How to Increase Popularity on Instagram? 2021 Tips & Hacks

How to Increase Popularity on Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Being one of the most popular social media networks all over the globe, Instagram has become a place to get followers, customers, and fans. However, increasing popularity on Instagram is not an easy-to-achieve goal. Actually, there are many popular non-celebrity accounts out there that are performing their best version, and this makes the competition really hard. But this doesn’t mean that it is impossible. Hence, we are going to teach you some hacks about how to increase popularity on Instagram. So, stay tuned.

#1 Increase Instagram Popularity By Attracting Target Followers

To be honest, the hardest and also most important step to increase popularity on Instagram is to attract real and active followers. Actually, most Instagram users try to buy Instagram followers. But, this is not the right way to get popular on Instagram. When buying followers, there is no guarantee of getting active and engaging followers. So, what to do instead? 

Well, we recommend you to target and get local real followers using an intriguing tool like AiGrow

How to Increase Popularity on Instagram

Actually, AiGrow is a powered growth and engagement package for Instagram marketers that help you identify and attract followers on Instagram. Using this amazing tool, you have to specify hashtags, locations, and Instagram accounts similar to yours. Then, AiGrow’s professional Instagram account managers start the process of attracting followers for you manually. Hence, you’ll never get shadowbanned on Instagram. 

Fortunately, AiGrow has many amazing packages to purchase and grow on Instagram. However, we suggest the Pro-Managed Special package. 

grow on Instagram

Using this package, not only you get 300+ new followers per month, but also you’ll have the chance to work with the best Instagram designers and post specialized and well-edited photos on your account. So, sign up for free right now and attract your target audience on Instagram.

#2 Use Hashtags to Increase Popularity on Instagram 

Another hack that can help you to increase popularity on Instagram is to use hashtags. Actually, if you check some popular accounts on Instagram, you will see that they all add hashtags to their captions and comments to let more people find them. So, do not underestimate hashtags.

By the way, let’s take a look at some professional tips for your hashtags strategies:

  • Use line breaks to separate your hashtags from the caption. 
  • It’d be better to insert hashtags in the first comment. 
  • Do not overuse hashtags. About 7-20 hashtags are enough. 
  • Use the most popular hashtag in each category. 

But, how to follow all these tips in the best way possible? 

Well, using AiGrow, you can easily do all these things without wasting a great deal of time. Actually, using this tool, you can search for multiple hashtags, automatically add the hashtags to the first comment of the post, and see the list of hashtags in a sorted list by popularity. So, use it for free right now and accelerate the process of finding the best possible hashtags.

#3 Schedule Activities on Instagram

Another hack that helps you increase popularity on Instagram is to post at the best time possible. Actually, this is one of the solutions for Instagram algorithms in 2021. If you have a business account on Instagram, check your Instagram insights. This way, you will see that there are some special times that most of your followers are online. Also, at that time, they engage with your content. Hence, to get more engagement, you must use this fact and post right when your followers are online. 

However, posting at that exact time manually might be a little problematic. So, you’d better use an Instagram scheduler and set a time and date to share your posts and stories. Fortunately, AiGrow has a professional scheduler with a really complete package of tools. Using this scheduler, you can make sure that your posts will be shared at the best time possible, and hence, you will organically grow on Instagram. So, watch the following video and sign up for free to schedule your posts:

#4 Have Amazing Post Ideas and Post Frequently

Undoubtedly, a key to win the Instagram marketplace and become popular is to stay consistent. You have always to share new posts, ideas, and hacks with your followers. This way, you can keep them attracted and active! So, try to post regularly and show different aspects of your business, products, and services. 

However, this may not be that easy. Sometimes we just run out of ideas. What can we do then? Well, we suggest you use the AiGrow social calendar

How to Increase Popularity on Instagram

Using this calendar, you’ll always have great Instagram post ideas to keep consistent. So, go ahead and give it a ride.

#5 Be Active and Engage Others to Increase Instagram Popularity 

If you want to increase popularity on Instagram, engage with your followers. Actually, this not only helps you become popular but also helps to turn followers into brand advocates. So, do not hesitate to engage in related conversations. To be more active on Instagram, do the following things:

  1. Reply to all the comments. 
  2. Like the mentioned posts. 
  3. Repost fan posts if possible. 
  4. Reply to your DMs.
  5. Follow people on Instagram. 

And other things that you think might help. Just try to interact with people and show that you’re there for them.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, most Instagrammers like to become popular on this app. Actually, having a perfect Instagram profile is not enough for this. So, you have to follow some special strategies. Here, we mentioned some simple hacks that can help you with this goal. These hacks are straightforward to follow. So, try them and share your experience by leaving a comment.

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