Top 5 Strategies to Boost Your Instagram Results

Top 6 Strategies to Boost Your Instagram Results

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

What is your Instagram goal for 2020? Is it to amp up your engagement levels or increase your brand awareness? Be a better content creator? Or perhaps your sole focus is on growing your account or boosting your Instagram by gaining new followers?

No matter your specific goal, there’s a solid tried and tested Instagram strategy to help you achieve it. And we can help you uncover these secrets. Here are just five of them to help get you started on becoming an influencer. So, stay tuned! 🙂

Top 5 Strategies to Boost Your Instagram Results

In the following, we will talk about the best 5 strategies that can help you boost your Instagram in a short time! So, if you are concerned about your IG growth, keep reading! 

#1 Create Killer Content Consistently

killer content

Without killer content, your Instagram page will crash and burn. Fact. People don’t want to follow accounts that will flood their feed with images they’ve seen a thousand times before or boring content that appears everywhere they look.

Dedicate some time to coming up with a content calendar—and stick to it! Learn the art of creating engaging Instagram content and remind your followers WHY they chose to follow your account in the first place. Engage with your followers and ask them what they’d like to see more of. Give the people what they want.  

But how? Actually, an easy and good way to do so is to use AiSchedul! Using AiSchedul, you can schedule posts and stories for the rest of a week or even a month! Hence, you can focus on creating killer content and stop worrying about the lack of time! 

boost your Instagram

Also, as we have mentioned, you’d better ask your followers for their opinion about what you’ve shared! For this, AiSchedul has an amazing feature! As you know, Instagram lets you ask questions, share polls, and some other amazing things to ask people for their opinion! So, why don’t you schedule your posts to be shared on stories after some time? AiSchedul lets you “Post on Stories” by just hitting a button! So, try it for free now!

#2 Socialize and Boost Your Instagram

boost your Instagram

It’s called social media for a reason! Get social with your followers and other Instagrammers in your niche. If a follower takes the time to leave a comment on your content, do them the honor of responding to them. Not only will this help your existing followers feel valued, but it will attract new followers by showing them that you engage with your following.

In addition, check out what other content creators in your niche are getting up to and comment on their work. By doing this, you’re exposing your account to their followers who—since you’re in the same niche as the accounts they follow—are likely to be interested in your content too. And don’t worry! You can use engagement pods to fasten this strategy! 

If you worry about your time, AiSchedul can help you in this part too! Actually, using this amazing tool, you can automatically respond to comments and socialize with your followers and also boost your Instagram!

#3 Partner with a PR Firm


Instagrammers are deciding to partner with a PR Firm with followings of all sizes. But how exactly does a public relations firm help you improve your Instagram results? It’s simple: PR Firms help to connect organizations with Instagram influencers such as yourself.

Many people are under the impression that partnering with or engaging the services of public relations firms is reserved for those with celebrity status or huge followings, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, more brands, organizations, and PR Firms are seeing the power that micro-influencers have over their audience, and the rewards are being reaped by everyone involved. 


#4 Host a Giveaway or Contest to Boost Your Instagram

boost your Instagram via giveaway contests

People like to win free things. It’s a fact of life. A sure-fire way to engage your existing followers and attract hundreds—if not thousands—of new ones is to host a giveaway on your Instagram page. No matter which entry Ts & Cs you opt to enforce, make sure that only entries made by those who follow your account are acceptable.  

 You can determine the rules of entry, but the most common Ts & Cs for entry are:

  • Like the giveaway post
  • Leave a comment
  • Tag a friend
  • Share

Just remember to keep the prize relevant to your niche. For example, if you run a photography account, you shouldn’t offer a free makeup palette as a prize but rather a free eBook on photography techniques or a gift card to a photography store. So, before starting any giveaways to boost your Instagram, know how to host giveaway contests on Instagram and get familiar with all its aspects to succeed!

Also, check the AiSchedul “Post and Reward” feature to automate the giveaway and achieve your goals in a really shorter time! 😉

#5 Share Your Story with Your Followers


If you’ve been neglecting the Instagram Stories feature, you’re going to kick yourself after reading this. More than 400 million people use Instagram Stories every month! And many Instagram users actually prefer watching Instagram Stories rather than scrolling through their never-ending feed.

So if you haven’t already, turn to Instagram Stories to help boost your engagement and up your follower count. Share behind-the-scenes style content, host interactive polls, and experiment with Boomerangs, filters, and fun stickers to keep your audience engaged at all times. Find out what works and stick to it. Also, use AiSchedul to schedule your stories, create amazing ones, and share videos on your stories to become more successful! 

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to boost your Instagram account, and if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to implement them, the rewards will speak for themselves.

Which of these solid strategies will you be using to boost your Instagram in 2020? Let us know in the comments section down below, and let’s help each other master the social media world.

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