7 Social Media Virtual Assistant Services to Trust

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

No need to mention that you must take full advantage of all social media. But it is not wise to do all the work yourself. So you need to hire a virtual assistant for social media accounts.

Let’s not beat around the bush and get to know 7 top social media virtual assistant services. Shall we?

7 Top Social Media Virtual Assistant Sevices

Based on studies I did about social media virtual assistant services out there, these are trustworthy ones;

  1. AiGrow
  2. Zirtual
  3. Acelerar
  4. Webcenture
  5. Task Bullet
  6. Virtalent
  7. My Workers



AiGrow is an all-in-one Instagram solution with some helpful tools and features: 

Features of AiGrow

  • AiGrow uses an Ai-powered system and a team of Instagram experts to grow your page. It means if you hire a virtual assistant from AiGrow, you will be hiring a team to help you grow your account.
  • Humans, not robots, do all the activities.
  • You can contact your assistant any time of day you desire and ask for any changes to your account.
  • Virtual assistant creates some good content related to your niche
  • The virtual assistant of AiGrow reports you daily and lets you monitor the progress
  • Your virtual assistant makes calendar content relating to your niche
  • Your virtual assistant schedules your content and publish them regularly to increase the ER of your page
  • Your virtual assistant helps you drive traffic from your Instagram to your blog, shop, or website

Try AiGrow for Free

Pricing of AiGrow

AiGrow has several packages that I am about to discuss in detail. Let us see what they are;

  • Post plus: 7$/month
  • Essentials: 23$/month
  • Pro-Managed: 129$/month
  • VIP-Managed: 250$/month
  • Pro-Managed Especial: 99$/month
  • Bootstrap: 133$/month
Post Plus package

In the pro plus package of AiGrow, virtual assistants;

  • Schedule one content each day on Instagram
  • Please find the most seen content in your niche and repost them
  • Add multiple links in bio, as much as you desire
  • Reward 3 posts each month (The impact of this feature is undeniable in the growth of your Instagram accounts)
Essential package

In the essential package of AiGrow, virtual assistants do whatever they do in the Pro Plus package, plus;

  • Provide you with PODs
  • Connect your DMs to your Email
  • Send 250 DMs each month
  • Provide you with free services of the Instagram scheduler to schedule your posts and stories
Pro-Managed package

In the Pro-Managed package of AiGrow;

  • Virtual assistants guarantee more than 300 real followers per month. Virtual assistants do not just raise your followers; and they target followers who are your potential followers.
  • You will be provided with an Instagram manager as well 
  • Your virtual assistant, follow-unfollow your potential customers to grow your followers all manually (to keep your account safe)
  • Your virtual assistant like your potential customers to persuade them to follow you
  • Your virtual assistant create 2 or 3 content each week
  • Your virtual assistant will be available 24 hours

In VIP-Managed of AiGrow, you will be provided with all mentioned features of the pro-managed package and unlimited use of features, plus the creation of 5 content each week.

Need to mention that in this package, your virtual assistant guarantees to gain more than 500 new followers(=potential customers) each month.

Pro-Managed Especial

The Pro-managed special package of AiGrow is just like the Pro-managed package with a difference in pricing. 

Hiring a virtual assistant in this package costs you only 7$ an hour. Crazy, right?

Bootstrap package

The Bootstrap package of AiGrow is a killer package. In this package, your virtual assistant;

  • Designs your page
  • Designs template for your posts and stories
  • Creates up to 20 pieces of content up to post each week
  • Assures you more than 250 followers per month

Sign Up in AiGrow for free.

Pros of AiGrow

  • Virtual assistants of AiGrow guarantee your followers growth
  • Most features of AiGrow is Free even if you do not hire your Instagram VA there
  • Since your Instagram virtual assistant is a human being, you do not need to worry about the safety of your Instagram account and the risks of getting shadowbanned.
  • Virtual assistants of AiGrow target followers to convert them into paying customers, not just any followers.
  • Virtual assistants of AiGrow know all the tricks to grow your followers in the minimum time possible.
  • AiGrow is totally affordable.
  • 100% of work will be done by your virtual assistant, from replying to comments to follow-unfollowing and other growth activities.
  • Due to different packages, AiGrow is compatible with big and small businesses.
  • Virtual assistants of the AiGrow guarantee to keep your Instagram account safe and secure from getting banned.
  • AiGrow is adequate for beginners and professionals
  • Instagram virtual assistants of AiGrow are experienced in what they do.

Cons of AiGrow

  • You can only hire an Instagram virtual assistant in AiGrow, and they don’t have such a service for other social media yet.


social-media-virtual- assistant-service-Zirtual

Zirtual is a company in which you can hire a virtual assistant for all your social media accounts.

What Social Media Platforms can you Hire a Virtual Assistant for in Zirtual?

In Zirtual, you can hire a virtual assistant for social media platforms like;

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Canva
  • SalesForce
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

and more.

Features of Zirtual

With Zirtual’s social media virtual assistant services, your virtual assistant will:

  • Make content for your social media account
  • Interact with your followers
  • Fill you in with weekly reports

Pricing of Zirtual

To hire your social media virtual assistant in Zirtual, first get to know the plans and pricing of Zirtual.

  • Entrepreneur plan of Zirtual: 449$ per month
  • Startup plan if Zirtual: 749$ per month
  • Small business plan if Zirtual: 1099$ per month
  • Team plan of Zirtual: 1499$ per month
Entrepreneur Plan of Zirtual
  • Your social media virtual assistant dedicates 12 hours a month
  • 1 user included
Startup Plan of Zirtual
  • Your virtual assistant works on your social media accounts 24 hours a month
  • 2 users included
Small Business Plan of Zirtual
  • Your social media virtual assistant works for 36 hours a month
  • 3 users included
Team Plan of Zirtual
  • Your social media assistant works on your social media accounts 50 hours a month
  • 4 users included

Pros of Zirtual

  • The number of social media platforms you can hire a virtual assistant is wide.
  • Your virtual assistant starts with you with the fundamental stuff like setting up a social media profile if you want.
  • Your virtual assistant will set up an email campaign and monitor the results.

Cons of Zirtual

  • Despite all the efforts, Zirtual does not guarantee anything in advance
  • Social media virtual assistants of Zirtual are high-paid. (Instagram virtual assistants in the Pro-managed special package of AiGrow are only paid 7$/hour.



Webcenter is another place that provides you with social media virtual assistant services.

Features of Webcenter

  • In WebCenter, virtual assistants write/rewrite your social media profile
  • Your assistant create content for your social media accounts
  • Your virtual assistant reports to you the progress of social media
  • Your virtual assistant track the behavior of your followers
  • Your virtual assistant creates calendar content and schedules them

What Social Media Accounts does Webcenter Provide You with Virtual Assistant?

You can hire your virtual assistant for social media platforms like; 

  • Google +
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn

and more.

Pricing of Webcenter

To hire a social media virtual assistant in Webcenter, prices are as given;

pricing of hiring social media va webcenter

Pros of Webcenter

  • Webcenter is a good place to hire a social media virtual assistant for beginners; nonetheless, it is recommendable to professionals.
  • You can hire a virtual social media assistant for any social media account.
  • Virtual assistants of Webcenter target potential customers, not just any followers
  • The number of social media platforms for which you can hire your virtual assistant is wide enough. 
  • You will be provided with Customer Support 24/7
  • Webcenter is cost-effective

Cons of Webcenter

  • Social media virtual assistants of Webcenter do not guarantee anything in advance ( Social media virtual assistants of AiGrow, guarantee more than 500 new target followers per month)

Task Bullet

social media assistant task bullet

Task Bullet is another website on which you can hire a virtual assistant for your social media accounts.

What Social Media Accounts can you Hire Virtual assistants for in Task Bullet?

In Task Bullet, you can hire your virtual assistant for social media accounts like;

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest

Features of Task Bullet

  • Your social media virtual assistant schedule your posts
  • Your social media virtual assistant sends you monthly newsletters
  • The virtual assistant you hire in Task Bullets interacts with followers and replies to comments, likes posts of other users, etc
  • Your social media virtual assistant refers followers to your blog
  • Your virtual assistant creates surveys or promotions to increase the ER

Pricing of Task Bullet

To hire social media virtual assistant, plans and pricing of Task Bullet are as given below;

pricing task bullet to hire social media assistant

Pros of Task Bullet

  • Task Bullet has 24/7 customer support
  • Task Bullet is affordable

Cons of Task Bullet

  • Virtual assistants of Task Bullet do not cover Instagram (To hire an Instagram virtual assistant, sign up here)


Features of Virtalent

  • The virtual assistant you hire in Virtalent will follow your instructions. The only thing you need to do is to call or Email your assistant.
  • You can leave your content making in the hands of your social media virtual assistant.

Social Media Platforms in which You Can Hire Virtual assistant in Virtalent;

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • LinkedIn

Pricing of Virtalent

The pricing of Virtalent is as given below;

Pros of Virtalent

  • Social media platforms for which you can hire a virtual assistant in Virtalent are wide.

Cons of Virtalent

  • Virtalent is expensive (the most reasonable plan of Virtalent is still more expensive than the most expensive plan of AiGrow)

My Workers

My Workers is a website on which you can hire your social media virtual assistant.

Pricing of My Workers

My workers cost you only $7.95 per hour.

Pros of My Workers

  • My Workers comes with 3 hours of a free trial
  • My Workers is affordable

Cons of My Workers

  • My Workers lacks different plans
  • My Workers does not fit big businesses 


All these websites where you can hire your social media virtual assistant have one thing in common.

They all take the responsibility of making your content for your social media accounts.

But they differ in pricing and social media platforms in which you can hire a social media virtual assistant. 

If you wish to hire an Instagram virtual assistant, AiGrow is a good place to hire your VA. In the Pro-Managed Special plan of AiGrow, you will get at least 300 real and target followers each month at only 7$ per hour.

To hire a virtual assistant who can do better and cheaper than you, sign up here.

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