Instagram. You can address followers on another site.

Well, they say you must already have 10000 followers. If you do, cool, but if not, don’t be disappointed. Here’s how you can add swipe-up links to your Instagram stories even without 10K followers.

6. Call to Action

Calls to action are what make leads based on experiences.

There are a ton of ways to do that. “Link in the bio” and “swipe up” are just two of them. Mix and match and stay awesome, Gotham! Make sure to incorporate engaging CTAs on Instagram to make leads from there.

7. Lead Magnets

I can not write an article about making leads on Instagram without talking about the lead magnet on earth! As an Instagrammer, you may propose something valuable to your followers in exchange for their E-mail address or any other contact information.


Lead Magnets You Can Propose:

  • A piece of digital
  • Downloadable content, such as a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, video, etc 
  • Free product or service
  • Discount coupon
  • Free consultation

Tell me! Wouldnt you be more convinced to give away your contact information in exchange for any of the mentioned lead magnets? Think about it! What else can be used as lead magnets?

8. Win More Leads by Story Telling

Read this part more carefully. Because it not only help you to make leads on Instagram but also can change your life for good in all aspects if you learn how to tell a story.

Do you know who makes leads? Those who come up with a unique story can impress the audience and appreciate them on another level.

Think about it! How can you build an emotional connection with your followers, and how can you lead them to what you are after? I admit it might be a little tricky, but hey, you need to adult.  

By good storytelling, you make yourself a unique type of your business and more memorable. It does not have to be so serious or emotional. You can even fool around and be goofy about it.

Final Words

Indeed, %80 of those who come to your profile for the first time won’t come back again, but there are methods of lead generation that can turn a one-time visitor into your customer. There are some tips you can follow to start making leads on Instagram. However, you can get help from an Instagram marketing tool to make it easier for you.

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