How To Get More Views On Instagram Story? Ways You’ve Never Heard

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Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

How to get more views on Instagram Story? If you google this question, you will come up with all the repetitive articles and in the end, you won’t have any clue on what to do.

How to get more views on Instagram story
How to get more views on Instagram story

These non-impressing and wage ways do not get you anywhere!

I’m not gonna go to the same path. By the end of this article, you will have a practical map road that shows you how to get more views on Instagram story.

Then take out a pen and paper and read till the end carefully.

How To Get More Views On Instagram Story?

To get more views, you need to set up a strategy! Here is what you need to do!

What Do You Accomplish By Increasing Views On Instagram?

Before you ask “how to get more views on Instagram story?” you should ask what do I wanna accomplish by more Instagram story viewers? 

I mention this above all because it is easy to get carried away and even lost in the process. So before anything, answer the following questions. 

  • What is my ultimate reason for having an Instagram account?
  • Do I wanna increase sales?
  • Am I going to  increase awareness?
  • Do I wanna drive traffic to my website?

From here to the end of the article, skip the headings which does not help you massively with what you wanna accomplish.

Define The Goal Number Of Views You Like To Get On Instagram Story

When you ask “how to get more views on Instagram story?” how many views do you actually mean?

How many views do you want to get on your Instagram stories on regular basis? It has to be a definite number! For that matter, answer these questions specifically!

  • How many daily views do I want to get on average?
  • In what period of time, I wanna achieve that amount of Instagram views?

Be Realistic

How to get more views on Instagram story
How to get more views on Instagram story

When you set a goal in any regard, you have to be realistic! Once again answer these questions.

  • How many Instagram story views do I get daily? 
  • Is it possible to get that amount of Instagram story views for my niche? 
  • Is it possible to achieve that number of Instagram views in that period of time?

So far I covered the basic stuff! Fasten your seat belt because the real job is about to get done now!

Create Good And Engaging Instagram Stories

If you google “how to get more views on Instagram story” you see such heading first and foremost while the writer emphasizes how important it is.

Well, it is the most important one but how to create such engaging Instagram stories that get lots of views?

Two measures have to be considered when it comes to creating interesting Instagram stories!

  • First, it has to be aesthetically beautiful
  • Second, it has to be different and creative

Let’s dig into each one more.

How To Create Interesting Instagram Stories Aesthetically?

As an Instagram marketer, you need to have access to 10 Instagram tools that belong in your Toolkit. One of them is Canva. It is free, easy to work with, and beautiful.

How To Create Different And Innovative Instagram Stories?

Create these types of Instagram stories, then add to them a little essence of yourself!

Inspiring Type Of Instagram Stories
  • What can motivate your followers? 
  • What format do they like? Do quotes get better reactions or a video?
  • What can encourage them?

For example, this is how Instagram fitness influencers can inspire their followers via stories.

How to get more views on Instagram story
How to get more views on Instagram story
Connecting Type Of Instagram Stories

These Instagram stories are used to connect you with your followers! But they must be used consciously otherwise it does not end up in a desirable effect. 

Connect type of Instagram stories shouldn’t represent what you do. Instead, it must reveal who you are. 

For example instead of posting a video of you cooking, somehow transfer the idea that you are cooking for a family member.

It shows you care for your family and it is part of who you are, instead of showing what you just do which is cooking.

What can you share in this category?
  • Something you find genuinely beautiful!
  • Something you find funny
  • How you help a customer/follower on a deep level
  • How you play your role as part of a community
Reposting Type Of Instagram Stories

It can be anything you repost on your Instagram stories.

  • Someone mentioned you on an Instagram story? 
  • Someone mentioned you on an Instagram post? 
  • Are you amazed by any content of your followers? 
  • Are you inspired by the feed of any Instagrammer? 
  • A niche-related post went viral?

You can repost all of them on your Instagram story and keep things interesting :)))

Educating Type Of Instagram Stories

Imagine your followers learn a trick or hack or something crucial on your Instagram story!

You think they miss your Instagram stories the next time they see that ring around your profile photo?

Promoting Type Of Instagram Stories

You are on Instagram for a reason. We talked about it at the beginning of this article. It is fair to do something about it.

  • Are you launching a new product?
  • Have you written an article?
  • Do you throw up any new events?
  • How your product/service helps your followers?

I said it makes complete sense to promote yourself on your Instagram stories. But don’t overdo that!

Phew! The biggest part is done! But if you wanna accelerate your growth, still read!

Remain Consistent

You must be consistent on Instagram stories, or the followers will forget about you! Three Instagram stories a week is the least acceptable number! Try to be as active as possible.

Here is an idea!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Educational Instagram story Inspiring Instagram story Promotional Instagram story Share post on the story Share a viral content Connect type of Instagram story Connect type of Instagram story

This is what I just came up with. You can go with whatever works for you. 

If you don’t know what works for you start from somewhere and keep updating your plan to something that matches your goal the most. The key factor here is to remain consistent! A good scheduler for Instagram stories is a great help.

Use 7-Day Free Trial Of AiGrow To Get More Views On Instagram Stories

AiGrow To Get More Views On Instagram Stories
AiGrow: Get More Views On Instagram Stories

AiGrow is an Instagram all-in-one that lets you find the best Instagram stories through its monitoring feature and to be inspired by them or even simply repost them as your own story.

On your dashboard, you can schedule your posts and stories. Don’t worry! Emojis and features of Instagram stories are all available on your dashboard.

Why AiGrow?

There are tons of Instagram schedulers out there. Why do I suggest AiGrow? For its features! Let’s have a look at them.

Reviews Are High

Considering reviews of AiGrow, we can say AiGrow has many happy customers. 

If it could please its users, there is a great chance it can please you as well.

AiGrow Review
AiGrow Review
Reposting Feature

If you are motivated by someone’s post or story, you can repost that content or schedule to repost it on your own stories as your feed!

Monitoring Feature

If someone mentions you on an Instagram post or story, you will be easily notified and you can schedule that post/story to repost on your story.

Another thing you can do in this section is to find viral content relating to your niche and schedule to repost on your Instagram story.

Feature Of Adding Links To Instagram Stories 

Instagram enables its users who have over 10K followers to add links to their Instagram stories. And you should wait till you have that amount of followers.


AiGrow lets you add links to Instagram stories without being verified (having 10K followers)

Of course, it is not as cool as Instagram itself and for sure you should try to reach 10K followers! But meanwhile, you can apply whatever you have to grow till you reach that point.

“Post On Stories As Well”

One good feature of AiGrow is its capability that lets you tik the “share on the story box as well” while scheduling your post.

Share Instagram posts on stories
Share Instagram posts on stories
AiGrow Is Compatible With Any Device

You can work with AiGrow on Android, iOS, and PC.

Grow Your Followers

If you wanna have a certain number of views for your Instagram stories, you need to have that amount of followers.

It requires whole another article to see how to grow your followers but in summery you can:

Interact With Instagram Viewers

Interact with Instagram viewers especially if you are at the beginning of the journey! Every viewer you have now is a lead that you should keep for the next Instagram story. So, interact with them.

  • If they reacted to your Instagram story, make sure to like their reactions. 
  • If they ask you any question relating to your story, make sure to answer. You can even take a screenshot and share it on the story. That might be many viewers’ questions.
  • Use the “ask me a question” feature. It can be an idea for the next educational type of story.
  • Use the “Poll”

Measure Your Progress

I could not end this article without going through this one. 

  • How many views do you have on average now? 
  • How much did it improve?
  • What types of stories did get shared mostly?
  • Which stories get little or no reaction?
  • What needs to be bettered?

Of course, Instagram insight will help you more!

Last Words

Instagram stories paved the way for many Instagrammers and accelerated their journey to reach their ultimate goals.

If you wonder how to get more views on Instagram story, then you should enrich the content of your Instagram stories.

AiGrow is an Instagram scheduler that provides you with many features to better your Instagram stories and increase their views.

You can sign up for free here.

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