Instagram Cheats You Need to Know in 2021

Instagram Cheats You Need to Know in 2021

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

If you run an Instagram page and want to use it as a tool to thrive your business, you have to know some Instagram cheats. In this article, I’m going to take a look at the best Instagram cheats to get followers!  

It seems like Instagram never goes out of style! Instagram is the sixth popular social media website globally, ready to overtake WeChat only by gaining a couple of hundreds of users. 

Most Used Social Media 2020
Most Used Social Media 2020

With this level of popularity on Instagram, it’s quite challenging to send your message out there to this world. It seems that Instagram is already saturated with the best creators, celebrities, and entertainers. So, why bother and even try?

First of all, everyone can find their audience on Instagram, especially when they focus on their niche and gaining local followers. Secondly, you need to know some useful Instagram cheats to get ahead of your competitors!

So, let’s see how to get more followers on Instagram by doing some cheats!

Instagram Cheats to Get Followers on 2021

There are certainly tons of Instagram cheats that you can try to gain more followers, but in the following, we’re going to read about the best ones that actually work in 2021. So, here they are:

1- Use a Trusted Instagram Growth Service

First thing, first! Better to use a trusted Instagram manager for planning and tracking your growth. Managing Instagram by yourself is a challenging role, especially if you run a business account. You need to take care of every aspect of it, from designing eye-catching posts and writing engaging captions to scheduling posts and working with new features with every Instagram update. Doing all of these in the best way shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do! 

Using a good Instagram management tool, you can avoid wasting money and time by automating some of the tasks like scheduling posts or sending bulk DMs

There are tons of Instagram bots that do all of these, but you can’t just trust bots! Instead, you need to focus on more trustable apps such as AiGrow.

AiGrow is a comprehensive web and mobile-based app that allows you to grow your Instagram safely. The unique thing about AiGrow is that it’s a mixture of human expertise (it has some great Instagram consultants) and AI technology. So, you don’t have to be worried about any bot-related problems. 

AiGrow helps you to schedule feed posts and stories, social listening, send bulk messages, and many other features!

To give AiGrow a chance, click here to use its free trial right now! 

2- Take Advantage of Instagram Reels

The second Instagram cheats for more followers is Reels! Instagram Reels is one of the latest features that Instagram has introduced. Just like what we have in TikTok, Instagram Reels is perfect for recording loop videos. The good thing about this video format on Instagram is that compared to TikTok, it has more opportunities for brands and businesses. Instagram has many other business-friendly features such as Instagram Shoppable, Link in Bio, and DM messages.   

3- Work With Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are still a powerful way to cheat on Instagram and get ahead of other competitors. The best thing about micro-influencers is that no matter what your budget and niche are, you can find the perfect one for your advertising campaigns. Music influencers, gaming influencers, fashion lovers, and foodie influencers are only a few categories.  

4- Make The Most of the Bio URL

If you have a personal brand or business, you definitely have a website. By putting your link on your Instagram bio, you can lead your followers to your website. However, the only problem is, Instagram only allows you to add a single link. 

One of the best Instagram cheats is to use a Bio link tool. This tool turns your bio into a landing page by acting as a link directory. Remember AiGrow? Lucky for you, AiGrow has this feature. Basically, you create a landing page including all the links that you like to be linked to your Instagram, then put this link on your bio and invite followers to click on it using a great CTA

What are you waiting for? Try AiGrow right now!

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5- Hashtag Instagram Cheats: Use Better Hashtag

Instagram hashtag cheats are still working in 2021. Many users have lost their faith in hashtags but what they don’t know is that it’s actually working, if you know how!

The secret recipe to Instagram hashtag cheat is to use a combination of hashtags that is unique for your posts. It’s not a difficult thing to do; just add (preferably) 5-6 hashtags that really resonate with your post’s content. If you have any problem finding mighty hashtags, take a look at the AiGrow hashtag engine. It gives you the best results based on the phrases that you searched for. It even has the ability to search and add multiple hashtags.

Final Words on Instagram Cheats

Instagram is a rough place to compete, but you can make it much easier to grow in this popular platform by knowing the best practical hacks and cheats. Make your growth even easier by using a smart tool such as AiGrow. 

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