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After the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses experienced a decrease in their income. Shop owners and businessmen had to find a solution to save their jobs or abandon them altogether. That’s when they turned to social media, especially Instagram, to try their last shot! And that’s when the Importance of learning how to sell on Instagram DM revealed itself!
Whether you are a small retailer or a photographer, whether you’re a real estate agent or a teacher, and whether you’re using Instagram’s DM itself or other applications for DMing, you may rest assured that using Instagram and its DM feature can get your business where you want!
Although, if have a lot on your plate and are in for growing your business, but you’re out for spending too much time on you’re phone, DMpro is the right tool for you. With this app, you can easily manage your DMs without lifting a finger!
What Is Instagram DM
Instagram DM, AKA ‘Direct message’, is a helpful feature on Instagram by which you may exchange messages with other people. Users are allowed to send and receive text messages, photos, videos, gifs, and even voice messages through DMs. For a more private experience, Instagrammers have the chance to do all the things mentioned above in vanish mode through temporary chat threads.
Nowadays, DMs are not used for solely personal purposes anymore. From small businesses to big companies all are using Instagram DM marketing to establish their brands and sell their products or services.
One needs to have a whole sum of money and facilities in the world today to be able to start their jobs. With Instagram DMs however, you just need your phone and a good Internet connection to compete with others! Not only can direct message marketing be of great opportunity for small businesses, but also it can be an incredible way for large businesses to build a more strong connection with their customers, and offer better customer services.
How to Send An Instagram DM
Before we delve a little deeper into how to sell on Instagram DM, let’s see how you can send a DM on Instagram in the first place.
- First, open the Instagram app
- Then, tap on the airplane/messenger icon on the right upper corner of your home on the application
- Next, tap on the plus icon on the right upper corner and choose the user you want to chat with
- Finally, tap on ‘Chat’
Pro Note: Remember that you can also use this feature and send DMs on your desktop by following the same steps.
There’s also another way of DMing on Instagram and that is through the users’ profiles. To do this:
- Find the user you want to have a conversation with from your explore or your followings list.
- Go to their profile.
- Tap on ‘Message’ and start your chat.
Why Should You Use DMs to Sell on Instagram
According to Statista, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks among users in 2022 with approximately one billion monthly active users. It is particularly this popularity that draws many businesses to Instagram and Instagram DM marketing.
With the advancement of technology, the world has changed a lot. And so has the way people interact with each other. Nowadays, people barely go through the trouble to contact their friends and families by calling them on their phones. Think about yourself and how you normally contact people.
Entrepreneurship coach Elise Darma makes an interesting observation in her video on how to make more sales on Instagram. She says that she and her boyfriend of six years only contact each other through Instagram DMs despite the fact that they have each other’s phone numbers!
Now let’s think of this in terms of sales. Imagine you have a product to sell, and you know that people will be at place X at the time of sales. Will you go to place Y in order to sell your product then? Of course not! So why not try to sell and make more money on Instagram where people are already spending their time in?
How To Sell on Instagram DM
As for any other sort of marketing, Instagram DM marketing is an art to be mastered. However, a lot of influencers and business owners tend to DM every single new follower in hopes of turning them into customers and making a sale yet only to realize the fruitlessness of their attempt. Who gets eager to make a purchase by those annoying spams piling up in their DM requests?
There are rules and strategies regarding Instagram Direct Message marketing, and we’re here to cover the most important ones to make the way as easy and smooth as ever! Let’s walk you through them one by one.

#1 Be Seen on Their Radar
How often do you check your Instagram DM requests on your computer or your phone? How many of them do you respond to? It is highly unlikely for us to respond to the DMs we receive from strangers or people we have not interacted with before let alone make a purchase.
No one gets excited to see random messages from people who are only trying to sell their services or products. They may look like Instagram spam messages! And you do not want to give your potential customers that impression.
In order to do solid Instagram DM marketing, you need to attract your target audience by developing interaction first. Take into account the fact that Instagram is a visual platform in the first place. It’s all about being seen and recognized. You can simply like a few posts on their page, and leave a few comments under their posts. By replying to their stories, for instance, you can prepare the grounds for more interaction in the DMs.
#2 Develop Relationships
Don’t you feel closer to someone when you have a conversation in your DMs rather than seeing their posts and stories on your feed? Don’t you get more positive vibes from the influencers or the online shop owners with whom you have a casual talk?
DMs are all about building relationships and getting closer to people! And this is the key to success in Instagram DM marketing since it makes you win your customers’ trust and loyalty.
#3 Give Value
An important tenet of being successful in selling on Instagram is adding value to your target audience. This could be done by teaching them something or giving them some helpful tips.
For instance, if you own an apparel shop on Instagram, don’t just post clothes for sale on your feed or story. Try to post instructional videos on how to fold, or wash certain clothes and other how-to videos too.
This helps you gain more credibility and respect among your followers and turn them into good potential purchase makers.
And remember that adding value doesn’t always have to be in the form of instruction. The number one reason that people hang out on Instagram is entertainment. Sometimes, entertaining and giving good vibes to your followers is adding value. Use your creativity and be relevant!
#4 Lead Them to Your DMs
The followers who are active under your posts are leads for you. Take the opportunity and slide them into your DMs where you can get one step closer to selling your products.
There are different ways by which you can make new leads. For instance, you can think of your feed as your catalog in which you put your products or services on display. Then, you can simply invite your followers to DM for inquiries. You could do this via a hashtag or a call-to-action.
Another way to do it is to seal the deal in your DMs. This is a good strategy for both small and large businesses. You can have an Instagram DM sales script ready and then ask your followers to DM to purchase. When they send you a direct message, you explain to them the ways they can buy your product/service with that script.
#5 Take Advantage of Close Friends’ Feature on Instagram
Instagram has a lot of features. Some of these might not seem very relevant to what you’re doing, but they could actually come in very handy! ‘Close friends’ is one of these features. Just to give you an idea, for example, you can put your customers on your close friend’s list and offer them great deals.
#6 Establish Your Brand
Be mindful of the fact that everything you do on Instagram from the very first moment you start your business page is part of your brand building. So be careful not to do anything that goes against your brand’s values and Instagram’s Community Guidelines.
#7 Use DMpro
When DM marketing can have so many positive effects on your business’ growth, why not use a well-designed tool to make it smoother?
DMpro is the best DM app that can help marketers with DM marketing. It is a seamless, easy-to-use app that provides you with various options including bulk DMs, link-in-bio tool, auto-reply, personalized messages, DM to email, and many more!
Sign up on DMPro now to get the most out of your DM marketing.
Incredible Instagram DM Template Examples
One way to increase engagement on your DMs without spending much time is to have some already prepared messages. Here are some direct message examples that work:
- Welcome Message
Think about it! It’s nice to receive a simple welcome or thank you message from a page you’re following! Here we have two Instagram DM examples that you can send to welcome your followers or thank them for their activity.
- Hello [their name]! Welcome to our community. We appreciate you following/liking/commenting on us. We hope to provide you with a good time and help you through [your niche].
- Hey [their name]! It’s our pleasure to have you in our family. We hope our page is of some help to you. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions!
- Reply to Feedback
Replying to your followers’ feedback or your customers’ complaints are some other direct message examples that you will definitely need in your DM marketing.
- Hey there! We received your feedback and just wanted to say that we really appreciate your time. We welcome any suggestion/complaint that helps us improve our services for our customers. We’ll definitely take your ideas into account!
- Hey [their name]! Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate the fact that we have such loyal and caring customers. We’ll definitely discuss your ideas with our team. Also, as a thank you, we’d like to offer you this discount code: [discount code].
- Replying to Complaints
- Hi [their name]. We are deeply sorry that you had this bad experience with us. Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority. Please share the details of what happened, and we will do anything we can to make this up for you as soon as possible.
- Hi [their name]. We’re sorry you had to experience this problem with our services. We have high regard for our customers and do our best to make their experience with us as smooth and pleasant as possible. Clearly, we have not been able to do so in this case. We will most definitely resolve the issue. Also, we would like to regain your trust by [your offer].
- Influencer Collaborations
If you’re wondering how to sell on Instagram DM, you should know that working with Influencers is an undeniable important tenet here. This has a direct and rapid influence on your business and its growth.
- Hey! I’m [your name] from [your brand/company]. I’m reaching out to you to say that I’ve been following you for a while now and I’m amazed by the great job you’re doing on your page! Have you ever worked with any [brand/job] before? If not, I’d highly recommend you do so! Our company is very eager to collaborate with you. Let us know if you’re interested!
- Hi [their name]! We have recently started a campaign for our newly released [product]. We are looking for talented partners who are eager to promote it for us in exchange for a good fee and benefits. Are you down for it? Let us know, and we’ll discuss the details!
Pro Tip: notice that all these Instagram dm examples and templates are only here to give you ideas. We highly suggest you personalize your Instagram direct messages to get the best results!
FAQ on How To Sell on Instagram DM
So far, we have provided you with all the information you need to do direct message marketing on Instagram. Now it’s about time we answer some of your most frequently asked questions to make you as ready as ever for growing your business.
#1 What Is DM for Inquiries’ Meaning?
Imagine you have offered your product or service by posting photos and videos on your Instagram feed. An incredible way to increase the chances of your followers buying from you is to make sure they DM you. You can get your followers to DM you by using DM me for inquiries hashtags or call-to-actions. That is, you invite your audience to DM you for more information or in case they have questions about the product you’ve offered them.
#2 Can You Mass DM on Instagram?
As great and well-developed Instagram features might be, they don’t provide you with everything you need. As an Instagrammer, you don’t have the option to mass DM on Instagram. You neither have the ability to mass delete your messages on Instagram in case you want to organize your messages.
You have nothing to be concerned about though! DMpro is here to solve all these problems for you within seconds! It’s cost-effective, easy, and user-friendly.
Sign up now, and get instant access to DMpro!
Final Words on How to Sell on Instagram DM
As the most popular social networking app, Instagram can be the golden key to success in businesses in 2022. Direct messages are fabulous opportunities for you to increase your sales. Therefore, learning how to sell on Instagram DM is essential in today’s world.
In this article, we illustrated why and how you can use direct messages to build your brand as well as strategies you can use so as to make more money on Instagram. We also gave you some Instagram DM examples and proven templates.
And don’t worry if it takes a lot of time for you to do every single tip mentioned above. Ready to get pro? Try DMpro!