Microblogging on Instagram: The Secret of Starting a Blog in Minutes

Microblogging on Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

As you all may know, microblogging combines short messages with content that informs people about some special topics. Nowadays, most marketers, social media influencers, and brands use microblogging to inform people and get more engagement for whatever they do. Actually, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are amazing places to start your own microblog. There are some general tips to start a microblog on social media. But here, we want to focus on microblogging on Instagram. 

This article teaches you some amazing tips to use Instagram as a microblogging platform, get more Instagram engagement, and get more followers for your Instagram microblog. So, stay tuned. 

Microblogging on Instagram: The Ultimate Guide

As mentioned in the previous part, microblogging is a combination of content and short messages. And this is exactly why it is popular among people. Actually, most internet users prefer to get the information they want just by looking at photos, videos, and short texts. And where is the best place to share this kind of content? Right, Instagram. 

On Instagram, you can combine all these things and inform people about products, services, scientific facts, etc. But how to share your ideas on an Instagram microblog? This is what you can find in the following sections. Here, we teach you to create and share informative images and videos, write the best captions, and also attract the audience on Instagram. So, keep on reading and start your blog in less than an hour!

What to Share on Instagram Posts?

Well, if you want to start microblogging on Instagram, you need to have some original ideas and content to share. Actually, being original is the key to success in what you want to do. To be honest, you can start your Instagram microblog on every topic that you are interested in; you may want to start a travel blog, food blog, scientific blog, or even a blog to sell affiliate products and become an influencer out there. 

So, what you can share out there really depends on your niche. But, there are some general ideas that can help you this way. For instance, you can:

  • Share behind the scene photos, 
  • Post tutorial videos and images, 
  • Share tips and tricks using well-designed photos,
  • Create and share explainer videos,

And other types of creative content that lets people get the information they want in less than a minute. As an example, take a look at @abeautifulmess’s account on Instagram:

microblogging on Instagram

As you can see in their bio, this Instagram account is a blog by two sisters, and they share DIY tutorials and ideas on their account. 

So, if you want to start microblogging on Instagram, no matter what niche you are interested in, just find something that you are really creative in. And then, using the best Instagram post ideas, try to share amazing content on your account. 

What to Include in Instagram Microblog Captions?

Definitely, you are microblogging on Instagram to inform people using photos, videos, and short messages that can be shared on captions. But how must an amazing blogging caption look like? Should you include all the details? Of course not! 

Actually, Instagram captions can be at most 2,200 characters. Additionally, microblogs are popular among people because they are not too long and can be read in less than a minute. Hence, you must share the heart of a subject and invite people to read more about the topic on your blog, website, or other social media accounts linked to your Instagram bio

Here’s an example by @buzzfeedtasty, which is a food blog account on Instagram:


As you see, they share a video on how to cook a portion of delicious food. And then, invite people to read the detailed article in their bio link. So, just share what you think attracts people using photos and images, and then add a CTA to let people read more about the topic. 

How to Get Followers for a Microblog on Instagram?

Obviously, whatever you do on Instagram, you need followers to keep up the good job you are doing out there. So, if you want your microblog to appear in the list of the best blogs on Instagram, you need to have followers who love your posts and engage with whatever you share. But growing followers on Instagram is one of the biggest issues of every Instagrammer. 

Actually, there are some general ideas that can help you get followers for your microblog. For example:

And things like this can be found all over the internet. But, I want to show you an amazing app that helps you with the mentioned tips and lets you get more than 300+ followers per month just by taking a few steps. 

This amazing app is AiGrow, a complete solution for Instagram marketers and helps you with almost all the problems you have while growing on Instagram. Actually, this amazing tool has different Instagram marketing packages that let you schedule Instagram posts and stories, repost content, find the best Instagram hashtags, manage your DMs professionally, create all-in-one bio links, and also gain followers in a short period of time. So, check the packages, choose the one for your needs, and get followers for your microblog on Instagram!  

Final Thoughts on Microblogging on Instagram

To sum it up, microblogging on Instagram can be really beneficial and help you get more attention for your business. But, to start an amazing microblog on Instagram, you have to know what to post, when to post, and also how to make people engage with your content. In this article, we tried to answer all these questions. So, read it meticulously, and feel free to leave us a comment to share your own ideas.

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