Follow Meter Review 2024 [Is Followmeter Safe?]

Followmeter Review

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Are you seeking enhanced insights for your Instagram profile? Do you wish to discover who has unfollowed you on Instagram? Applications such as FollowMeter claim to streamline this procedure for you.

But can you be certain that FollowMeter is the Instagram unfollowers app you’ve been anticipating, or is there more to uncover? Hence, it’s crucial to peruse the FollowMeter review, delving into its features, user experiences, and exploring potential alternatives.

This concise guide aims to provide a thorough examination of the FollowMeter app, aiding you in determining whether it stands among the top unfollow apps available.

Note: We will also present you to the best all-in-one Instagram growth service, AiGrow, which offers various services. One of them is an unfollow service backed by a staff of Instagram managers!

Let’s get started!

What is Followmeter?

FollowMeter is an Instagram application specifically crafted for tracking and analyzing insights and performance on the platform.

It is conveniently available on both the Google Play Store and the App Store, ensuring accessibility for users on Android and iOS platforms.

followmeter website

Put simply, it serves as both an Instagram follower tracker and an application for identifying unfollowers.

When you use it, you gain access to various functionalities such as follower tracking, monitoring engagement metrics on Instagram, detecting inactive accounts (ghost followers), analyzing demographic information about your audience, and offering analytics for your posts.

Indeed, FollowMeter primarily focuses on automating the unfollowing process and eliminating inactive followers from users’ social media profiles. If you’re interested in identifying Instagram users who have unfollowed you and analyzing additional data, this application can be beneficial.

To ensure we cover all its functionalities, let’s explore its features in the following section.

FollowMeter for Instagram: Features and Services

FollowMeter app claims to offer a range of features to help users manage their Instagram accounts more effectively. However, it is worth mentioning that its features are limited and might violate Instagram’s terms of service due to automation actions.

Some of the key features include:

1. Follower Insights

Followmeter Instagram claims to be a good follower tracker app for Instagram and allows you to track your followers’ growth and decline over time.

2. Discover Ghost Followers

The app also acts as an ghost followers app and helps you identify and remove inactive or ghost followers, improving your account’s authenticity. Using it you can weed out inactive or ghost followers, ensuring your follower count reflects genuine engagement.

3. Track Unfollowers

Follow Meter allegedly helps you stay informed about users who unfollow you on Instagram, allowing you to manage your follower base effectively.

4. Track Blocked Accounts

As per their website, FollowMeter enables you to maintain a list of accounts that have blocked you, providing you with the means to oversee and control your interactions on the platform.

5. Display Top Likers and Reveal Secret Admirers

This application assists you in highlighting individuals who regularly express their liking for your posts, recognizing and appreciating your highly engaged audience. It also reveals users who quietly admire your content, introducing an element of intrigue to enhance your Instagram experience.

6. Monitor Account Engagement

It offers insights into the likes, comments, and overall engagement received on your posts. Utilizing FollowMeter’s “Activity Meter” feature allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your overall Instagram engagement.

7. Monitor Top Story Viewers

With FollowMeter, you have the ability to monitor individuals who engage the most with your stories, providing insights into the impact of your content. Specifically for public accounts, you can identify viewers of your stories who are not following you, enhancing transparency in your audience interactions.

8. Increased Exposure (Plus Subscription)

FollowMeter offers a range of features customized to user preferences, with certain exclusive functionalities accessible through the Plus Subscription. Specifically, by opting for the Plus Subscription, users can enjoy the exclusive advantage of having their account featured in the Explore section, thereby gaining increased exposure.

Users might have noticed that FollowMeter provides a restricted service. It’s essential to emphasize that FollowMeter performs actions through automated processes, not manual efforts.

While it offers insights and relies on Instagram automation for convenience, users should be cautious about potential risks to their Instagram accounts.

Automated actions, such as mass unfollowing and removing ghost followers, could potentially violate Instagram’s terms of service, necessitating user awareness of possible consequences.

FollowMeter for Instagram: Pricing

FollowMeter offers features to elevate one’s Instagram presence, but to access additional and enhanced features, users need to invest in a pro account.

Although the FollowMeter app provides a free version with restricted features, fully unlocking its capabilities requires a subscription to one of its paid plans.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to carefully evaluate whether the associated costs justify the potential benefits before committing to a paid subscription.

The pricing structure may vary depending on the subscription duration, typically offering monthly, quarterly, and annual options. However, before you reach for your wallet, here’s an important question:

Will investing in the Follow Meter app for unfollowing and Instagram insight genuinely help you manage your unfollowers meaningfully and sustainably?

Like many similar tools, it’s worth noting that Follow Meter does not guarantee manual unfollowing. Aggressively pursuing automated unfollow action can violate Instagram’s guidelines and potentially harm your page’s credibility and reach.

If you are considering using the FollowMeter app, I recommend taking a look at FollowMeter reviews. Keep reading for more information.

Followmeter Reviews: What People Think?

It’s important to note that FollowMeter’s effectiveness and user satisfaction have generated mixed reviews. Some users have found it useful for monitoring their Instagram growth, while others have raised concerns about inaccuracies in unfollowing counts and privacy issues.

Let’s explore FollowMeter reviews on various websites.

Followmeter Reviews on Google Play

The primary source of reviews for FollowMeter is Google Play, where users share their experiences using the app.

One user recounts ongoing issues, such as frequent logouts and the inability to perform actions. They highlight a sudden problem with their password, necessitating a quick change to prevent unauthorized access.

Despite investing in the premium version, the user asserts that persistent issues make them suspect the app of being a hacking scam. This firsthand account raises significant concerns regarding the security and functionality of FollowMeter.

followmeter review

Another user initially praised FollowMeter as the best app, but encountered an issue after changing their password, rendering them unable to log back in. They express satisfaction with the app overall, including the absence of problems with ads.

In a 2020 update, the user notes that their previous complaint was addressed, but new issues arose with the app displaying an “unexpected error” upon refresh.

They express uncertainty about the app’s current functionality, indicating that while it seems safe, persistent bugs may hinder its usability. Despite recent issues, the user acknowledges that FollowMeter had been effective for many years.

followmeter for instagram review

Followmeter Reviews on Website

Another platform where you can find reviews for FollowMeter is the Justuseapp website. In a specific review, FollowMeter is described as simple and well-designed, but the user notes a confirmed issue with the unfollow feature.

Despite assurances of a fix through email, weeks have gone by without any resolution. The app places restrictions on unfollowing, and even if the native Instagram app addresses the issue, FollowMeter fails to reinstate the feature, rendering it ineffective for further unfollowing.

The user criticizes the app’s sluggish performance and questions its value, particularly in light of its cost. While acknowledging some utility in identifying non-followers, the user advises caution in spending money on FollowMeter due to unresolved issues and a perceived lack of development.

followmeter review

Another user expressed extreme dissatisfaction with FollowMeter, giving it a rating of one star. They highlighted consistent issues with the app, such as frequent malfunctions even with premium access, improper updating, and being locked out after following only 10 people.

The user criticized the app support’s response as rude and unprofessional, claiming the developers blamed Instagram for issues that were specific to FollowMeter, not the Instagram platform itself.

followmeter review

Followmeter Reddit Reviews

On the Reddit website, you can find discussions among users who have used FollowMeter, sharing their experiences on the platform. One user expresses concern upon discovering that FollowMeter has been removed from the app stores, raising questions about potential security risks.

Another user recommends promptly deleting the app and canceling any subscriptions, advising against potential future issues. They also provide a free and legitimate alternative for tracking Instagram activity, complete with instructions for downloading data through the browser or the Instagram app directly.

The initial user expresses appreciation, confirming the deletion of the app and changing their Instagram password as a precautionary measure, opting to steer clear of such apps for the time being.

Followmeter Reddit Reviews

Is Followmeter Approved by Instagram?

The FollowMeter service has the potential to cause problems by providing inaccurate information about your fraudulent and low-quality followers, violating Instagram’s restrictions, and hurting your account.

Instagram has been taking measures to crack down on mass unfollowing robotically, and using services like Followmeter can result in penalties, including account suspension or Instagram shadowbanning.

Be cautious when using apps like the Follow Meter app, as they may employ aggressive tactics against Instagram’s terms of service. Instagram encourages organic unfollowing, focusing on manual actions aligned with Instagram’s limitations.

Several sources caution against Instagram follower apps or using services that promise rapid mass unfollowing using robots, as they often deliver fake or low-quality accounts that could put your Instagram account at risk.

For a safer and more effective way to unfollow ghost followers, we recommend considering an Instagram growth service like AiGrow.

With AiGrow, you’ll benefit from a dedicated account manager for just $1 daily. This manager will help manage your unfollow actions, ensuring that all unfollowing is manual and risk-free. This approach fosters genuine engagement and keeps your Instagram profile safe and authentic.

Just keep reading to learn more about AiGrow.

What Is The Best Followmeter Alternative?

If you’re looking for an alternative to Follow Meter that provides completely real insight and manual risk-free unfollowing while offering a personalized approach, AiGrow is worth considering.

AiGrow offers a dedicated account manager and focuses on manual growth strategies. This means you’ll have a real person helping you grow Instagram followers organically.

What Is AiGrow?

AiGrow is a leading Instagram growth service that takes a manual and personalized approach to help you grow your Instagram followers. Unlike automated tools that may provide fake or low-quality followers, AiGrow focuses on real and genuinely interested followers.

Here’s what sets AiGrow apart:

  • Manual Growth: AiGrow doesn’t rely on automation alone. They assign a dedicated account manager to your Instagram account who engages with other users on your behalf, resulting in authentic followers.
  • Manual unfollowing: This feature allows users to manually unfollow accounts on Instagram. Instead of relying on automated processes, a real person manages the unfollowing actions. Manual unfollowing provides a more personalized and controlled approach, reducing the risk of violating Instagram’s terms of service.
  • Personalization: Your dedicated account manager tailors their approach to your specific goals and target audience, ensuring your Instagram marketing strategy aligns with your needs.
  • Proven Results: AiGrow has received positive reviews and testimonials on Trustpilot and other platforms from users who have experienced genuine follower growth and engagement.
  • Compliance: AiGrow’s approach aligns with Instagram’s guidelines, avoiding the risks of buying followers or using automated tools.

In a world where genuine engagement and authenticity are paramount on Instagram, AiGrow offers a compelling alternative to Follow Meter by providing a dedicated manager who can help you organically attract real and engaged followers.

Aigrow Services and Packages

AiGrow is a versatile platform designed to supercharge your Instagram presence with various services and features. Here’s an overview of what AiGrow offers:

  • Instagram Growth Services: AiGrow assists you in organically growing your Instagram followers. This includes targeted follower acquisition, engagement boosters, and content optimization.
  • Manual Hashtag Recommendations: The aiGrow account manager suggests the best IG hashtags for your posts, increasing their discoverability.
  • Content Creation and Strategy: Get expert advice on content creation for social media to make your Instagram profile stand out.
  • Direct Message Management: Manage your Instagram DM efficiently with AiGrow’s DM tools. You can slide into DMs, set responses, and organize your inbox.
  • Analytics and Insights: Gain deep insights into your Instagram performance. Track follower growth engagement metrics and understand your audience better.
  • Grow Followers: AiGrow specializes in increasing your follower count by connecting with users who are genuinely interested in your content.
  • Ghost Followers Removal: Detect and remove ghost followers effortlessly. Keep your follower list clean and engaged.

Aigrow Mass Unfollow Package: Go For Manual Unfollowing

They understand the importance of a personalized approach. When you choose AiGrow, you get a dedicated account manager to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide tailored recommendations for your Instagram growth strategy.

Say goodbye to unwanted followers cluttering your Instagram account. AiGrow’s Mass Unfollow Plans allow you to effortlessly unfollow fake and ghost followers, helping you maintain a cleaner and more engaged follower base.

They follow Instagram’s best practices by offering manual unfollowing, reducing the risk of account-related issues. Rest assured that your Instagram account is in capable hands.

Other AiGrow’s Plans

Indeed, AiGrow provides various packages on their website, offering services to enhance your Instagram presence through a manual approach and a dedicated account manager. Some of the packages include:

  • Managed Growth Plan: This plan likely involves personalized strategies for growing your Instagram following, managed by a dedicated account manager.
  • Managed DM Plan: This service may involve managing direct messages on your behalf, enhancing engagement and communication with your audience.
  • Content Creation Plan: AiGrow may offer a package focused on creating engaging and tailored content for your Instagram account.

It’s advisable to visit AiGrow’s official website for detailed information on each package, including the specific features, pricing, and any additional services they may offer. Keep in mind that service offerings may evolve, so checking the most recent information directly from AiGrow is recommended.

While specific pricing details may vary and could change over time, it’s worth mentioning that AiGrow aims to provide these services at an affordable cost. You can manage your DMs, follow and unfollow other users to organically grow your page, and utilize the expertise of a dedicated account manager for $1 a day.


In conclusion, Followmeter claim to offer a tool for tracking your Instagram performance, offering features like follower insights, engagement analytics, and growth tracking. However, it’s essential befor using it read Follow Meter reviews and consider its limitations, such as potential privacy concerns and the need for a premium subscription.

If you’re looking for alternatives and want more than just metrics, AiGrow is an excellent option to explore. AiGrow offers manual growth strategies, a dedicated account manager, and the promise of real, organic followers.


Q1: Is Followmeter Safe?

While Followmeter Instagram is generally safe, some users have raised privacy concerns. Review the app’s permissions and privacy settings before using it.

Q2: Can I Trust the Follower Count Provided by Followmeter?

While FollowMeter aims to provide accurate data, some users have reported discrepancies in follower counts. It’s advisable to cross-check this information with Instagram’s native analytics.

Q3: Is Followmeter Legit?

Yes, FollowMeter for Instagram is a legitimate tool. However, it’s important to be aware that using such tools may potentially harm your Instagram page’s credibility and performance.

Q4: Can Followmeter Help in Identifying Fake Followers?

Yes. Followmeter’s analytics can help identify irregular patterns and suspicious activity, aiding in the detection of fake or inactive followers.

Q5. Is Followmeter Suitable for Personal and Business Accounts?

Yes, Followmeter caters to both personal and business accounts, providing valuable insights for individuals, influencers, and brands alike.