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As much as you grow your business on Instagram, you feel more at sea managing your account. Actually, as your followers enhance, your comments, messages, and tasks will increase accordingly. You must publish posts frequently while building your Instagram marketing strategies and interacting with followers. Therefore, potent helper tools for Instagram will be your hero and save you!
Instagram marketing is not a very complicated task, but it demands persistent efforts. That is, people who have great crafts and high-tech tools will go forward faster and win the better seat, like the Game of Thrones!
This article will have a review of helper tools for Instagram and introduce an alternative to you.
So, let’s keep in touch!
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What is Helper Tools for Instagram
Helper Tools for Instagram is an automation tool that lets you analyze, follow/unfollow IG accounts, like, and block/unblock your Instagram accounts. You will read about Helper Tools for Instagram Pros and Cons to know it vividly in the following.
Helper Tools for Instagram Pros
Actually, Helper Tools for Instagram can create a list of followers following in Excel and Google Sheets for a specific Instagram account you already follow.
Also, it calculates the entire amount of comments and likes for a particular Instagram account and groups them by likers.
After generating a list of followers and following, you can follow all users of the list. Therefore, some users will follow you back and will grow followers.
This app will automatically like the posts of your feed in someone else’s profile. It is useful when you follow many users, and some of them will like your posts back.
Helper Tools for Instagram also finds the common users between two Instagram accounts. Moreover, it can Mass block and unblock the list of users. Visit Helper Tools for Instagram and its pricing for more information.

Helper Tools for Instagram Cons
It’s got many users, but that doesn’t guarantee that it is safe or effective. The recent version of the app is V2, changing its features but not fundamentally for the better. Unfortunately, Helper Tools for Instagram is slightly buggy and sometimes stops functioning.
On the other hand, as this app is a Chrome extension, you let them access your databases while installing it. As a result, they will have your confidential information and can steal it.
The problem is that when you follow the users in the list, you will grow your followings also, and this is not a good approach, because according to Instagram limits, you can follow up to 7,500 users.
Secondly, when your Followers/Following ratio is low, the audience won’t trust you to follow. Actually, this shows that you enhance your followers using the following-to-follow method and because of your high-quality content. Consequently, this will decrease your authenticity and credibility. Indeed, to grow your business on Instagram, you need to grow Instagram followers to help your business in your niche, not randomly.
Instagram will ban the accounts that use automated tools, and Helper Tools for Instagram is not excluded. As a matter of fact, this is because it doesn’t act according to Instagram limits and violates Instagram terms of use.
What a pity it’s not advisable to practice it!
So, what is the solution?
An Instagram marketer has a hectic life and requires tools to manage the tasks. The good news is that you will study an app that functions according to the Instagram algorithm can completely trust it in the following.
The Best Alternative
AiGrow is the best and first dominant Instagram management tool for Instagram marketers in several various ways. This innovative platform can help you grow followers efficiently and ultimately boost your engagement rate.
Using this phenomenal Instagram growth service, you’ll get at least a 1-week free trial by which you can add 80 accounts to your single dashboard and get likes, comments, and followers for Instagram.
No fake followers! No Instagram bots!

AiGrow, implemented with a committed Instagram account manager, focuses on growing Instagram followers organically. Therefore, you will directly interact with the audience, boost the engagement rate, and increase your sales conversion.
This app will manually schedule your feed, send mass DMs to your target followers, and directly engage with them. Consequently, you will gain more followers in your niche and build your brand.
Don’t delay and sign up for free and make the most of your free trial!
Likewise, get five days of unlimited growth just for $5 if you need to test all its features unlimitedly.
Final Words
If you consider using an Instagram tool to help you manage your accounts and grow followers keep in mind to use a safe, secure, and IG-friendly app. Then, go forward to stick out in the competitive crowd of Instagram marketing using AiGrow.