How to Get Instant Followers on Instagram Without Following for Free?

How to get instant followers on Instagram for free?

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Getting followers on Instagram without following or liking must be a challenge for business owners. In this article, I will elaborate on some methods for Instagram users to grow their followers without following numerous accounts and waiting for them to follow back.

As you know, the asset of every business on Instagram is its followers, so getting followers on Instagram is essential, particularly the real followers who are interested in your industry. There are plenty of ways to increase the number of followers

To get followers on Instagram without following or liking, you could buy followers or use Instagram robots. However, neither of these are practical methods to maintain a healthy environment to grow your online business in.

Therefore, if you are looking for a solution to obtain more genuine followers to grow your business, do not hesitate to read to the end.

Note: At the end of this article, you’ll see how AiGrow guides you to The #1 solution for generating organic, highly qualified followers. So, buckle up, and let’s jump in.

Is It Wise to Have Many Followers Without Following Anyone?

Having many followers without following anyone can be wise or unwise depending on the context and goals. Here are some considerations for both sides.

  • Pros

One advantage is that it can boost your image and authority. When people see that many follow you but you don’t follow anyone back, it can make you seem important and influential. 

This can be particularly good for public figures, brands, or influencers who want to appear professional. It also helps you stay focused. Without the distraction of other people’s posts, you can concentrate more on creating your own content. 

  • Cons

On the downside, not following anyone can hurt your engagement. Social media thrives on interaction, and if you don’t follow others, you might miss out on building a strong community and interacting with your audience. It can also make you seem unapproachable or uninterested in others’ content, which might turn some people off. 

Moreover, you miss networking opportunities. Following others can help you stay informed about new trends and connect with other influencers or brands in your industry. 

How to Get Followers on Instagram Without Following?

There are some ways to get followers on Instagram without following. Here you are going to read 10 ways:

1. Make Your Profile and Bio Attractive

The first essential part of your page is your profile picture, which can attract or repel visitors in the blink of an eye. Instagram is an image-based social media platform where images play a pivotal role. Therefore, you must use a profile picture that represents your brand/ business or is at least related to the topic of your page.

Get followers on Instagram without following - A good bio and profile

Additionally, you must use high-quality and engaging themes for your highlights and posts. This demonstrates respect for your followers and can help you get more followers without following or liking them.

A good Instagram bio is short and clear. It tells people who you are and what you do. So, use emojis to make it fun and easy to read. Tell people what you want them to do, like click a link or share your posts. Keep your bio updated and include a way to get in touch if you’re a business. 

2. Use Hashtags to Get More Followers without Following 

Hashtags play an essential role in enhancing your business on Instagram, especially since Instagram allows people to follow their favorite hashtags. This feature makes hashtags even more valuable, and using top Instagram hashtags that are relevant to your content can help you gain followers without the need for following or liking in return. 

Therefore, search for trending and popular ones related to your business, identify the best hashtags for attracting followers, compile a list, and incorporate them into your posts and stories.

3. Hold Instagram Contests

Hosting contests and giveaways on Instagram can be a powerful way to increase your followers organically. It is one of the best ways most pages can get more followers without the following apps.  Instagram giveaway contests help you to grow on Instagram and increase your engagement rate and awareness about your Instagram page and business.

Holding Instagram giveways and contests

By announcing attractive prizes and setting simple entry requirements, such as liking the post, tagging friends, or sharing it, you can quickly spread the word about your profile. 

Engaging actively with participants and promoting the contest across various social media platforms can also contribute to its success. After the contest ends, sharing the results helps maintain trust and encourages followers to stay tuned for future events. 

This approach not only enhances your profile’s visibility but also fosters a sense of community and excitement among your audience, leading to a natural growth in followers.

4. Use Your Website and Other Social Media Platforms

To get more followers on Instagram, you can share your Instagram posts on other websites like Facebook, X (Twitter), Linkedin, etc. If your business has a website, consider adding an Instagram banner at the end of each post and including it in the “About Us” or “Contact Us” sections. This strategy significantly increases the likelihood of gaining new followers.

Moreover, when you send emails, you can tell people to check out your Instagram profile. Always make sure your Instagram looks the same as your other pages so people know it’s you. This way, more people can find your Instagram and follow you without you having to follow them back. Just promote your Instagram everywhere you can! 

5. Share High-Quality Content

Creating engaging posts on Instagram involves more than just presenting a challenge to your audience. High-quality content is key. Aim to upload posts that are not only exciting but also visually appealing and thought-provoking.

High-resolution images, compelling captions, and interactive elements like polls or questions can encourage users to participate in your discussions.

Additionally, ensure your content is relevant to your audience’s interests and aligned with your brand’s message. By combining challenging concepts with high-quality content, you can captivate your followers and foster a lively and interactive community on your page. Remember, content that resonates and connects with your audience is more likely to be shared and attract new followers.

6. Advertise on Relevant Pages & Collaborate with Others

To get followers on Instagram without following others, you can put ads on pages that are about the same things you’re interested in. First, look for pages that talk about stuff related to your business by using hashtags. Then, you can pay these pages to show your ads. This way, people who like those pages might see your ads and decide to follow you on Instagram.

Make sure your ads are interesting and show people why they should follow you. You could share tips, fun facts, or special offers. The main thing is to get people’s attention and make them want to see more from you.

By choosing the right pages for your ads, you can reach people who are more likely to be interested in what you do. This can help you grow your followers without needing to follow anyone back. It’s all about finding the right places to show your ads.

Plus, teaming up with other Instagram pages is a great way to get more followers. When you work together, you can share each other’s followers. This means more people might see your posts and follow you. [In the following image, you can see Emilia Clarke promoting Clinique products in one of her IG posts]

Collaboraing with celebrities

Also, it’s a good way to make friends with other pages and get your name out there. So, find pages that fit well with yours and start making connections. It’s a fun way to grow your followers!

7. Share Content Frequently

Posting good stuff on Instagram often can help you get seen by more people. If you keep sharing things that people like, your posts might end up on the Explore page. That’s a special page where Instagram shows people cool new things they might like. 

Plus, when you’re on the Explore page, lots of people can see your posts, even if they don’t follow you yet. If they like what they see, they might start following you. So, if you want more followers without following anyone, you’d better keep posting things that are interesting and fun. The better your posts are, the more people will want to see them.

8. Pay Attention to Instagram Algorithm & Post at Peak Hours

To get followers without following, you must know how exactly Instagram algorithm operates. For instance, you must never use fake followers, non-related hashtags, or act against Instagram rules.

[Note: Want to know whether IG management services’ 1000 free Instagram followers trials give you real or fake followers? Click on the link to find out more.]

Here’s what you can do: post when your followers are most active to increase the chances of them seeing and interacting with your content. Use relevant hashtags and geotags to help the right people find your posts. Create content that encourages people to comment or share, like asking questions or offering helpful tips. Keep posting regularly so people remember you. 

Also, use different types of content like Stories and Reels because Instagram likes when you use all its features. For example, if you’re selling crafts, post a picture of your latest creation during peak hours, use hashtags like #crafts, include your target geotag in your post, and ask your followers which craft fairs they love. 

This way, you’re more likely to get noticed and gain new followers who are interested in what you do.

9. Do not Be Like a Robot

Engage with your followers and the wider Instagram community through live stories, timely responses to direct messages and comments, and by giving shoutouts to people and influencers in your stories. 

This personal touch can make all the difference in building a genuine connection with your audience and help you grow your followers without needing to follow them and wait for their follow-backs.

10. Stick to One Topic

When you post about one thing you really know a lot about, people who like that thing might start following you. If you always talk about the same topic, people will see you as someone who knows a lot about it. They’ll come to your page because they like that topic and want to know more. 

This makes your page a special place for them, and they’ll want to stay and see what else you post. So, find something you love and keep talking about it. People who like it will follow you!

AiGrow: The Best App to Get Followers on Instagram without Following

Don’t worry! Join the AiGrow Group where they have a much better option for you to get followers without following or liking. Apart from all the ways mentioned in this text, there is a much more professional and accessible way for business owners and marketers to develop their businesses and get more followers on Instagram. 

AiGrow homepage

They offer you a powerful Instagram management service to grow your followers, boost engagement, and generate more revenue.

AiGrow is a complete Instagram growth and engagement solution for businesses and influencers looking to generate targeted followers, streamline their operations, and boost revenues.

To get I G followers without following, AiGrow’s Instagram management service provides options for businesses of any size. In the following sections, I’ll talk more about how AiGrow works. 

Use A Managed Growth Program to Get Instagram Followers Without Following Back

A team of human Instagram experts will drive engagement and growth to your page using AI data insights. No bots, no fake followers, the real deal! 

AiGrow will engage with new audiences, post content, and give your page the loving care it deserves to get followers without following or liking!


AI algorithms on AiGrow will find the most suitable Instagram users based on hashtags, popular accounts, and even locations. As a result, the right people turn into real leads and real performance.


On AiGrow, the professional team will deliver new followers within the first 2-to 3 days. It is like having a whole group of dedicated people working for you at a fraction of the cost of typical agencies.


You no longer have to browse hashtags or track down users to follow, unfollow, like, or comment. All you have to do is configure the engine and let AiGrow do the heavy lifting to get followers without following or liking.

So, what are you waiting for?

Sign Up on AiGrow Today & Increase the Number of Your Followers

Last Words on How to Get Followers on Instagram Without Following

Growing your Instagram following without having to follow others can seem like a dream come true. However, with the right strategies, such as optimizing your profile, creating engaging content, using the right hashtags, and leveraging Instagram Stories and Reels, you can attract a larger audience organically. Trust me; it’s all about understanding what your audience loves and consistently delivering value.

While it’s tempting to focus solely on the numbers, genuine engagement and building a loyal community should be your ultimate goal. Quick follower gains might give you a boost, but meaningful interactions will sustain your growth in the long run. 


Now, let’s answer some frequently asked questions regarding our topic.

1. How to Get 10K Followers on Instagram without Following Anyone?

Growing your Instagram to 10K followers without following anyone is possible with the right approach. Start by optimizing your profile with a clear picture, a compelling bio, and a useful link. Focus on posting high-quality content with great images, engaging captions, and relevant hashtags. 
More importantly, you can use AiGrow to boost your efforts. This organic Instagram growth service eases growth by targeting the right users, helps you schedule posts, finds effective hashtags, and analyzes competitors. 
AiGrow also increases visibility through engaging with your audience through comments, Stories, and Reels, and uses Instagram Insights to track and adjust your strategy. 

2. How To Get Followers on Instagram Without Following Apps?

To grow your Instagram following without using apps that require you to follow others, focus on organic strategies. Start by optimizing your profile with a clear picture, a catchy bio, and a link to your website or blog.
Create engaging content regularly, such as high-quality photos and videos with captions that resonate with your audience. 
Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability and engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages. Collaborate with influencers or brands in your niche for shoutouts or giveaways. Utilize Instagram’s features like Stories and Reels to showcase your personality and creativity. 
Finally, be patient and consistent with your efforts, as organic growth takes time but yields long-lasting results.

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