How to Get More Followers on Instagram [In-Depth Guide to Dominate Instagram in 2024]

How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Are you a business owner looking to leverage your presence on Instagram to create more exposure around your business? Or you’re a marketer wanting to generate more quality leads through Instagram. And perhaps you’re an influencer needing to establish your authority on this massive social media powerhouse. In any case, knowing how to get more followers on Instagram effectively is indeed one of your primary concerns.

After all, no matter how creative you are and how well you’ve managed to create an Instagram strategy, you’re less likely to achieve the results you wish without the right number of followers. Benefiting from a 1000 Instagram followers free trial or relying on safe Instagram followers apps are good ways to attract the audience you want. But it’s of paramount importance to know other effective methods to get Instagram followers organically and the right way.

However, it might be a bit harder to get followers on Instagram compared with other social networks. Why? Because it’s a highly competitive social channel and the competition makes it increasingly challenging to attract people’s attention and get them to engage with your account’s content. However, this must not discourage you from giving up on your goals on Instagram. The good news is that there are some tactics and tools that can assist you in getting real Instagram followers organically and at scale.

In this comprehensive guide, we will learn together the basics of getting followers on Instagram, along with an introduction to a robust Instagram growth service you can rely on to facilitate the process and get followers for Instagram like a pro. So buckle up because we’re about to begin this monster guide.

The Importance of Learning How to Get More Followers on Instagram

When you gain Instagram followers at scale, you create the opportunity to promote your business, increase leads and sales, and establish your online presence in today’s digital economy.

It can help you attract more visitors to your online store, acquire new customers, get more professional recognition and exposure in your niche, and stay one step ahead of the competition in the market. The more Instagram followers someone has, the more potential customers they will attract.

Moreover, if you have more followers, your business experience will be more enjoyable than before because growing Instagram followers means increasing opportunities to interact with more people and receive more feedback from them.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram
How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Having a lot of followers can also directly impact your income. A larger follower count establishes trust and confidence in your page for new visitors. With an increased number of followers, your profile becomes more enticing, inviting people to explore your content with ease and comfort. This translates into more opportunities to expand your reach, engage with your audience, and ultimately increase your earnings.

So, don’t underestimate the power of attracting and acquiring more Instagram followers as it can significantly impact your social media marketing success.

10 Proven Solutions on How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Discover 10 proven solutions on how to get more real followers on Instagram and take your social media presence to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil powerful strategies and techniques that will fuel your follower growth and engagement. Whether you’re a business owner, influencer, or content creator, these actionable tips will empower you to attract a genuine and loyal Instagram following. Get ready to unlock the secrets of Instagram success and elevate your online presence like never before!

1. Get More Instagram Followers by Relying on a Secure Instagram Growth Service

Instagram growth services are valuable resources for users who want to grow their Instagram accounts. However, there are many followers apps, services, and agencies on the market, making it difficult for marketers or influencers to determine the best option.

According to our extensive research, AiGrow is the most effective Instagram growth service available.

AiGrow’s Instagram growth tool offers a distinct advantage. It provides excellent organic and manual Instagram growth at an affordable and reasonable price.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram? Try AiGrow Now
How to Get More Followers on Instagram? Try AiGrow Now

Upon signing up with AiGrow, an experienced account manager skilled in Instagram’s ever-changing algorithms and daily limits will manage your Instagram account manually and effectively. As a result, AiGrow uses no bots or automated systems, providing you with 100% security.

Furthermore, you will receive daily and weekly analytical reports, enabling you to stay up-to-date on your Instagram account’s progress.

In addition, you will receive this exceptional manual and organic service at a very reasonable price. With AiGrow, you can confidently obtain real and targeted followers.

So, if you’d like to enhance your Instagram presence and attract a substantial engaged following, AiGrow is the ultimate solution you’ve been searching for.

Are You Interested in Knowing How to Get More Followers on Instagram Organically & Safely?

How to Get More Followers on Instagram with AiGrow

  1. Upon signing up on AiGrow for free, you will enter your online dashboard. Then, you will see the ‘Growth’ tab. If you click on ‘Get started,’ the service will ask you several questions (i.e., your relevant hashtags, competitor accounts, location, and so on) to better identify your target audience. So you had better answer these questions carefully.
Guarantee Your Instagram Growth with AiGrow

2. Following this, you can schedule a live meeting with your customer service team and your dedicated account manager. During this meeting, you will go over a thorough analysis of your target audience. Working together, you can evaluate and select growth packages that align perfectly with your specific requirements. Finally, you choose a plan and start growing with AiGrow! AiGrow growth plans are designed to provide maximum results for every budget.

You can rely on AiGrow’s experts to guide you through the process of getting more likes and followers on Instagram. This will ensure that your Instagram marketing strategies are effective and tailored to your needs and goals. Rest assured that this personalized approach will set you on the path to Instagram success. Now, sit back and let AiGrow do all the work.

Give AiGrow a Try for Free Today

AiGrow Features & Packages

Now, let’s look at the various growth packages offered by AiGrow and explore the features and services they provide. This will help you understand the advantages and benefits you’ll enjoy using this organic Instagram growth service. This will boost your Instagram presence and attract more IG followers.

AiGrow Packages
How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Try AiGrow Packages

By selecting the Managed Growth Monthly package, you can enjoy a remarkable 65% discount. Instead of paying $129, you can subscribe to this package for $45. This means substantial savings while still enjoying the full benefits and features of a manual Instagram growth service.

But that’s not all. If you’re not satisfied with the AiGrow organic Instagram growth service, you can cancel your contract within 14 days and receive a complete refund. AiGrow is totally committed to your satisfaction and risk-free experience.

Furthermore, by investing in this service, you get access to a professional and dedicated account manager familiar with Instagram’s rules and algorithms. As a result of their focused and targeted approach, you will gain more followers and increase your engagement rates.

Rest assured that AiGrow does not employ any Instagram bots, so you won’t receive low-quality or fake followers. Your investment is not only in the service itself but also in the peace of mind that comes with knowing your Instagram growth is being handled by an experienced professional who prioritizes quality and trustworthiness.

Managed Growth Monthly Package
Managed Growth Monthly Package

Additionally, your dedicated account manager will provide weekly analytical reports on your Instagram account’s progress. These reports will keep you informed about the progress made and provide valuable insights into the growth of your account.

Also, remember that AiGrow’s customer service team is available 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns.

Grow your Instagram Safely with AiGrow

2. Create Engaging & Constant Content to Attract More Followers on Instagram

As Bill Gates once said, “Content is King,” but consistency is king when it comes to Instagram marketing and growing your audience. And one excellent way to maintain that consistency on Instagram is to schedule your posts. Why? The answer is simple. When you publish content regularly at the recommended times, your content is more likely to be seen, boosting your account visibility.

Furthermore, AiGrow can help with advanced content curation and premium Instagram scheduler services if you purchase a Managed Advanced package. These packages let you hire a professional account manager to handle your social media content strategies. They also publish content at the ideal time to increase engagement and reach. Additionally, they will target new high-quality followers, build relationships with them through direct messaging, and provide analytical reports on your Instagram account.

And the most exciting part? All these manual and strategic activities by AiGrow’s professional account managers will be done daily and constantly on your IG account for almost 1$ a day. Your dedicated account manager will monitor your account, ensuring that it grows seamlessly and safely. What could be better than that?

3. How to Get More Followers on Instagram? Interact & Build Powerful Relationships

Ready to learn another hack and learn more about gaining Instagram followers as a business owner, marketer, or influencer? Suppose you’re using Instagram for business purposes. In that case, you have to frequently communicate with your followers and reach out to new accounts to attract more visitors to your profile and increase your Instagram followers. Additionally, when you use Instagram for business, you have to deal with many customers every day.

And most probably, as a business owner, your inbox will be flooded with direct messages (DMs), complaints, new orders, questions, and much more. So, in addition to focusing on inbound Instagram marketing methods to gain followers on Instagram, you also have to pay attention to outbound methods.

And the best way to kick off your outbound marketing on Instagram is to use a reliable Instagram DM app to reach new accounts. Using such a DM tool allows you to interact with your new followers and increase your engagement rate subsequently.

So you can understand that sending DMs on Instagram for various purposes is a must. What we mean is that DM outreach is an excellent way to boost awareness and attract more users to your account. And if you do not manage this well, your customers may get annoyed and decide to unfollow your Instagram account. To do so, you can choose AiGrow’s Managed DMs.

The most impressive aspect of this package is that DM marketing is conducted by your dedicated account manager, not by a bot or automated software. This eliminates the risk of your account being flagged or banned and ensures that no unnatural or spammy messages are sent to your followers. You can confidently grow your Instagram followers for your business without worries.

In this way, AiGrow guarantees DM delivery and sends targeted and customized messages to your audience. Moreover, you can send your DM messages to more targeted audiences as it is done with AiGrow’s experts and not bots or automated services.

Try Managed DMs for Maximum Instagram Engagement Rate

4. Optimize Your Account for Instagram Growth

We know you’ve seen this tip many times before, but that’s because it’s an important one. The first thing that IG visitors see is your profile picture, bio description, and your username. Always remember the saying that the first impression is the last. Therefore, first of all, create a catchy Instagram bio through which IG users can get a clear, quick idea of who you are, what you do, and most importantly, how you can help them.

Use various emojis, font styles, and add your branded hashtag and contact address (like your Email address and phone number) in your Bio description. Moreover, Try to improve your Instagram SEO using relevant keywords. Try to focus on the keywords that your customers care about.

Additionally, your profile picture has to be eye-catching, niche-relevant, and brand-reflective. Using your company’s logo as your profile picture can also be a good choice. In coming to your IG username, choose the one that is easy to remember and reflects your niche.

Here are three simple steps to optimize your Instagram account:

Design an Aesthetic Instagram Feed to Get More Insta Followers

Use graphics tools like Canva to design Instagram templates that look good and align with your brand. This is essential to capture the attention of users visiting your profile. A well-organized and beautifully designed Instagram feed means more account views, better brand awareness, and more followers.

Therefore spend some time to familiarize yourself with using graphic design tools to create your content aesthetically. Or rely on help from an expert graphic designer instead.

Write a Captivating Bio

Think of this part as introducing yourself or your business. What are the main things you want people to know? The best practice is to keep it short and sweet with a strong CTA.

Add a Bio-Link

Instagram gives you the option to insert only a single link in your bio, so use it well! However, using AiGrow’s bio link tool lets you create a custom URL and add multiple connections to a landing page. This makes it easy for Instagram bio visitors to view all of your main links in one place.

5. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Try Giveaways

Instagram contests and giveaways are a great way to start online conversations with your audience about your brand without being promotional. This strategy allows you to build brand awareness and gain followers for Instagram. Do you know that Instagram accounts that run regular contests and giveaways grow 70 times faster than those that do not use them?

Additionally, the study by Tailwind also revealed that Instagram contests and giveaways get nearly 64X more comments and 3.5X more likes than other content. Interestingly, according to the survey, %91 of IG posts that achieved more than 1000 comments involved a contest or giveaway. Many people might view your IG page without actually clicking the “follow” button. When you provoke them to hit that button in exchange for specific incentives or rewards, you can grow Instagram followers effectively and enhance your Instagram engagement as well.

Moreover, when you reward a giveaway with free product samples, winners are drawn to your brand. If they enjoy using your products, they might even consider purchasing them and turn into your loyal customers. They may recommend it to other people, encouraging more people to buy your products or services. Then, you had better offer a compelling prize that is related to your commercial brand.

With a bit of creativity and research, you can develop various ideas to encourage visitors to follow your page, like your post, tag a friend, or share it on their profiles. However, remember the easier your contest, the more popular it will be.

6. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Create a Hashtag Strategy

A hashtag is a single word or a group of words, marked with the symbol (#), used in an Instagram bio, post’s description, stories, or comments section.

Adding an Instagram hashtag to your content makes your content searchable from the Search & Explore page. Thus, using appropriate Instagram hashtags with your content gives you a chance to gain more followers on Instagram.

Hashtags extend your reach, enable more people to discover you, and draw more engaged traffic to your content. Additionally, hashtags are a great way to create brand recognition. The way to do this is to pick hashtags that represent your brand accordingly.

The main question is: “How can I find the best and niche-relevant hashtags?” First, try to find out what your target audience is interested in and searching for. In this way, if you use hashtags that contain the keywords your target audience is looking for, you will most likely gain followers on Instagram. Keep in mind that there is an Instagram hashtag limit. Therefore, you can use only 30 hashtags per post on Instagram. Make that 10 for an IG Story. Consequently, you have to choose your hashtags strategically.

Fortunately, the AiGrow service is also handy in this regard. It can help you find the best collection of Instagram hashtags for your e-commerce marketing success. Let’s see how?

How to Grow Instagram Followers with AiGrow’s Hashtag Tool

AiGrow offers valuable assistance in developing Instagram hashtag strategies. With AiGrow, users can discover relevant and trending hashtags quickly and optimize their hashtag usage for maximum reach. With AiGrow’s expertise and resources, users can develop a strategic approach to hashtag usage and increase their chances of organically attracting free Instagram followers. Watch the video below for more information:

7. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Collaborate with Instagram Influencers

Another highly effective way to gain Instagram followers is collaborating with influencers and running influencer marketing campaigns. If you plan to get more Instagram followers and improve your brand visibility simultaneously, then collaborate with Instagram influencers in your industry.

Influencer marketing is now considered a significant element of any digital marketing strategy. Companies hugely invest in influencers to grow their brand. As such, choosing a popular and brand-relevant Instagram influencer helps you get effective and instant results. But again, the central question is ‘How to identify the right influencers?’ Here are some tips that you can employ:

  1. Monitor your competitors to identify Instagram influencers
  2. Search brand-related hashtags. They can help you find influencers for your business.
  3. Reach out to expert social media agencies to identify the influencers.
  4. Pay attention to popular magazines and journals listings
  5. If you have an AiGrow active account, no action is required. It will help you to reach the best-matched influencers.

Influencer marketing combines traditional and modern marketing tactics with a focus on endorsements from influential people. People love discovering accounts and products through recommendations from influencers they trust. Working with influencers to promote your account is a proven organic growth strategy.

A great way to connect and collaborate with influencers is through an influencer marketing agency like Ainfluencer. It’s your best choice for booking influencers.

8. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Switch to a Business Account

If you are using Instagram for business marketing goals, you need to make it public and switch it to a business profile. With a public account, your posts will be visible in the search results and recommendations. Also, following you on Instagram is easier when your Instagram account is public. Therefore, it is better not to use a private account as it becomes hard to increase your followers.

9. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Make the Purchasing Process Easy and Trustable

Keep your selling process straightforward for your followers on Instagram. And that’s where the Shoppable Post feature comes in. Instagram recently added Shoppable Post, which allows you to have clickable product posts. You need to choose a photo of your product and tag it in the post. And by tapping on the post, they can go directly to your website (or shopping store) and buy the product. By doing so, you can turn your followers into customers. If you provide an enjoyable buying experience for your followers, they will most likely recommend your IG page to their friends and close contacts. And, this is excellent news for you.

One thing to know about shoppable posts is that they are limited to accounts with more than 10k followers. Nevertheless, AiGrow solved this problem. By signing up on AiGrow, you can easily create external shopping URL links and price (or product) tags for any post or story, regardless of how many followers you have. How?

  1. Enter the AiGrow dashboard.
  2. Tap on the ‘BIO LINK’ tool.
  3. From here, you can link unlimited products to your IG posts for free. Then once you click on each post, there is an ‘Add Link’ button below any post. You can add a URL and direct visitors to any page you want if you click on it. Also, there is another option: Tag Product. If you press the ‘Tag Product’ button available below any post, you can insert the product’s name, its URL link, and its price anywhere on the post with ease.

10. How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Promote Your Instagram Page

To effectively showcase your Instagram and attract more free followers, it’s essential to promote your account across various social media platforms.

Start by incorporating social media icons on your website and marketing emails to make it easier for people to discover and connect with your business.

Additionally, leverage your presence on other social channels by resharing Instagram-specific content or making announcements about upcoming IG Live sessions, creating cross-platform visibility and generating interest.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll maximize your reach, enhance your online presence, and ultimately gain more organic followers on Instagram.

Final Thoughts on How to Gain More Followers on Instagram

To sum things up, we suggest you avoid relying on Instagram automation tools and fake followers to grow your account. It’s risky and often ineffective.

For real, organic Instagram follower growth, it’s best to stick with the basics and scale your efforts using a safe, reliable Instagram management tool and growth service like AiGrow. Organic efforts always take time and dedication to produce results, but the results are worth it.

Discovering effective strategies to grow your Instagram following can be a daunting task. However, with AiGrow, you have a trustworthy and experienced Instagram assistant by your side. By utilizing AiGrow’s manual and organic services, you can unlock the secrets to getting more Instagram followers and achieving remarkable growth. Let AiGrow guide you through Instagram growth intricacies, making the process smoother and more rewarding than ever before.

As already mentioned, AiGrow is an all-in-one Instagram management and growth service that can effectively help you grow Instagram followers organically. Moreover, it can increase your Instagram engagement and save a great deal of time and energy for you.

AiGrow is safe, organic, secure, legal, viable, and above all, trustworthy. So, take advantage of marketing opportunities on Instagram, start your journey right now on AiGrow, and glow up successfully on the platform.

FAQ on How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Q1. What Are the Disadvantages of Purchasing Instagram Followers?

Buying real Instagram followers is a deceptive and fraudulent practice that should be avoided at all costs. Although some brands may be tempted by instant results, the consequences far outweigh the benefits. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should steer clear of buying Instagram followers.
Firstly, your genuine followers can easily identify fake followers. With growing privacy concerns and increased awareness of social scams, people are becoming more adept at detecting unusual activity. Sudden spikes in your follower count and an influx of spam followers can raise red flags, damaging your reputation and hindering Instagram growth.
Also, fake followers contribute nothing to your account. While you may be concerned about your Instagram metrics, it’s imperative to remember that a high follower count means little if those followers don’t engage with your content. Inflated numbers may make you appear more significant at first glance, but the lack of genuine engagement will ultimately impact your overall engagement rate on the platform.
Lastly, purchasing Instagram followers violates Instagram’s terms of use. Instagram has taken firm action against buying engagements in the past, even shutting down companies like Jarvee. Their terms of service explicitly discourage fake likes, followers, or shares, repetitive comments or content, and unsolicited commercial activities. By engaging in such practices, you risk getting your Instagram account shadowbanned or blocked.
That is why we recommend using organic Instagram growth services like AiGrow to grow your Instagram following genuinely and sustainably. AiGrow is completely manual and safe, so you don’t have to worry about your Instagram account being blocked.
Get Your Mind off Your Instagram Growth Worries

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