How to Get Maximum Out of Email Marketing and Content Marketing

Get Maximum Out of Email Marketing and Content Marketing

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More than 4 billion people use email daily, and 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach out to their customers. On the other hand, 82% of marketers used content marketing activity this year, mainly because 47% of all buyers check out three to five pieces of content before getting in touch with a sales representative. Looking at these numbers, you’ll understand why more businesses are now paying more attention to their email and content marketing campaigns. 

Efficiency is the name of the game here, and it’s imperative to be as efficient as possible when creating your campaigns to ensure that you’re getting the most from your investment. 

After all, email and content marketing can definitely bring you a lot of revenue, build your customer base and strengthen your brand, that is, if it’s done right.

The question is: how exactly do you get the most out of your email and content marketing campaigns? 

Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is still one of the most efficient forms of digital marketing out there. With a massive chunk of the world’s population relying on email as an essential source of information, it’s no surprise that more than 306 billion emails are sent and received every day. 

But email marketing can also be tricky to get right, especially since consumers are already bombarded with hundreds of promotional emails each day. To make yourself different from everyone else, here are some strategies that you can use:

#1 Create a Solid Email Marketing Plan

Every good email marketing campaign—or any other marketing effort—begins with a good plan. Before you can start building an email list, exploring email automation, and creating email content, you need to know exactly what you want to accomplish first. What is your goal for this campaign? 

Sure, you’d want to boost your revenue and branding, but you need to be specific about what you’re trying to accomplish. Do you want to attract new customers? Are you trying to keep loyal customers? Do you need to boost your revenue?

A solid email marketing plan can sometimes become the difference between success and failure, so you need to do everything right first. To get started, you need to think about the context of your business first using the SWOT and PESTLE formulas. These will allow you to explore your strengths, weaknesses, and objectives so that it’s easier to create your email marketing plan.

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#2 Design Your Emails Properly

According to a 2021 survey by Constant Contact, the average email open rate is 19.8%, the bounce rate is 9.4%, and the click-through rate is 11.3%. Based on those numbers, you’ll know how competitive the email marketing scene is today. 

This is why it’s imperative to design your emails properly by making sure that you cover all your bases when it comes to template, content, color, identity, fonts, images, layouts, and call to action. 

Aside from investing in email automation, here are some best practices that you have to remember when designing your emails:

  • Build interest with a strong subject line. You only have that first few seconds to convince your reader to click on your email or put it to spam.
  • Be specific and concise. You don’t want readers to be confused about the message that you’re trying to send to them.
  • Put some thought into your layout. Keep things minimal and straightforward to keep your email from looking too busy and overwhelming.
  • Personalize every email to make customers feel that you’re really sending this email to them and not just everyone else.

#3 Test Your Emails

Just like any other marketing strategy, it’s essential to test your email design to know exactly if it’s working or not. Aside from email automation, you’ll also find a lot of good A/B testing tools that will allow you to do split testing on the different variations of your email marketing campaign. You can test reach, content, names, timing, and subject lines to know exactly what you’re doing right and what you need to improve. 

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Content Marketing Strategies

There’s a good reason content is still considered king—because it works. In fact, 82% of marketers have used content marketing this year with the primary goals of increasing brand awareness, boosting sales and promoting better engagement for businesses. But just like email marketing, you also need to follow some innovative strategies to make the most of your content marketing campaign:

1- Define Your Content Marketing Goal

Effective content marketing isn’t just about putting out content that consumers can engage with. You also need to be specific with your mission for your campaign so you can focus on what’s essential and direct your strategies in the right direction. 

Your content marketing goal should specify your target audience, the benefits you’d want them to enjoy from your content, and the types of content you’d like to use to reach out to them. You should also determine the exact things that you’re trying to accomplish with your campaign. 

It could be boosting your sales by attracting more leads, increasing your revenue by using the right content marketing strategies or driving more traffic to your website by optimizing your website.

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2- Create Your Audience Personas

It’s not enough to just establish your target audience through your content marketing goal, and you need to dig a little deeper and create your buyer personas so you know exactly who your ideal customers are. 

This will not only make it easier for you to steer your content marketing campaign in the right direction, but it will also help you make your team members understand what you’re trying to accomplish for your campaign. 

To create that audience persona, you need to gather demographic data to help you develop an ideal customer profile that includes gender, age, income, and education. You also need to review customer feedback to know what your consumers are thinking and what they’d want you to improve on. 

3- Update Your Content Frequently

Consistency is vital when you’re running a content marketing campaign. That is why it’s crucial to create a content calendar that will keep you on track with what you’re posting on your website and social media platforms. 

You also need to determine the types of content you’re posting, how frequently you should post and what topics would work best for your business. This will allow you to create a solid image online and keep your customers’ interest in your brand.

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4- Brainstorm Ideas

Great content is all about being creative about what you’re posting. So, before you create any content, you need to brainstorm ideas first and allow the other team members to share their thoughts on the types of content you can publish on your website or social media platforms. 

Remember that you need to talk about things that relate to your industry to establish yourself as an authority in this area and make your brand more credible in the eyes of consumers. It’s also essential to determine who will be responsible for your content marketing strategy and what tools you will use to create and publish your content. This will make the process smoother and avoid any errors that could easily ruin your reputation online.

5- Do Keyword Research

When you’re trying to mount an effective content marketing campaign, you need to please both your readers and the search engines, so you get to rank better on organic search results. This is when it matters to do keyword research, which will allow you to better understand how your target audience searches the Internet and what language they use. 

The good news is that you already have many tools for keyword research, coming up with the right keywords to include in your content, and analyzing your keywords.

6- Use Paid Ads

Let’s face it; the competition is so stiff online that writing good content isn’t enough to get you noticed by your target audience. This is where paid advertisements come in. 

When you invest in them, you’re getting the advantage of having your specific target audience offer your content. It gives you a higher chance at driving traffic towards your website and eventually turning these leads into loyal customers.

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, getting the most of your email and content marketing campaigns will depend on how well you prepare for them, allocate your resources, and implement your strategies to make sure that they work in your favor. 

The truth is, you don’t need a huge budget to enjoy the benefits of an excellent email and content marketing campaign. You just need to be smart about your options, work with the right people, and of course, commit yourself to running these campaigns consistently so you can get the best results.

Nikita Semenov

Hi there! 

It’s Nikita from I provide materials on digital marketing, email campaigns, and everything you encounter while building your business strategy through the web. My best principle for efficient work always has been and still remains communication and co-help. Cheers!

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