Mouseflow: An Eye-Opening Review! + Best Alternative in 2023

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Are you having a hard time trying to keep your website going? Perhaps you even noticed that your website is not doing as well as it used to. Right now, you must be looking for a CRO tool to help you improve your website efficiency. On your journey to find it, you’ve probably heard of Mouseflow.

 Mouseflow is a CRO tool that promises to improve your conversion rate by providing heatmaps and session recordings. But is it really the best option you have? Probably not! 

There are many competitors in the market, but only a few have both great features and good prices, such as WatchThemLive. There are a few Mouseflow reviews online, but in this article, we’ll provide all you need to know and whether it’s a good choice or not. Let’s elaborate on both of these websites so that we can choose wisely!

What Is Mouseflow

Mouseflow is a user behavioral analytics tool that allegedly optimizes your website ‘with certainty, not assumption,’ which is subject to dispute because there are many assumptions about their site itself!

Mouseflow homepage
Mouseflow Homepage

It also promises to provide its customers with the necessary data for website optimization. It claims to have over 190,000 users worldwide, but interestingly, there is no review about it on trustable sites such as Reddit and Trustpilot.

So keep reading to delve into some real Mouseflow reviews because you deserve the truth! But before that, let’s see how it works and what its features are.

Mouseflow Features

Let’s get more familiar with Mouseflow features and services. By knowing them, we can decide whether it’s worth your money or not.


One of the excellent tools for monitoring your visitors’ behavior on your website is a heatmap tool. It shows you which part of your website received more attention from your viewers. Mouseflow offers 5 different heatmaps.

Session Recordings

Many CRO tools have session replay features. Session recording is another excellent attribute of monitoring your visitors’ interaction with your website pages. Websites like Mouseflow do that by recording every action visitors take after entering your website as if you’re viewing your pages through their eyes. 

According to different reviews, Mousflow’s session replay software has a lot of bugs. Here, you can see what Thomas says about his experience with Mouseflow.

Mouseflow Session Replays
Mouseflow Session Replays

The worst part is that the number of sessions you get is limited, and that’s not all! Those already-limited session credits will soon come to an end because sessions are recorded rather randomly, and even 1-second sessions are recorded too. There is no filter or feature to avoid it, which is a weakness because you’ll need to buy more expensive plans to have more session recording credits.

Mouseflow session records also break every time visitors go to other website pages. That’s why it’s rather difficult to track each user’s behavior.

But don’t just take my word for it! Take a look at this Mouseflow review written by an unsatisfied client and see for yourself. As you can see, David is so irritated that he won’t even recommend using Mouseflow to a friend:

Mouseflow Reviews: the Issue with Session Replays
Mouseflow Reviews: the Issue with Session Replays

Another issue you need to be mindful of is the missing data reported by its customers.

Bug-Free Journey

They promise a bug-free experience, yet reviews show that many users are having trouble getting the data they need due to the number of unsolved bugs this website has.


Mouseflow claims to be an easy-to-navigate tool, yet many reviews show that a noticeable number of users are overwhelmed by how confusing it can be! Even though there are tutorials provided on their website, many complain about the lack of a genuine and straightforward guide to help them use this tool.  

Mouseflow Reviews: Learning Curve
Mouseflow Reviews: Learning Curve

Here is another review by a confused user.

Mouseflow Review on G2
Mouseflow Review on G2

Pro Tip: Learn more about how to improve your e-commerce navigation by clicking here!

Mouseflow Pricing

The prices of Mouseflow services are not reasonable, and it’s not worth it. There are other CRO tools with much better prices and services.

 As we saw in heatmaps, you will be paying for features that you won’t even use! Also, the amount of recording you get for the free and starter plans is too little. They are literally making you pay them more and more by showing you a glimpse of their features. 

You also need to purchase an additional plan every time you want to add a website if you’ve already purchased the free or starter plan, which is totally unfair because you’re basically paying them twice for the services you should have in the first place.

Take a look at their pricing page and see for yourself.

Mouseflow pricing
Mouseflow Pricing

Mouseflow Pros And Cons

In the following, we’ll go over some more details about Mouseflow in order to have a better view of this matter.

Mouseflow Pros

  • Good security,
  • Real-time UX data,
  • Free plan.

Mouseflow Cons

  • Hard to navigate,
  • Unfair pricing,
  • Unsolved bugs and missing data,
  • Lack of a proper guideline,
  • Confusing credit system,
  • Not a suitable website design for mobile users,
  • Doesn’t use sampling for recording sessions,
  • Not suitable for smaller businesses,
  • A limited number of session recordings in each plan.

Disappointed with Mouseflow? So were a lot of their users. But worry not, for we will introduce the best alternative for all your CRO needs!

The Best Alternative To Mouseflow: WatchThemLive

Not all behavior analytic tools are a waste of time and money like Mouseflow is. WatchThemLive is one of the best CRO tools on the internet, with various features and cheap prices.

The Best Mouseflow Alternative: WatchThemLive
The Best Mouseflow Alternative: WatchThemLive

WatchThemLive experts, unlikeMouseflow, always ensure a genuine and bug-free website with the most convenient designs for all users. They also keep updating their services so that their users have all the necessary tools they need to improve their business.

There are many great reviews about WatchThemLive on the internet, which, unlike Mouseflow, are on many trustworthy websites. We’ll go over some of these reviews but first, let’s go over some WatchThemLive features and services.

WatchThemLive Features

Let’s elaborate more on the features provided by this tool to better understand why we always recommend WatchThemLive as a great alternative to all the other tools.

#1 Deep Analytics Tool

WatchThemLive analyzes your data so that you don’t have to do it yourself! Long gone are those weird, complicated numbers. By using WatchThemLive as your analytics tool, you can easily access all the information you need to know without dealing with the raw collected data!

This way, you will know exactly how your website is doing and how to increase its overall revenue.

#2 Session Recordings

Session replays allow you to monitor every action your user takes from the moment they enter your website until they leave. It’s like standing next to each individual and seeing what they’re seeing!

This way, you can see which parts of your website are more engaging and which need improvement.

Moreover, WatchThemLive uses sampling for its session replays. Sampling is a method that collects data on a sample group of viewers instead of the whole audience, which saves a lot of time and money. Without it, like in Mouseflow, you must analyze each visitor yourself! Just choose one of your active filters, and start segmenting the session replays!

#3 User Behavior Tracking

WatchThemLive proudly has one of the best user tracking tools amongst competitors. Using this feature, you can observe each individual’s journey through your website, such as their visited pages, clicks, scrolls, etc. Combine this feature with your session replays to have an ultimate guideline on how your users interact with different parts of your website.

#4 Goal Tracking

By setting up your desired goals and tracking their progress, you can have a deeper insight into what you need to do to reach them and how to improve your conversions and credibility.

#5 Page Optimization

WatchThemLive will keep track of your website visitors and shows you what their interests are. By focusing on your target audience, you can optimize your website to be more engaging and get more viewers.

#6 Heatmaps

See where your visitors mostly click and which parts of your website are getting more attention by the accurate heatmaps provided!

#7 Video Testimonial

One of the newest features of WatchThemLive, which is one of a kind among other CRO tools, is a video testimonial. This service helps you to prompt your users anytime inside your website to give you a video testimonial. You can get more than 1000 videos and use them wherever you want as a form of promotion or advertisement.

#8 Visual Live Chat

This is another unique service that WatchThemLive provides and is extremely helpful when it comes to customer service. As you already know, customer service is one of the most important elements of a successful business. WatchThemLive ensures that you help your users the best way possible by allowing you to see what your users are having problems with.

In other words, you can access the real-time session recording of the user. This way, you’ll know exactly where they’re having problems so that you can assist them more easily and efficiently.

WatchThemLive Pricing

By comparing Mouseflow pricing to WatchThemLive, you will better understand their differences and why we always recommend WatchThemLive as a great CRO tool for all e-commerce businesses. Their pricing is also lower than most tools while providing the best features, such as unlimited session recordings and data retention!

WatchThemLive Pricing
WatchThemLive Pricing

You can also enjoy services such as video testimonials and visual live chat, which you can’t find in any other CRO tools!

As you can see, WatchThemLive provides unlimited session recordings and data retention even in their free plan! This indicates how much they care about your data collection and ensuring that you won’t miss any important detail.

The heatmaps feature also includes all the necessary ones for small and big businesses so that you don’t have to pay extra for services you won’t need.

By paying only 83$ per month, you can have access to all their features for an unlimited amount! This factor is something that Mouseflow and other competitors can’t be compared to.

WatchThemLive On Trustpilot

Users love WatchThemLive and are not afraid to describe their experience on one of the most reliable review websites there is! WatchThemLive also received a 5-star rating on Trustpilot! So let’s view some of the reviews left by satisfied customers.

WatchThemLive Review on WatchThemLive
WatchThemLive Review on WatchThemLive

Here is another user who gave WatchThemLive a 5-star rating while saying:

WatchThemLive Review: What Customers Say
WatchThemLive Review: What Customers Say

Pro Tip: Read this WatchThemLive review to find out everything you need to know about this conversion rate optimization platform.

Mouseflow Vs. WatchThemLive: Final Verdict

Many reasons show that WatchThemLive is a much better option when it comes to picking a CRO tool for your website. Whether it’s big or small, your online business will always need an extra pair of hands to reach its fullest potential. That’s when WatchThemLive comes to your aid!

As mentioned above, Mouseflow fails to fulfill its client’s needs, and they usually leave for other alternatives with disappointment. But you don’t have to be like them! You can make the best choice and invest in a tool that is worth your money and time in addition to being fit for your business.

Unlike Mouseflow, WatchThemLive provides many useful features without making you pay extra fees for god-knows-what. 

There are many positive reviews about WatchThemLive that prove its efficiency and legitimacy. Let’s go over some of them together!

FAQs On Mouseflow

Let’s look into some more questions that people had about Mouseflow.

Q1. What Is Mouseflow Used for?

Mouseflow is supposedly a website optimization tool that promises to improve your overall performance.

Q2. Is Mouseflow Legit?

We believe it’s not a scam. Mouseflow claims to help with your website revenue, but there are far more useful tools with more features and lower prices.


When you decide to start your very own online business or improve the existing one, you will most likely encounter many CRO tools that claim to be the best. In this review, we didn’t just claim that. We proved that WatchThemLive is a much better option than Mouseflow or other behavior analytics tools out there.

WatchThemLive is safe, easy to use, successful at increasing the website’s CR, and with many powerful features! We compared these tools in quality and pricing, concluding that no other website meets your needs as WatchThemLive does. So don’t waste any time! Begin your journey to a successful online business TODAY, and let your website be filled with happy visitors. Sign up now and discover all these great features yourself.

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