Losing Instagram Followers for No Reason? Try This Tool

Losing Instagram Followers for No Reason_ Try This Free Tool

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Growth is not linear! You may have heard this sentence before, but what does it mean when it comes to social media? If you are losing followers on Instagram for no reason, you are not alone. It is one of the most natural aspects of the IG experience. However, you can reverse this trend and grow your IG followers if you follow the right path. 

This article will provide you with simple yet essential tips to maintain and increase your popularity on Instagram. So, if you’re losing followers on Instagram and wish to know how to improve your IG engagement, stay tuned.

Why Am I Losing Followers on Instagram?

Many of you ask, ‘Why do I keep losing followers on Instagram when I’m doing nothing wrong?’ Good question! I have a better one for you: Are you sure you’re not doing something wrong?

This section will share a few common reasons for losing followers on Instagram. After all, to know the problem is half the solution itself. Keep reading to find out what actions are counterproductive for your account!

#1 You are Posting Irregularly

Have you heard that you must post regularly and consistently on social media? But why is that? And is consistency going to help you get more IG followers? Instagram has recently updated its algorithm so that you may still watch posts from three days ago. However, this visibility time used to be shorter before. So, even though there is no formula for your post scheduling, you need to be consistent!

Research on IG’s new algorithm has shown that it is crucial to post regularly, although posting a particular number a day is unnecessary. Therefore, you need to schedule your Instagram posts carefully based on your ability to remain consistent and your follower count. For instance, accounts with more followers can post more often.

But let’s not be too self-centered! You also need to consider when your followers are most active and change the schedule accordingly. For doing so, you can check for the best times to post on Instagram to reach optimal results.

So, if you’re losing followers on Instagram, the first step you need to take is to check your schedule. But what if you’re on a time crunch and can’t handle that kind of time-consuming process? In that case, make sure to use one of the top tools to schedule posts on social media.

#2 You Share Too Many Ads

If you’re losing followers on your Instagram business page, you may want to reconsider your social media marketing strategies. Instagram is a social community and not a shopping mall. So if you are frequently posting about your products, chances are you are not creating engaging IG posts

Try to pay attention to your content as well as your products. Running an Instagram business page is more complicated than owning a local business. Apart from the ads, try to incorporate other aspects of your job into your content. 

If you want to use IG to skyrocket your business growth, it all comes down to one overlooked fact. Instagram is a social medium; social with a capital S! Therefore, the more social you are, the more the new IG algorithm will reward you.

#3 You are Not using Good Enough Hashtags

A significant factor in attracting a target audience on Instagram is using hashtags. However, as influential as hashtags can be, using the wrong ones can be catastrophic. So, we recommend using hashtags wisely because you have a limited number of hashtags allowed per post. 

If you add irrelevant hashtags or unpopular ones, there is a chance that you don’t appear on the explore page. On the other hand, if a hashtag is too popular, your post will get lost in a sea of content! So at this post, you must identify the hashtags that work best for the audience in your niche! 

On Instagram, losing followers is natural, yet using the right hashtags can help us maintain our growth rate despite many people unfollowing us.

Note: Watch this video to see how to search multiple hashtags on Instagram: 

#4 You Don’t Interact With Your Followers

‘Why am I still losing so many followers on Instagram?’ you asked. My bet is you have failed to foster a relationship with your audience.

 If you don’t dedicate a part of your time to responding to reactions and comments on your posts, they will start thinking you are unapproachable. They might even assume that you are mean or only there to sell your products. And once your followers begin doubting that you’re interested in them, your content, as informative as it may be, will stop holding any fascination for them.

So if you wish to double your IG engagement rate and not lose followers, don’t be stingy with your time. Make sure to spend a few hours answering comments and messages. Also, keep in mind that you can use Instagram stories in creative ways to communicate with your followers. For instance, putting up a question box or a poll can indicate that you care about their opinion and that interacting with them is valuable to you.

At any rate, don’t underestimate the power of a friendly relationship with your audience. It can work miracles for you, especially if you’re losing followers on Instagram.

#5 You Have Unappealing Feed Theme

William Hazlitt once said, ‘First impressions are often the truest.’ He would probably turn in his grave if he knew we applied this quote to emphasize the power of first impressions on attracting followers on Instagram! That is if he knew what Instagram was! 

However, the first impression is a genuinely essential factor even on Instagram. It can repel or attract followers. How can you leave a good impression on Instagram followers, though? Well, it is your feed that has the power of impressing followers at one sight. If your feed’s design is not appealing enough, it gives the visitors a sense of untidiness. Therefore, they will not be interested enough to read your posts or follow you. 

For example, followers won’t like your page if you post low-quality visuals or use an inconsistent pallet. An untidy, unattractive feed might even result in losing followers on Instagram. So make sure that your semblance is as good as your work! Keep it neat and minimal. Plus, bear in mind that your knowledge of social media image sizes can help optimize your feed!

#6 You Don’t Write Engaging Captions

If you’re still losing followers on Instagram, perhaps it’s best to refer to your captions. Instagrammers are usually not interested in reading long walls of text. But, no one can deny the remarkable impact of captions. They can move your followers to engage with your page or unfollow you. 

So, the first step to take is not to share sensitive content. Then, try to find trending subjects and spend a portion of your time writing aesthetic captions. Plus, you can share personal ideas or experiences in your captions and drive engagement.

If you have a hectic schedule and can’t possibly spend time on captions, we have a suggestion for you. You can use an IG caption generator tool to facilitate writing.

How to Stop Losing Followers on Instagram

Now that we have explained the different causes of losing Instagram followers, it’s time to solve almost all of the issues mentioned above.

Running an Instagram page with a large audience, you might find it challenging to keep track of everything. In this case, the best way is to get assistance from a highly efficient and reliable third-party app. That’s why we aim to introduce an excellent Instagram manager

AiGrow is a management tool as well as an Instagram growth service. Using this platform, you can ensure that you won’t start losing your hard-earned followers on Instagram. On the contrary, you would be getting more IG followers fast and for free!

Stop Losing Instagram Followers with AiGrow

We will briefly explain how you can stop losing followers on Instagram and make your account grow with this platform. The first step is to simply sign up to AiGrow, which is entirely free of charge. Now, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign up for free to AiGrow.
  2. Then, log in to your Instagram account.
  3. On your Dashboard, click on the “Manage Account” button.
  4. There, you will find the Growth tab.
  5. It will provide growth analysis, hashtags, and competitors.
  6. Now, select your category.
  7. At last, click on the “start Growth” green button.
Losing Instagram Followers
Growth tool

In the opened window, you can manage and analyze your different activities on Instagram. And at the bottom of the page, AiGrow provides a few pro tips. Make sure to pay attention to those tips. A complete AiGrow review shows that your growth and followers are genuine and more efficient than doing everything manually.

Losing Instagram Followers
Click the Start Growth button

We suggest you sign up for AiGrow now and enjoy the 40% discount!

Final Thoughts

There are occasions on which we may think that we are losing followers on Instagram for no reason at all. More often than not, there are some underlying reasons. And even though this experience is almost inevitable, there are always solutions. 

This article discussed six major reasons for this issue and introduced a clear-cut remedy to solve them all. Therefore, if you’re trying to fix the problem of losing IG followers, our suggestion can be summed up in one word: AiGrow.

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