7 Best Practices for Instagram in Higher Education Marketing

Best Practices for Instagram in Higher Education Marketing

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Gone are the days when people used to drive around, circulate pamphlets and go from door to door, marketing their brand. With today’s technology, it is easier than ever to promote your organization and reap the benefits of a successful brand without resorting to traditional ways of marketing. The emerging social media applications allow users to conveniently create profiles and post content for other users to interact with. Users have complete control over what they post and how they post and can use several valuable app features to boost engagement

Higher education marketing requires patience and consistency. There are well-established colleges and universities on social media. As compared to other apps in the market, Instagram has more active users. It has become people’s go-to choice for sharing content – photos, videos, reels, and stories. Higher institutions tend to have more interactions from prospective students on Instagram than Twitter, Facebook, and others. There are several ways in which a person can build their brand on Instagram

1) Post Consistently 

Posting consistency is critical. Static pages may reflect poorly on your institution. It may even repulse interested students and parents willing to contact for the admission process. For the same reason, it is advised that keep your profile active and buzzing. Post often and use features like Instagram stories to highlight and promote your recent and old posts. You can also schedule your posts according to the peak hours on Instagram. That way, when you post content during that time, it is most likely that your post will receive the desired engagement. There are certain third-party apps that you can use for the same. They can help you find out the right time to upload content on Instagram and schedule your posts. 

2) Tell Your Background Story 

Every institution has a story to tell. Stories are an excellent way to keep people hooked to your content. Share the history behind your brand and let people know more deeply about it, so they connect better to its values and principles. Colleges and universities have decades and even centuries-long traditions and captivating history. Posting about these details through Instagram stories, which allows users to share content in a slideshow manner for 24 hours before it disappears, will increase engagement among students manifold. 

Boost your knowledge on Instagram: How to Make Money From Your Instagram Photos

3) Keep Students Involved

Among many ways to use social media for education, higher education institutes can hold informative webinars on Instagram and other contests to keep students involved. Fun games can be organized as well. These can be learning events for students to learn new things, polish their skills, and get to know more about the institution.

4) Upload Media

Nothing increases page visibility better than posting photos and videos relevant to the page from time to time. However, there are some tips to keep in mind while uploading media on Instagram:

● These days, people tend to skip lengthy posts, especially young students.

● Too much information gets boring to read. 

● What works best is posting pictures, videos, and little relevant information in the caption. 

● On Instagram, you can upload up to 10 photos or videos at a time. 

Boost your knowledge on Instagram: How to Make Money on Instagram with Clickbank

5) Create an Aesthetic

It is important to be visually consistent with your content. To do that, stick to the same style and general Instagram aesthetic. One may use it to elaborately yet cohesively showcase their campus, its infrastructure, and pictures of events. Also, post students participating in community events and having a great time. Appealing and aesthetic media tends to catch the attention of prospective students. 

6) Include Student Feedback 

A brand needs to include feedback from its customers. There cannot be a better way of promoting a college or university than having its student describe their opinion about the institute. Direct student feedbacks are more appealing and authentic than paid ones. Students can also write a blog describing their experience at the institution. 

Boost your knowledge on Instagram: Make Money on Instagram Even With 0 Followers

7) Share Student Achievements and Important Milestones

Students’ achievements should be posted on the Instagram page of the college. However, students need to be stress-free from their academic work to excel in extracurricular events. Top Writers Review helps students choose essay writing services online. Such providers can help elevate some academic load to enjoy various college activities. Be it winning prizes for literary competitions like essay writing or sports competitions, posting about them along with pictures of students will help boost the reach of page and brand visibility.

The tips mentioned above can improve your higher education marketing experience remarkably. Social media is the right place to be when you want to promote your brand for the humongous reach it provides. You can reach out to interested people from around the world. All you need to do is make your account on any social media application, complete your profile, and get started. For instance, Instagram is the most sought-after choice of every individual and higher institution to engage with other users. 

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