Why Instagram Suspended My Account? 5 Effective Ways to Get Your Account Back

Why Instagram Suspended My Account?

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

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When Instagram removes access to an account, temporarily or permanently, the owner loses the ability to post to the account’s page. Perhaps you’re wondering, “Why has Instagram suspended my account for 30 days?” After all, starting again with a fresh Instagram account isn’t a major problem! But do you understand what it means when Instagram suspends your account? And Do you know why Instagram would suspend an account?

Instagram suspension implies losing authority, followers, and audience. This is devastating to someone who worked for years building a large fan base. Even though not all accounts were impacted by the act of Instagram suspending accounts, numerous Instagram users noticed a drop in followers and the number of accounts they followed.

Instagram deleted accounts are a typical problem for creators. Knowing how to reactivate Instagram access to your account may be complicated, time-consuming, and unpleasant, and it usually occurs for no obvious reason.

Here, then, we will help you to get an answer to this very frequently asked question “Why did Instagram suspend my account”. Let’s get started.

Why Instagram Suspended My Account for 30 Days

A user’s violation of Instagram’s Terms of Service is the most common reason for an Instagram account disabled. There is a comprehensive set of Community Guidelines on Instagram that ensures the safety of all users. The following, however, are some other potential causes of an IG suspended account.

Instagram Suspended My Account
Instagram Suspended My Account

1. Abnormal Activity

Instagram has the right to remove or suspend accounts that show unusual behaviour. An incorrect notification may result from following or unfollowing a large number of accounts in a short period of time. Among the forbidden behaviours is going overboard with comments, likes, and chats on social media.

The trouble began when you started relying on additional applications to handle certain aspects of your IG account management. Remember that this might negatively affect the accessibility of your Instagram account and cause offence to your followers.

2. Multi-Device Support

The Instagram app on your mobile device is where you do most of your posting. Suppose Instagram detects that you’re trying to log in from many different devices or IP addresses. In that case, it may temporarily deactivate your account, and you will have IG suspended account if you’ve been the target of a hack.

3- Repeated Complaints

Instagram is working hard to clean up its platform by removing spam and inappropriate content. Accordingly, users can report content as “Spam” in addition to other, more nuanced causes.

Remember that the reach of your social media posts may reach millions of people. You should use caution and respect while posting anything online since it may not appeal to everyone. Also, you should carefully study the rules and standards of postings on each profile.

How Do I Know if My Instagram Account Is Suspended?

Now you might want to know, “How do I know if Instagram suspended my account?”It’s not uncommon for Instagram users who have been banned to be unaware of the status of their accounts. So, before you go crazy, here’s what you can do to figure out whether Instagram has banned you:

My Instagram Account Was Suspended
My Instagram Account Was Suspended

You’ll know you’ve been banned as soon as you see a message that says, “You’re Temporarily Blocked… It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You’ve been temporarily blocked from using it. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

However, you ignored, deleted, or did not get a notification like the one above. For this reason, you may also tell you’ve been banned on Instagram if you cannot upload new photos, like a post, follow an account, or leave a comment.

How To Get My Suspended Instagram Account Back?

Suppose you have questions like “How to recover suspended Instagram account,” “How to get my Instagram account back after being suspended,” and “How long does Instagram suspend your account?”. In that case, we are here to give you the answer. Read on, because this section is for you.

A brief suspension is a typical punishment for violating Instagram’s daily limits. Your temporary Instagram banned account length will be based on the severity of your violation. If you have been temporarily banned on Instagram, though, tread carefully!

The possibility of permanent removal from Instagram remains if you continue mass following/unfollowing, spamming, copying/pasting comments, etc. after your temporary ban has been removed.

It is highly recommended that you refrain from repeating the behaviours that led to your Instagram account disabled. However, if you want to try again with a “smarter” version of what got you banned on Instagram in the first place, you should wait at least a few months.

You’ll never have to worry about a suspended account if you use best-in-class Instagram marketing tools and prioritise organic Instagram growth. In this regard, AiGrow is here to help you with the best Instagram growth service. What distinguishes Aigrow from others is that they don’t use bots. AiGrow is 100% organic and risk-free.

How To Get Disabled Instagram Account Back?

Asking, “Why did Instagram suspend my account?” is the first step in getting your IG suspended account unbanned on Instagram.

Then, while trying to restore an Instagram account that has been deactivated, I advise doing each of the five steps below one at a time. Therefore, if Plan A fails, Plan B should be considered, and so on.

1- Report Your Deactivated Account to Instagram

If you attempt to access your account now, you will be met with a notification informing you that access has been denied. Click “Tell Us” or “Learn More” if this warning persists.

Follow the in-app instructions, but know that you’ll need to win an appeal to regain your Instagram account. Unless it was accidentally turned off, it is not going to happen. Therefore, just apologising for your violation and swearing not to repeat it will not be sufficient.

You can also go to the official contact website to submit appeals. Just fill out the form and hit the “Send” button to have your request evaluated. But don’t apologise; it would imply you’re the one at fault. You may be requested to send in a selfie as proof at some point throughout the process.

You may submit as many appeals as you want until a more forgiving moderator is assigned to your case. If you haven’t purposefully violated any significant laws, you shouldn’t have to wait more than a few days to hear back. Just keep trying, and Instagram will help you get back in.

2- Take a Break From Instagram for a Few Days

If Instagram temporarily restricts your ability to post, but you can still see the platform, doing nothing is your best bet. Do yourself a favour and log out of your account for a few days. If possible, refrain from doing anything for two days. That includes not clicking the “like,” “comment,” “follow,” or “unfollow” buttons.

Don’t worry; you’re free to keep looking around Instagram. You can pull this off if you’re not using it for professional purposes. On day three, you should try to resume your routine while avoiding actions that may identify you as an Instagram bot. During the following three weeks, you should limit yourself to liking and commenting on a few pictures daily.

Take it easy for at least a couple of weeks, even if you just received your company account back after a terrifying temporary restriction.

You May Also Like to Read: “We Restrict Certain Activity on Instagram”: 10 Best Strategies to Fix Instagram Restrictions”

3- Connect Instagram with Other Social Media Platforms

You might benefit from connecting your Instagram with your other social media profiles. Your account’s reliability will skyrocket if you do this. Additionally, it’s beneficial for SEO and helps increase online sales since cross-channel marketing tools like social media must collaborate.

Follow these steps to integrate Instagram with your other social media accounts:

  • Go to Settings.
  • Click the Privacy and Security tab.
  • Select Linked Accounts.
  • Connect all of your social media profiles.

4- Revise Your Bio

I can’t overemphasise the significance of a well-written Instagram bio. This might benefit your account and will surely prevent any more complications.

If you’re having trouble with your account right now, only make one change to your bio and wait for the dust to settle. It’s detrimental to make several changes in a short period.

Study the art of crafting a professional Instagram bio and learn more about Instagram profile anatomy. Trust me; you’ll see results and be one step closer to recovering your Instagram account.

5- Reinstall Instagram After Cleaning It Up

If everything else fails and you still can’t access your Instagram account, you’ll have to delete the app and every one of your pictures and videos from it. To test whether Instagram will unban your account, you must wait a few days after uninstalling the app and then reinstall it.

When you finally get your account back, you’ll have everything you need to prevent Instagram from ever suspending your account again.

2 Methods to Improve the Safety of Your Instagram Account

Now that you get the answer to your question, “Why Instagram suspended my account” it is time to learn more about tips to keep your account safe.

1- Take Extra Care

Although nobody likes to think about making a new Instagram account, taking precautions to keep your current one from getting suspended is simple. You should exercise caution before publishing anything so that you don’t later come to regret it.

Since making the same error again can result in the permanent removal of your account, reading the site’s terms again should be your first priority. You may find the following advice useful:

  • Don’t share anything that could cause a violation of copyright laws.
  • Sharing content that you created is better.
  • The images should appeal to a wide variety of viewers.
  • The content ought to inspire deep and sincere interest.
  • When it comes to sensual material, Instagram takes a very hard stance.
  • Take extra precautions while talking about recent events or breaking news.
  • Maintain a strict commitment to all regulations.

2- Make Links to Your Other Social Media Profiles

As was previously mentioned, ‘spammy’ activity, like Instagram spam messages, is one of Instagram’s red flags for suspension. You may increase the trustworthiness of your profile by linking it to your other social media profiles, such as your Facebook business Page or LinkedIn profile.

The more accounts you connect, the easier it will be to share content across platforms, from Facebook to your Instagram profile. Use the same username across your social media accounts to prevent confusing your fans.

⚡People may be interested in following your Instagram and Facebook pages, but they may sign up for the wrong one if the usernames differ.

4 Ways to Avoid Instagram Account Suspension

Knowing the many actions that might get you blocked, suspended, or even permanently removed from Instagram is essential. We’ll review the recommended practices for keeping your Instagram account safe from suspension or deletion. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

The use of automated systems is a certain way to get your Instagram account suspended. Also, a second violation of Instagram’s terms of service after a temporary suspension might result in a permanent ban. For those who ask why Instagram suspended my account, I should mention the following tips to avoid this problem happening again.

1- Only Use Organic Instagram Growth Services

Using the wrong social media marketing tools on Instagram might get you banned very quickly. If you’re researching Instagram growth services, make sure they use safe and organic methods to grow your IG account.

AiGrow, for instance, is an organic Instagram followers tracker app that relies on manual and 100% safe growth strategies, bringing you targeted and sustainable results. AiGrow never uses bots and always follows Instagram guidelines.

So, you won’t have to worry about your IG account being banned or suspended if you use AiGrow. Additionally, you will receive a highly professional and dedicated account manager upon signing up with AiGrow.

By using AiGrow, you will reach more engaged, targeted followers who are interested in what you share. In addition to the increase in followers, your Instagram engagement rate will also improve significantly. Give AiGrow a try now to see how effective it is for your Instagram marketing strategy.

2- Avoid Posting the Same Comments Many Times

Shake things up! Don’t hesitate if you want to manipulate the Instagram algorithm effectively. Instagram will undoubtedly notice repeated comments. As already stated, Instagram does not approve of automated accounts, including those that post many comments.

Because of this, you shouldn’t assume that leaving identical comments on the posts of the most popular Instagram profiles in your target market would get you anywhere. Instagram will suspect you are a bot if you reach a specific number of likes or comments in a short amount of time.

Also, refrain from posting irrelevant comments. Posting irrelevant or spammy comments is a major no-no on Instagram. All of you have seen it; sure, it is as strange as it seems.

3- Don’t Use Instagram Bots to Follow and Like

Growth marketers and would-be influencers employed follow, like, and comment bots freely in Instagram’s early days. To begin with, what is an Instagram bot that automatically likes and comments on posts?

So, that’s pretty much as it sounds. Instagram bots may search for accounts that have certain keywords in their profiles and then automatically follow, like, and comment on those accounts’ posts.

In exchange, your Instagram follower bot would follow other accounts to get a follow-back from at least some of them, which would then help you expand your own following.

This pattern, however, has recently reversed due to many factors. In the first place, it’s no longer a successful strategy. By 2023, however, the public has caught on to the strategy, making it much more difficult to get new followers than it was only a few years earlier.

Avoid Instagram Suspending Accounts and Grow Organically

Finding a free or low-cost Instagram bot is ultimately the same as making the bad decision to purchase Instagram followers. The end result is an artificially high number of followers who seldom interact with posts and a huge list of obviously fake or inactive followers.

Instagram follow and like bots were formerly popular, but the practise ended up dying out since people who engage in it risk having their account banned and seeing their online reputation ruined.

Instagram has long taken action against accounts that attempt to “game the system” by artificially gaining many followers. Additionally, engaging in this behaviour is against Instagram’s terms of service, and users who cheat their way to success on the platform often have their accounts suspended, restricted, or even fully banned.

On the other side, Instagram has enhanced the exposure and engagement of content from accounts that have grown organically.

4- Don’t Post Anything That Breaks Instagram’s Rules

It goes without saying that this is the best approach to avoid having your Instagram account blocked. But do you know what you can and cannot post on Instagram? The first thing to understand why Instagram suspended my account is to know more about the rules.

You should avoid uploading the following brief and self-evident list of photos and videos on Instagram:

  • Naked bodies.
  • Sexually explicit content.
  • Acts of Violence.
  • The secret or personal details of another person without their consent
  • Only post images and videos you created or have permission to post
  • Extremely serious threats or hate speech.
  • Aims to humiliate or degrade certain persons
  • Harassing or blackmailing
  • Promoting or glorifying violence in content

Get-rich-quick schemes and crypto-currency opportunity solicitation are the two non-obvious forms of content you should use caution while sharing or avoiding outright. Pyramid scams and quick-rich schemes aren’t welcome on Instagram.

Instagram may suspend your account if you regularly contact other users without their permission for commercial objectives. Consequently, you’ll need to think outside the box to promote your side gig on Instagram.

Conclusion on Instagram Suspension

Instagram has restored all accounts and corrected other flaws since the suspension issue arose. So many of you asked the very same question “ Why Instagram suspended my account”. In the above article, we elaborated on the reasons and mentioned ways to return your account.

However, the preceding approach may help you keep your account secure and safeguard your content and followers. Building up a dedicated online followers might take months or even years. Be cautious and play it safe to avoid having your account banned, suspended, or terminated. You can also use organic Instagram growth services like AiGrow that do not put your account at risk of being banned or suspended.

So, give AiGrow a Try Now. Many people have already done this and are now satisfied with the results.

Give AiGrow a Try Now

FAQs About Instagram Deleted Accounts

Q1. What Does It Mean When Instagram Suspends Your Account?

Due to violations of Instagram’s community rules or terms of service, Instagram has the right to delete or limit access to any account temporarily. During the period of suspension, you may be unable to access your account or may have limited access to its features or business operations.

Q2. Why Did Instagram Suspend My Account for 30 Days?

Instagram might deactivate your account for many different reasons. Using automated bots or third-party applications that violate Instagram’s rules, acting in an aggressive or spammy manner, regularly breaching copyright or intellectual property rights, or transgressing community norms (such as uploading offensive or inappropriate content) are all frequent causes for suspension.

Q3. How To Get My Suspended Instagram Account Back?

If Instagram has suspended your account, the first step is to review the community rules and terms of service to determine where you went wrong. When pinpointing the cause of the ban, you may appeal Instagram’s decision by following their supplied guidelines. The account suspension notice will often include instructions on how to appeal, such as filling out a form.

Q4. How Can I Keep Instagram From Banning Me in the Future?

You should read Instagram’s community rules and terms of service to learn how to avoid suspension in the future. Ensure your content doesn’t violate copyright laws and stay away from anything that might be deemed spammy or aggressive.
 Take care while installing third-party applications, and stick to verified services that align with Instagram’s policies. Also, be honest and open while interacting with the site.

Q5. How To Recover a Suspended Instagram Account?

If Instagram permanently deactivates your account, you may have difficulty returning it. However, you might try appealing to Instagram’s staff or contacting Instagram directly for assistance.
 Describe the problem and provide any further details they may need. Regaining access to your account is possible, but there is no assurance.

Q6. Can I Set up a New Instagram Account if Instagram Suspended My Account?

If Instagram terminated your prior account, you may start again by signing up with a new email and choosing a new username. To prevent further suspension, it is important to take note of Instagram’s rules and policies and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

Q7. When Instagram Suspended My Account, Will I Get a Warning?

If Instagram temporarily deactivates your account, you will get an email or in-app message. The message will often explain the suspension’s cause and provide advice on how to respond to the problem or appeal the decision.

Q8. Is There a Way to Contact Instagram About My Instagram Account Suspension?

You may contact Instagram’s support staff for help recovering your account if you’ve had it temporarily disabled. Check out Instagram’s FAQ page for information on how to contact the service’s staff. Remember that they get a lot of questions; thus, a reply might take some time.

Q9. Can I Avoid Accounts Suspended Instagram if I File an Appeal?

If your account was suspended, you should submit an appeal as soon as possible. By filing an appeal, you have a second chance to provide your side of the story, offer more information, or clear up any confusion. It’s a necessary step to attempt to recover access, but there’s no assurance of success.

Q10. How Long Does Instagram Suspend Your Account?

The length of a temporary ban might vary from one infraction to the next. The usual wait period is between 24 and 48 hours.

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