Seek Socially Review 2024 *WARNING* + The Best Alternative!

Seek Socially review

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Businesses from small retailers to big companies have turned to online platforms such as Instagram to grow their enterprise. To do so, they might need to get a hand from growth services such as Seek Socially.

Since Instagram provides everyone with the opportunity to grow, there are many rivals for every business owner. As the market is flooded with several growth services, you need to read SeekSocially reviews carefully to know if it is worth using.

Seek Socially claims to be one of the safest Instagram growth services in the market. But what is Seek Socially? Does it work? What Seek Socially reviews revealed? In this article, I will demonstrate how there is no truth to this claim at ALL!

Moreover, we will introduce AiGrow as the best alternative that never engages in bot activities and outnumbers Seek Socially in its merits. So keep on reading!

Everything Regarding

As Instagram increasingly disapproves of services utilizing bots and automated activities, platforms like SeekSocially that engage in such practices are inevitably forced to rebrand and redirect to alternative websites. I discovered this during my most recent online research!

In my exploration, I discovered several key points:

  • There are various websites with the name Seek Social but without the ‘-ly’ suffix. It is crucial not to mistake them for Seek Socially.
  • The service I wanted to review goes by the domain However, when I type this URL into the search box, I get redirected to the Useviral website. (We have a review of Useviral available on our website, which interested parties can read for more information.)
  • All the Seek Socially reviews were cleaned from the Trustpilot website and others.

As you can see, Seek Socially is not working and is redirecting to Useviral. You can keep reading this SeekSocially review to learn about the damaging services you should avoid.

If you’re looking for a better alternative to SeekSocially, consider AiGrow. AiGrow is an Instagram management service that never engages in suspicious bot activity or automation. Try it for free.

What Is Seek Socially

Seek Socially was a social media growth service that claimed to assist clients develop their Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter audiences. It promised to provide its users with allegedly real followers and boost their engagement rate on these platforms using Artificial Intelligence technology.

According to Seek Socially, they have helped thousands of clients achieve the growth they wished to achieve over the 6 years that they have been around.

But now they’ve turned to Useviral, a service that allows you to buy social media engagement for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and a lot of others.

Seeksocially redirected to Useviral

Read this Useviral Review to learn about SeekSocially’s latest features!

For now, let’s see how it used to operate!

How Does Seek Socially Work

The power engine behind Seek Socially’s system is its AI, that is, automation. They carry out the process of getting you new followers by engaging with your target audience’s content. They use automation to follow and like other accounts’ posts and draw their attention to your account.

Although they assign an account manager to discuss the details of your goal after you purchase their plans, the whole process of getting you new followers, If they get any, is an automated one.

Since Instagram has become incredibly sensitive towards automated activities on its platform, it is a huge risk for you to invest in bot-like growth services, which is against Instagram’s Terms of Use, such as Seek Socially as it increases the chances of your account being shadowbanned or shut down altogether.

Seek Socially Features

We’ve already talked about how the account manager they pride themselves on is nothing but merely a guide at the start of your journey with Seek Socially. Now let’s analyze more of its features to help you make a better decision.

Advanced Targeting

First off, This Instagram Growth company claims to find your target audience through the hashtag, location, and user targeting. The so-called account manager asks about your preferences regarding these three options, then leaves everything to Seek Socially.

Moreover, the abilities of these targets are pretty much limited. For instance, location targeting can only operate when users tag their location on their posts.

The user targeting doesn’t seem to be very functional either. Basically, Seek Socially likes and follow the followers of a celebrity, influencer, etc. that your target audience is interested in. In this case, a lot of these users might not even follow you back.

Cross-platform Growth

As mentioned earlier, Seek Socially offers its services across three main social media platforms: Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. This might seem to be a great opportunity at first glance since it enables you to grow your business on multiple platforms at once!

However, through our research, we realized that this feature, also, lacks quality. Keep on reading this article to see users’ complaints about the quality of this feature.

How Much Does Seek Socially Cost

Seek Socially offers its services in two different packages; the Starter plan and the Premium one. Let’s delve right into them.

Starter plan

This plan is designed for those who have just begun their journey. It costs 49$ a month and is very limited in its options. Allegedly, it offers organic growth, normal support, throttled growth, follow/unfollow, hashtag and user targeting, and auto blacklist.

On the other hand, it does not include a custom blacklist, whitelist, story viewing, comment liking, or even location targeting.

Premium Plan

This plan is designed for those who already have a social presence on Instagram, and wish to expand it. It costs 99$ per month and presumably includes all the features mentioned above plus unlimited growth and priority support.

Seek Socially Plans
Seek Socially Plans

Seek Socially Reviews: It Is NOT Worth Your Money!

You might have come across a number of positive reviews on Seek Socially for Instagram and other platforms. However, when everything seems safe and sound, usually there’s something wrong going on. Check out this review left by a disappointed client:

Seek Socially Reviews
Seek Socially Reviews

As you can see, this customer has fallen for those positive Seek Socially reviews on different websites and ended up losing her IG account for good. She also complains about the fake followers added to her account after using their services!

Also, many users like Amelia have reported that the positive reviews on different websites are not genuine reviews, but rather paid for. Therefore, be alert since using Seek Socially could put your account at risk.

Seek Socially on Trustpilot

Interestingly enough, this Instagram growth agency claims to have scored 4.9 on Trustpilot. Yet, there is no review page attributed to Seek Socially on this website.

This could mean that they have taken down the page because of the negative reviews they received, or that, for whatever reason, they have decided to change their policies. In either case, this incoherency raises some doubts regarding their authenticity.

Seek Socially on Reddit

Reviewers on Reddit haven’t been content with the services this growth tool offers either. Let’s take a look at some of these reviews.

Seek Socially Client Review
Seek Socially Client Review

In this Seek Socially review left by a client on Reddit, the customer complains about the fake followers that have been added to their IG account after using their services. Apparently, after this customer applied for cancellation, they claimed it was taken care of yet continued to add fake followers to the account.

This is a huge red flag since it lowers the engagement rate of your business page on Instagram and ends in all your time and efforts going to waste.

Another user has replied to this customer, perhaps desperate to get some real information on Seek Socially. Take notice of the time this client has left his comments. Not getting a reply from the first reviewer, and perhaps after falling for the allegedly positive reviews on different websites, he has returned after a couple of months with his 49$ lost to this ‘scam’.

Here’s yet another complaint:

Seek Socially Reddit Review

In this Seek Socially review on Reddit, a client has purchased their premium plan and yet hasn’t heard of them after a day!

This is an indicator of the poor customer service they have. If they don’t care or don’t have the facilities to send a confirmation email after one has bought their plan in the first place, imagine how they will address your concerns and issues in the future!

Let’s take a look at another one:

SeekSocially Reviews on Reddit
SeekSocially Review on Reddit

Seek Socially always boasts about how it promises users growth not only on Instagram but also on TikTok and Twitter. Well, it wouldn’t be of any help to businesses if the quality of the services is low, which is the case with them.

In this review, a customer who has used their services for TikTok growth believes that Seek Socially is a scam since it leads to no real growth and doesn’t have good customer support.

Why Do We Not Recommend Seek Socially

We have already mentioned several reasons for you not to trust Seek Socially including bot-like behavior, fake followers, poor customer service, poor cancellation support, etc. But for you to make an open-eyed decision, here are some more reasons why we DO NOT recommend this service:

#1 Lack of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Linkedin Account

As a growth service that claims to have helped thousands of people across multiple platforms, surprisingly, Seek Socially does not possess even a single account on any of these social media platforms!

#2 Lack of Contact Information

Seek Socially fails to provide its customers with any phone number, or address to ensure that they can reach out to them in case they are faced with a problem.

When you open their ‘Contact’ web page, you only see a ‘Contact form’ and an email address that they don’t even respond to very often. No trace of a phone number, or an address whatsoever!

Seek Socially Contact Form
Seek Socially Contact Form

Notice that it is very unwise to trust a company that is not even clear about its contact information let alone its services.

#3 Lack of Free Trial

Sometimes, growth services do not consider a free trial for their customers because they are proven and well-established.

However, for a service like Seek Socially which is the subject of many doubts and disputes, and has received serious negative reviews from its clients, lack of free trial is another red flag you need to be careful about.

#4 The Deceiving Seek Socially Login

Have you ever heard of phishing scams? What they do is that they send emails pretending to be from legit companies to make people share their personal information and passwords with them.

Unfortunately, this is exactly how Seek Socially’s login affects users! By copying Instagram’s and other platforms’ login pages, it deceives clients into believing that this is a safe platform for them to share their passwords with!

Seek Socially Login
Seek Socially Login

#5 Socially Seek Can Ruin Your Instagram Account

Seek.Socially’s unsatisfied customers complain about receiving untargeted or inactive followers. Utilizing automated bots can disrupt marketing efforts, resulting in artificial leads that fail to generate sales or desired outcomes.

Moreover, bots can distort social media data, impeding a genuine understanding of the interests of the intended target audience. When bot activity is mistakenly associated with real user engagement, it can severely damage a company’s reputation. Considering the potential repercussions, such as account closures and spamming of potential clients, Seek.Socially’s alleged bot use is unjustified.

Seek Socially Pros and Cons

In the following, you are going to know more details about SeekSocially and why it is not worth your money and time.

Seek Socially Pros

  1. Growth on three different social media platforms
  2. Hashtag, location, and user targeting
  3. Auto blacklist
  4. Account manager
  5. Customer support

Seek Socially Cons

  1. No active, genuine followers
  2. Fake followers based on users’ reviews
  3. Bot-like service, no manual aid
  4. Lack of free trial
  5. Very limited features in the starter plan
  6. Limited location and user targeting
  7. Poor customer support
  8. Lack of social media accounts
  9. Lack of contact information
  10. Suspicious login
  11. Many people lost their Instagram accounts after using Seek Socially
  12. Insufficient customer service: SeekSocially fails to provide satisfactory customer support, leaving clients with inadequate assistance and resolution of their issues.
  13. Missing Trustpilot review page: SeekSocially’s absence from Trustpilot’s review platform raises concerns about transparency and the company’s reputation, as users are unable to access or contribute to feedback and evaluations.
  14. It offers no refund.

Now you see why Seeksocially is not worth your time; instead, utilize AiGrow to do the heavy lifting for you:

What Is Seek Social

Beware of Seek Social, an alleged Instagram growth service that claims to be completely different from Seek Socially. Seek Social wants to emphasize on its website that they are the original Seek Social and have no affiliation with Seek Socially.

However, upon careful examination, it becomes evident that Seek Social falls far short of being a reliable option.

The first red flag arises from their attempts to rebrand their services, seemingly to distance themselves from their previous inefficiencies. Unfortunately, Seek Social’s attempts at reinvention do not address the underlying problems with their service.

Numerous users have expressed dissatisfaction with Seek Social’s performance, highlighting a lack of genuine organic growth. Clients have accused Seek Social of deceptive tactics, such as using Instagram bots to artificially inflate follower counts.

Therefore, our recommendation is to refrain from investing in Seek Social as it may be costly. Instead of relying on unknown services, it is advisable to go with organic Instagram growth companies that have established themselves in the industry. Continue reading this article to learn more about our recommended service.

The Best Alternative to Seek Socially: AiGrow

Now what? Should you abandon your dream of achieving a well-established social presence and increasing your sales altogether? Of course not! We suggest you try AiGrow as an ideal alternative to Seek Socially.

AiGrow is an all-in-one Instagram growth tool that helps you gain real, active Instagram followers, increase your engagement rate, and grow your revenues through liking and following your potential followers.


Unlike Seek Socially, AiGrow doesn’t have bot-like behavior. Instead, a dedicated account manager carries out the whole process manually. So you may rest assured that your IG account is safe.

We have provided a thorough AiGrow review for you to help you gain a more detailed insight into it, but we will discuss some of its features in brief here as well.

How Does AiGrow Work

Through AiGrow, you can grow your Instagram following and increase your engagement:

  1. Sign up for free on AiGrow and access your online dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Growth’ tab and click on ‘Get started’ to begin the process.
  3. Answer a series of questions regarding your relevant hashtags, competitor accounts, location, and more to identify your target audience accurately.
  4. Schedule a live meeting with AiGrow’s customer service team and your dedicated account manager.
  5. During this meeting, your target audience will be thoroughly analyzed. By working together, you can select the right growth packages and start growing with AiGrow! AiGrow growth plans are designed to provide maximum results for every budget.
  6. Next, AiGrow’s experienced account managers will manually and effectively manage your Instagram account, staying up-to-date with the platform’s algorithms and daily limits, without using bots or automated systems.
  7. Furthermore, your dedicated account manager will provide you with daily and weekly analytical reports to keep you informed about your Instagram account’s progress.
    Benefit from AiGrow’s personalized and organic approach, ensuring effective Instagram marketing strategies tailored to your needs and goals.

AiGrow Features

  1. All-in-one-Bio-Link Tool: As a business owner, you may need to provide your audience with several links. However, Instagram only permits you to have one link on your bio. With this feature, you may now place as many links as you wish on your Instagram bio!
  2. Ghost follower detection and removal.
  3. Smart Instagram Giveaway Picker Tool.
  4. Instagram Analytics Tool.
  5. Social Monitoring Tool.
  6. Effective DM Marketing Tool: Using this feature of AiGrow, you have the opportunity to send manual welcome messages to your new followers, keep your audience engaged, and generate more leads!
  7. Hashtag Generator Tool.
  8. Instagram Post Deleter Tool.
  9. Instagram Unfollow App: Have you used other growth services and ended up having a lot of inactive or fake followers?! Use this feature to identify and delete all of them at once!
  10. 24×7 customer support: Don’t worry if you have any questions or face a problem along the way. AiGrow’s customer support is always available to make your experience as smooth and comforting as ever.
  11. Dedicated Account Manager: Undoubtedly, one of the most impressive features of AiGrow is its dedicated account manager! Once you’ve signed up on AiGrow, a dedicated and hard-working Instagram account manager will take control of the process, and helps grow your IG account MANUALLY. This is the difference between Seek Socially’s account manager, and AiGrow’s.

AiGrow’s Pricing

AiGrow offers its services in multiple packages and prices, each with different features. The only thing you need to do is to choose the plan that best suits your purpose and budget.

Rest assured, AiGrow guarantees Instagram bot-free services, ensuring high-quality and genuine followers. With AiGrow, you will have the peace of mind that comes from entrusting your Instagram growth to experienced professionals who prioritize reliability and excellence.

Furthermore, your dedicated account manager will provide comprehensive weekly analytical reports, keeping you updated on your account’s progress and offering valuable insights into its growth. Should you have questions or concerns, AiGrow’s customer service team is available round-the-clock to assist you.

Furthermore, by opting for AiGrow’s Managed Advanced package, you can access advanced content curation and premium Instagram scheduler services.

With a dedicated account manager, your social media content strategies will be handled professionally. They will publish content at optimal times for improved engagement, target high-quality followers, engage with them through direct messaging, and provide regular analytical reports.

All these strategic activities will be carried out daily on your Instagram account at an affordable rate of nearly $1 per day. Your dedicated account manager will ensure the seamless and secure growth of your IG account, making AiGrow an excellent choice.

Seek Socially Vs. AiGrow

As you can see, AiGrow outnumbers Seek Socially in its features. It’s an aid kit that every influencer, business owner, and anyone who wishes to grow on Instagram needs!

So, don’t waste another second, and sign up on AiGrow to glow ever brighter on Instagram! Remember that AiGrow is a 100% manual and safe Instagram growth service.

Seek Socially Vs. AiGrow
Seek Socially Vs. AiGrow

Additionally, unlike Seek Socially which doesn’t appear on social media apps, AiGrow has an active presence on social media. On its YouTube channel, for instance, you may see a video in which many customers talk about how AiGrow has helped them grow on Instagram:

AiGrow Customer Reviews on YouTube

Conclusion on Seek Socially Review

Everyone knows how essential it is to have a large audience on social media apps such as Instagram nowadays. The growth one can achieve through Instagram these days is beyond imagination. Therefore, using a good growth service to enlarge your audience is of great significance today.

Many growth services have claimed to offer real growth on Instagram. Yet, the validity of these claims is disputable. Seek Socially is one of these growth tools that claim to help you grow organically with real followers.

Yet based on the many negative reviews by real clients and our observation of their activities and services, we conclude that it is NOT the right tool for your business since its use of automation may get you banned, and it doesn’t have sufficient facilities to help you if you seek Instagram growth.

On the other hand, we have AiGrow as the best alternative to Seeksocially which can help you gain genuine followers on Instagram in no time, and manage your account in the best way possible.

So what are you waiting for?! Sign up on AiGrow, to guarantee your growth!

FAQs on Seek Socially

So far, we’ve provided you with an all-inclusive review of Seek Socially to help you see the reality of this growth service. Now, let’s go through some of your most frequently asked questions regarding it.

Q1. Is SeekSocially Working?

Seeksocially has been rebranded and directed to the Useviral website, which allows users to buy social media engagement such as followers, likes, and views.

Q2. Is Seek Socially Legit or a Scam?

Simply no. We can’t consider Seek Socially as legit for all the right reasons explained above. When a growth service uses an automotive system, lacks customer support and quality, doesn’t come clean about its contact info, adds fake followers to your account, etc., we can’t call it legit.
Moreover, according to some Seek Socially reviews, it is a scam and a waste of time and money.

Q3. Is Seek Socially Safe?

We don’t believe Seek Socially is safe to use since it adds fake followers to your account. These fake followers will decrease the engagement rate of your IG account, and Instagram might flag you as spam.
In addition, Seek Socially uses an automated system to get you new followers. Instagram is so strict when it comes to bots and shadowbans any account that has bot-like behavior.
Therefore, we can’t say that Seek Socially is safe.

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