How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram 2024

how to see who someone recently followed on instagram

Have you ever wondered who your friends, idols, boy/girlfriend, or that interesting person you follow on Instagram have just added to their list of followers? Who’s capturing their attention and igniting their curiosity on this vibrant platform?

Discover the savvy methods on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram. Explore techniques, tips, and tools to satisfy your curiosity in this informative guide.

Instagram doesn’t make it obvious, but fear not! We’re here to help you uncover the latest additions to someone’s Instagram followers. We will also give you suggestions to grow Instagram followers organically.

So, are you ready to unravel how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram? Let’s embark on this adventure together and make Instagram exploration a breeze!

Can You See Who Someone Has Recently Followed on Instagram At All?

Although the order of followers or followings of yours and others is not chronological, there are some ways to guess how to see the last person someone followed on Instagram.

  • You can see who someone has recently followed on Instagram by examining their following list regularly!
  • You can find recently followed Instagram accounts of the user in question (for example your boy/girlfriend) by examining mutual friends.
  • See who your teenager followed recently on Instagram by using Instagram supervision.
  • Using IG notifications you can see the latest followings of your connections on Instagram.
  • Use the Instagram follower export tool to find out who someone has lately followed.

So, if you’re wondering about how these techniques work, continue reading to know how to see someone’s recent following on Instagram.

How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram

You may want to know the recently followed Instagram accounts of your girlfriend boyfriend or special individuals. While the platform doesn’t offer a direct “Recent Follows” feature, this guide will unveil savvy techniques on how to see on Instagram who someone has recently followed, satisfying your curiosity and enhancing your Instagram experience.

To learn how to see who someone most recently followed on Instagram, you can follow these steps:

How To See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram
How To See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram
  • Open the Instagram App: Launch the Instagram application on your mobile device.
  • Log into Your Account: Make sure you are logged into your Instagram account. If not, enter your credentials to log in.
  • Search for the User: In the search bar at the top of the screen, type the username of the person whose recent followers you want to see.
  • Visit Their Profile: Tap on the person’s profile from the search results to access their Instagram profile page.
  • Access Their Following List: On their profile page, tap the “Following” tab next to the “Followers” tab. This will display a list of all the accounts they are following.
  • Scroll Through the List: Instagram’s recent followers may appear at or near the top of their Instagram following list, depending on how recently they followed them. Please scroll through the list to see the most recent accounts they have followed.

Please note that Instagram’s algorithm may occasionally change the following list order of the accounts, so the most recent follows might not always be at the very top. Additionally, Instagram may not show you the exact time or date when they followed someone, only the order in which the accounts are displayed.

Using this method on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram is the first and the most simple one. However, there are so many other ways on how to see who someone recently followed on the Instagram app.

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How to See on Instagram Who Someone Has Recently Followed: Using Instagram Web

In this guide, we will explore how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram by visiting their user profile. Following the steps outlined below, you can gain insights into the profiles they’ve recently connected with on the platform.

Learning how to see who recently followed someone on Instagram, you can follow these steps:

How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram Using Instagram Web
How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram Using Instagram Web
  • Step 1: Go to Instagram’s official website on your desktop or computer. If you’re using a mobile device, switch to Desktop View.
  • Step 2: Enter your username and password to your Instagram account.
  • Step 3: In the search bar, enter the username of the person whose recent followers you want to see and open their profile.
  • Step 4: On their profile, click on the “Following” tab, located in the middle of the profile, and then select the “Followers” option.
  • Step 5: You can view the recent followers chronologically, with the most recent followers appearing at the top of the follower list.

If you want to explore your followers’ followers, you can follow their accounts and add them to your follower list. Now that you know how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram using the Web version or your system, it is time to delve into steps to see who recently followed someone on Instagram using the user’s bio and seeing the mutual friends.

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How to See Who Someone Followed by Examining Mutual Friends

There are other ways on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram. This way is through the user’s Instagram bio. Here are these steps on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram:

How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram Using mutual friends
How to see who someone recently followed on Instagram Using mutual friends
  1. Open Instagram App: Launch the Instagram application on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Access User Profile: Search the user’s username and go to his/her page.
  3. Check The Bio To See Mutual Friends: Now, under the bio section, you will see your mutual friends, as shown in the picture. Click on it to see the list of Mutual friends.
  4. Click on Mutual Friends’s Profile: Click on the Instagram profile picture or username of the mutual friends who followed the new user to check them. Remember that if their page is private, you can’t see their posts and stories.

Please note that the availability of features and settings may change with Instagram updates, so make sure to adapt these steps to the current version of the app and website. Well, Done. Are you ready to learn how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram using Instagram supervision?

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How to See Who Someone Followed Recently on Instagram- Using Instagram Supervision

Are you a parent or guardian looking to keep a watchful eye on your teen’s Instagram activity? Instagram’s Supervision feature offers a solution on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram, ensuring a safer and more controlled online experience for your teenager.

Learn how to see who followed someone recently on Instagram using Instagram supervision:

How to see who someone most recently followed on Instagram using Instagram supervision
How to see who someone most recently followed on Instagram using Instagram supervision
  1. Log In to Instagram: Open the Instagram app on your device and log in to your account.
  2. Access Your Profile: Tap on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Open the Menu: Tap on the three stacked lines, often called the “Hamburger button,” in your screen’s top-right or top-left corner. This opens the menu.
  4. Navigate to Supervision: Scroll through the menu options and look for the “Supervision” section. Click on it to access the supervision settings.
  5. Configure Supervision Settings: In the supervision settings, you can choose the settings you want to enable and add the Instagram account you want to supervise. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the supervision.
  6. Limitations and Considerations: Remember that Instagram’s Supervision feature is primarily designed for parents to monitor their teenagers’ accounts (users aged 13 to 17 years old). Both the parent and teenagers must agree to participate in and set up the supervision tool. Additionally, it’s important to note that the parental supervision feature will automatically end when the teenager turns 18.

This step on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram allows parents to closely monitor their child’s Instagram activities, including their followers, recently followed profiles, and overall platform usage.

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How to See Who Someone Has Recently Followed on Instagram- Using IG Notifications

To see who someone recently followed on Instagram through IG Notifications on Android/iOS devices, follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram App: Launch the Instagram application on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Access Notifications: Tap on the Notifications icon at the bottom of the screen, usually represented by a heart or a bell icon.
  3. Check for Mutual Connections: Look for notifications that indicate one or more of your mutual connections (people you follow) have followed someone new. These notifications may say something like “Your friend [Username] just followed [User X].”
  4. Click on Mutual Connection’s Profile: Click on the profile picture or username of the mutual connection who followed the new user (User X).

Perfect. Do you know that there are ways on how to see who someone recently followed on Instagram using the Instagram follower export tool? This might seem new, but you can do IG export.

Let’s learn how to see who someone most recently followed on Instagram by extracting a list from the Instagram

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How to See Who Followed Someone on Instagram Recently: Using IG Follower Export Tool

IG Follower Export Tools are digital solutions or services designed to assist users in extracting and exporting the list of their Instagram followers. These tools offer a range of benefits, such as aiding in data analysis by providing insights into follower demographics, interests, and engagement patterns.

Instagram export tools can be particularly useful for businesses and influencers seeking to refine their marketing strategies, identify potential collaboration opportunities, or better understand their audience.

However, it’s crucial to approach this IG follower tool cautiously, as it often involves some level of Instagram automation. Overusing or misusing such automation can harm your Instagram account, leading to penalties or account restrictions.

It’s essential to use these tools responsibly and follow Instagram’s terms of service and privacy policies to ensure the safety and integrity of your account.

Instead of relying solely on Instagram’s export tools, you can enhance your social media management with AiGrow Manager service. AiGrow offers a comprehensive solution that provides detailed insights into your followers and a clear understanding of your Instagram growth journey.

With AiGrow, you gain access to valuable data and analytics, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your Instagram strategy for maximum impact and growth.

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How to Sort Instagram List of Followers?

Have you ever attempted to use the Instagram setting “sort Instagram followers by most recent” on other users’ profiles, only to find it doesn’t work? The truth is that Instagram doesn’t provide this feature, which may have been removed due to app updates and adjustments.

As of the current app update, there’s no direct way to sort another user’s following list. However, you can sort your following list by the most recent follows. Here’s how:

How To Sort Instagram List of Followers?
How To Sort Instagram List of Followers?
  1. Open the Instagram app on your device.
  2. Tap on your account profile icon.
  3. Select the “Following” option.
  4. Locate the “Sorted by Default” section and click the up and down arrow icon.
  5. Change the setting to “Date followed: Latest” to organize your following list from most recent to least recent.

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How Instagram Sorts and Displays Following Lists?

Instagram employs a random order for every user’s following list, making it impossible to determine which profiles were followed when. Additionally, the order may differ across devices. This means it’s incredibly challenging to identify newly-followed accounts in someone’s following list, particularly if they have a substantial number of followers.

In summary, while you can sort your following list by most recent follows, Instagram doesn’t offer a straightforward way to view another user’s following list in chronological order, making it a complex task to uncover their recent follows.

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Instagram Followers: Your Social Media Assets”

Instagram followers are pivotal in establishing your presence and boosting Instagram engagement. While there are numerous strategies to bolster your follower count, the most potent and impactful route is harnessing the power of a growth tool like AiGrow, renowned for its manual, human-centric approach.

With AiGrow, you unlock the potential for growing Instagram followers organically and cultivate genuine connections that resonate with your audience, ultimately elevating your Instagram journey to new heights.

Let’s grow your Instagram page together.

Manage Instagram Followers: The Smart Way

The best way to grow Instagram followers while following Instagram’s guidelines and reducing the risk of suspension is to utilize a service like AiGrow. AiGrow offers a manual growth approach with several key advantages:

AiGrow Homepage
  1. Manual Growth: AiGrow uses manual, human-powered actions to engage with potential followers, such as liking, unfollowing, and following relevant accounts. This approach complies with Instagram’s guidelines and reduces the risk of account suspension associated with automated or Instagram follower bots.
  2. Dedicated Account Manager: AiGrow provides users with a dedicated account manager who oversees your Instagram marketing strategy. This manager can customize your engagement strategy, target specific audiences, and adapt to your niche or industry changes.
  3. Regular Meetings: AiGrow offers regular meetings with your dedicated account manager to discuss your goals and performance and adjust your growth strategy as needed. This personalized approach ensures your Instagram growth aligns with your objectives.

By using AiGrow’s manual growth approach and benefitting from the guidance of a dedicated account manager, you can organically grow your Instagram followers in a way that complies with Instagram’s guidelines and significantly reduces the risk of account suspension.

This approach focuses on real Instagram engagement and meaningful connections within your target audience, leading to sustainable and long-term growth.

What Are the Best AiGrow Services?

Absolutely, AiGrow offers an impressive array of services that can take your Instagram game to the next level! Let’s dive into the goodness of each one:

AiGrow services
AiGrow services

1. Content Creation Plan

Get ready to transform your Instagram feed with AiGrow’s Content Creation Plan. They provide a tailored Content Design Template, up to 4 Feed/Stories posts, and a Content Plan Calendar.

Plus, you’ll enjoy fully customized content that resonates with your brand. And here’s the kicker – you get Priority 24×7 Support, ensuring you’re always in control of your content game.

2. Managed Growth Service

Looking for real, organic Instagram growth? AiGrow has you covered with their Managed Growth Service. They offer a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee, kickstart your journey with a Live Strategy and onboarding Meeting, and focus on attracting genuine followers.

They use strategic targeting with hashtags, competitors, locations, and even gender targeting. And don’t forget the Analytical Report – your key to tracking your progress and celebrating your successes.

3. Managed DMs

Direct messaging, reimagined! AiGrow’s Managed DM service is a game-changer. With Smart Targeting, they engage others using with hashtags, locations, competitors, and custom accounts.

They’ll manually send over 50 customized messages daily, rotating through 3 unique messages to keep things fresh. Guaranteed DM Delivery ensures your messages reach their destination, and you’ll receive a Scorecard and Daily Report to stay in the loop. ✉️

4. Mass Unfollow Service

Say goodbye to the tedious task of unfollowing one by one. With AiGrow, you can effortlessly unfollow up to 3,000 followers simultaneously, saving you valuable time. AiGrow takes a manual and human-powered approach to unfollowing. This aligns perfectly with Instagram’s guidelines, reducing the risk of account restrictions and ensuring a seamless and authentic experience.

So, why wait? Clean up your Instagram following list effortlessly and efficiently with AiGrow’s Mass Unfollow Service. It’s the smart choice for a clutter-free and optimized Instagram experience.

So, there you have it – AiGrow’s top-notch services, each designed to supercharge your Instagram experience. Whether it’s content creation, growth, or direct messaging, they’ve got you covered. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock your Instagram potential with AiGrow!

Are Aigrow Services Worth the Money?

Absolutely, AiGrow’s services are well worth the investment! They provide a dedicated account manager who listens to your goals and crafts a tailored strategy to achieve them. With AiGrow, you’re not just another account but a valued partner.

Imagine having your Instagram growth expert ready to engage with your followers and nurture your online presence. Plus, their Live Strategy & Onboarding Meeting ensures you’re on the right track from day one.

And the best part? You can try it out risk-free with their 14-day money-back guarantee, all for just 1$ a day! It’s an unbelievable opportunity to supercharge your Instagram growth and see real results. Don’t miss out – try AiGrow today and watch your followers soar!

Get your mind off your Instagram growth worries.


In the vibrant world of Instagram, keeping tabs on who your friends, favorite celebrities, or potential new connections are following can be a fascinating journey. While the platform may not provide a straightforward “Recent Follows” button, we’ve delved into some savvy techniques to unveil these hidden gems. By exploring Instagram notifications, diving into profiles, and even considering third-party tools (with caution), you can unlock the mysteries of who someone recently followed.

So, don’t be afraid to satisfy your curiosity and embark on learning how to see someone’s recent following on Instagram using these methods. Whether you’re using Instagram for personal connections, networking, or just the sheer thrill of discovery, these methods empower you to stay engaged and informed in the ever-evolving Instagram universe. Happy scrolling, exploring, and discovering new connections on Instagram!


Q1: What Are Instagram’s Recent Followers?

Instagram’s “recent followers” refer to the most recent accounts a user has followed on the platform. The newest followers are typically shown chronologically, appearing at the top of the list.

Q2: Is There a Limit to the Number of Accounts You Can See in Someone’s “Following” List on Instagram?

Instagram may limit the number of accounts displayed in a user’s “Following” list to a certain number, typically around 500. If a user follows more accounts, you won’t be able to see all of them in their list, but the displayed accounts will be in a random order.

Q3: Do Third-Party Applications or Websites Provide Extra Instagram Follow Details?

Some third-party apps or websites claim to provide more detailed information about someone’s Instagram activity, but it’s essential to be cautious when using such services. Instagram’s terms of service discourage the use of third-party apps for this purpose, and using them could lead to account restrictions or bans.

Q4: Are There Instagram Privacy Options That Hide Recent Followers?

Instagram does not offer specific privacy settings to hide your recent followers from others. The order of accounts in your “Following” list is generally visible to anyone who visits your profile.

Q5: Can I See the Precise Date and Time Someone Followed Another Instagram User?

Instagram does not provide the exact date and time when a user followed another account. Instagram only displays the order of accounts in a user’s “Following” list, not the specific timestamp of each follow action.

Q6: How To See Your Recent Followers on Instagram?

It is possible to see who you have recently followed on Instagram. To access this information, tap on your profile icon in the screen’s lower-right corner. From there, select “Following,” and you can then tap on the symbol with two arrows to sort your “Following” list by “Date followed: Latest.” This will display the accounts you’ve most recently followed on Instagram.

Q7: How To See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram?

On private Instagram accounts, you can only see the list of accounts someone follows if they have accepted your friend request and you are an approved follower. If your request has not been accepted, you won’t have access to see the accounts they follow. Privacy settings on Instagram are designed to restrict access to certain information unless the user explicitly grants permission.