Page Contents
Since the Instagram algorithm has changed, marketers have experienced a dramatic decline in their Instagram engagement rate, reach, and impressions. More precisely, posts, stories, videos, and profiles are getting fewer views and making it hard for marketers to appear among the top Instagram accounts. Here, I want to talk about some free Instagram views hacks and tips that’ll help you in solving this issue. Stay tuned!
Real and Free Instagram View Hacks for Different Parts
As we’ve previously talked about how to get free Instagram views on stories and videos, here, we’ll focus on tips to get more profiles, posts, and IGTV views.
#1 Real Instagram Profile Visits
If you are running an Instagram business account, you may have noticed that using Instagram insights can see how many people have recently visited your profile.

This is really important because whenever you get more profile views, you have the chance to get more free Instagram followers. But, how can you get free Instagram views on your profile?
Well, here are some quick tips:
- Pick an easy-to-search username,
- Add your niche to your Instagram name,
- Use secondary niche-related keywords on your Instagram bio,
- Keep your Instagram bio description fresh by sharing information about discounts, new products, etc.
- Share high-quality posts and try to appear on Instagram explore page.
And promote your business on Instagram.
Following these simple tips, you’ll receive more real and instant profile visits. So, keep them in mind.
Keep Reading: Perfect Instagram Profile: 10 Tips to Grow Your Business
#2 Free View for an Instagram Post
To grow on Instagram organically, you need to increase your Instagram reach. Instagram reach is the number of unique users who view your Instagram posts and stories, and more Instagram views mean more Instagram engagements. To get a free view on Instagram posts organically and without using any apps, you need to follow these simple hacks:
- Post at the best time possible,
- Use the best Instagram hashtags,
- Host Instagram giveaway contests,
- And use Instagram ads,
- Share user-generated content,
- Share high-quality content,
- Tag locations to attract local audiences.
Actually, to keep up with all the mentioned tips, you need to use some Instagram tools such as schedulers, contest pickers, monitoring apps, and hashtag research tools. However, these are safe and secure ways of getting free Instagram views organically without using any apps. So, keep up with the hard work and appear among top Instagram posts.
#3 Hacks to Get Free IGTV Views
Another place where you should try your best to get free IG views is on IGTV videos. Recently, Instagram announced that IGTV would be monetized, and creators will get %55 of ads revenue. So, IGTV is a great way of promoting your small business and turning followers into customers and helps you save money advertising your business.
So, IGTV videos must be considered as an essential part of astonishing Instagram marketing strategies. But, how to get free IGTV views?
The following tips may come in handy:
- Share a part of your IGTV post on stories,
- Create and in-feed preview,
- And promote your IGTV video on other social media channels.
That’s it! Try all the mentioned hacks to get the amount of Instagram views you want on different parts.
Best Apps to Get Free Instagram Views
In the paragraphs above, we mentioned some amazing free Instagram view hacks that will help you get better real results. However, trying all those tips and hacks may take a great deal of time. In the following, we’ll introduce the best apps to get free Instagram views instantly.
AiGrow; A Secure App to Get Instant Views
One of the best apps to get real and instant Instagram views for free is to use AiGrow, an Instagram management service with an intriguing package of tools and services.

Using this package of Instagram marketing tools, you cannot buy Instagram views. However, you’ll hire an Instagram account manager. You will have free access to a complete package of tools like schedulers, reposters, Instagram trackers, and growth tools that help you get more real active followers who engage with your posts.
AiGrow also provides you with a 7-days free trial. Go ahead and sign up for free right now, use the free trial, and get more Instagram views from real people.
IG Panel; View Instagram Free
One of the most popular apps that offer free Instagram views is IG panel. You can get as many views on IG panel as you want for your videos, stories, and live videos. On IG panel, you can choose the post, story, and video you want to get views on, and then, the panel brings views to your Instagram content for free.

I tested this app, and it really brings instant views. But, the biggest problem with it is that the accounts that view your Instagram are not real and active followers. For instance, I wanted to get 100 Instagram story views, and after about 1 minute, I had all my story views. However, all the story viewers had at most 1 following/follower. So, if you want to get real and active viewers who may turn to be your follower, this app cannot help at all.
Read More: Best Apps to Find Inactive Instagram Followers And Replace Them
Social Proof Free Views
Another website that offers free Instagram views is social proof. Social proof is not offering free views at all. For getting free views using it, you have to purchase one of their packages. For instance, if you want to get free Instagram views instantly, you have to purchase one of the following packages:

However, the prices seem reasonable; however, scrolling down the same page to see users’ comments, you may avoid purchasing their packages because some users said their views had not been delivered. So, instead of using this service, we recommend you to try the Instagram view hacks mentioned above.
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Wrap Up
To sum it up, getting free Instagram views increase your engagement rate, reach, and impressions. Here, we mentioned some simple hacks to get free Instagram views, and in the end, we reviewed the best and most popular apps that help users get more views. Please read the article carefully, and leave us a comment about your own experience.