Robolike Review; How Does It Work in 2022 + The Best Alternative

robolike review

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

Are you looking for a service to help you with improving your online presence on Instagram? Or maybe you are a startup looking to get the ball rolling and expand your follower count on Instagram overnight. Then you’ve probably considered automated Instagram follower apps like Robolike.

The best Instagram growth services are not comparable to automatic likes and followers apps or services for buying followers, comments, and likes. However, many people today are looking for Instagram auto followers apps to gain followers instantly, which could harm their Instagram reputation.

Stay with us as we evaluate Robolike reviews, its features, and everything else that can help you determine which Instagram growth company is the best and what factors you should take into account when making your decision.

In order to help you improve all engagement components of your Instagram account, we will also introduce you to the best Robolike alternative: AiGrow.

What Is Robolike

The Robolike website makes it clear that they are a bot. So, we can say that RoboLike is an automatic liker bot. This bot automatically likes other people’s Instagram and Twitter posts in order to gain more IG followers for you.

Robolike logo
Robolike logo

However, as we previously stated and will reiterate, bots and automation are two red flags on Instagram. According to Instagram’s algorithms, if you use bots, and automation, or try to buy followers and likes using unreliable Instagram followers apps, you will be banned or restricted.

However, it may work in some cases because gaining more followers and interacting with users by liking and commenting will increase your engagement rate and allow you to reach more people on this platform. But are you willing to take such a risk and put your account in danger of being banned?

Rather than providing follows and likes, genuine Instagram growth services will assign an Instagram account manager to you who is an Instagram expert. They assist you in gaining organic Instagram followers and likes, as well as improving your organic engagement rate.

AiGrow is the best Instagram growth service on the market, which can assist you in gaining organic followers and turning them into paying customers. so that you can use Instagram to drive quality traffic, get conversions, and increase your revenue. The AiGrow review is available here.

How Does Robolike Work

As previously stated, RoboLike will automatically like photos on Instagram from any user. They do this based on the IG hashtags you provide for them or by selecting the target audience that you want.

To begin working with this platform, create your tags and adjust your settings to your liking. You will notice an increase in engagement within a short time, according to what they have said. They claim that Robolike can like 80 Instagram photos in an hour, saving you a lot of time and energy!

Targeting can be beneficial for engaging a broader range of users, as many Instagram growth services do. The issue is that Robolike uses Instagram bots to like IG users’ contents, which is extremely dangerous.

Furthermore, the idea is that if you like enough photos, those users will respond positively, which may or may not be effective because they may or may not follow you back. Furthermore, we were unable to access the site at They don’t appear to be working anymore.

Another problem with this service is that their main website is inaccessible, and you can only access the website! Take a look at the screenshot below:

Robolike website

You must enter your Instagram username and password here in order to grant them access, as you can see! This is reason enough not to use this service. To find out what features Robolike once offered, keep reading.

Robolike Features

Since the service isn’t currently operational, we’ve compiled a list of its features here so that you can see what features their service did and didn’t have in the past. It can assist you in selecting the top Growth service.

So let’s get into Robolike’s core features.

Robolike Auto Liker

As the name implies, Robolike’s primary function is to interact with IG users by automatically liking their posts. This app automatically sends likes to your target audience in order to entice them to follow your account.

Robolike could have apparently done up to 80 likes per hour, and the number of likes per hour could have been adjusted. As previously stated, it is extremely dangerous, and Instagram can easily detect it and penalize the IG user.

Robolike Targeting

Robolike’s best feature was their targeting, but it was the only tool they provided. They would have done it through hashtag targeting. To do so, you should have identified the most relevant hashtags for your niche, and Robolikes would like the posts that include the hashtags you provided.

But do you believe it would be so beneficial? Let’s compare it to a trustworthy growth service like AiGrow. AiGrow can generate 250-500 targeted new followers per month, depending on your niche and location.

In addition to hashtag targeting, the AiGrow service hosts effective giveaways to help you attract the most targeted followers.

Robolike Dashboard

You could have seen the likes you made using its dashboard; once you logged in, the app used to show you the most recent images that your profile liked. However, according to some Robolike reviews, it wasn’t so precise and was used to display just some of your likes while hiding the rest.

Another feature of Robolike was the ability to connect and manage multiple Instagram accounts. However, there was no direct way to do so on their website. If you want this option, you must contact the company via email.

But what baffles us is why they have discontinued their service and why their website with the address is yet requiring users to enter their Instagram password to register their app.

And finally, their capabilities are limited to these! There are many features that genuine Instagram growth services provide to users that are missing here. Dedicated account managers, hashtag generation, DM marketing, bulk unfollowing, and many other features are among them! Sign up for AiGrow and have them all together!

Robolike Pricing

Another disadvantage of Robolikes was that their pricing page only displayed one price. It was a monthly subscription for a single account, and they said you could email them if you wanted to learn about other packages with more features! Although the price was low, it was not worth it.

Transparent packages and a variety of pricing plans are good indicators of a good Instagram growth solution.

AiGrow offers a variety of effective plans to users. So, register for it.

Robolike Pros And Cons

Robolike stopped working, which we believe was due to a lack of capabilities and features. We’ve compiled all of the benefits and drawbacks so you can decide whether such a service is worthwhile.

Robolike Pros

  • One advantage is that this bot has a low monthly fee, which was visible on their website, but as previously stated, they only had one package, and according to some Robolike reviews, there may have been hidden costs later on.
  • Their site’s security was allegedly demonstrated by the use of verified gateways. In contrast to this, they want users to enter their Instagram passwords!

Robolike Cons

  • One disadvantage was that there was no FAQ or help page on their website. If you’re providing a service to people, this is a must-have feature.
  • The capabilities and features were limited.
  • There was no Email Form to enter your details such as email and phone number to contact them, which means they can quickly vanish off the map and not be held accountable.
  • On its website, there were no genuine reviews of it.
  • As previously stated, they do not respond to user questions, and the lack of 24-hour support is noticeable.

Robolike Reviews

According to Robolike Reviews on various websites, this service is not operational anymore. As a result, we couldn’t find many reviews about it., for example, has only one Robolike review.

This is suspicious because if a system has been providing services for a long time, there may be more reviews available on sites such as Trustpilot.

This service appears used to have few users, and if it does have any, they are all duped! In addition to this Robolike review, you can find more service reviews on our website. For example, some of the services like this are as follows.

And a slew of other well-known and lesser-known Instagram services that you can discover by browsing our website.

Now, we’d like to suggest an efficient growth service. Keep reading.

Best Robolike Alternative; AiGrow

As previously stated, Robolike was nothing more than an automatic liker! As a result, you should think about using another service. Consider a service that will provide you with everything you need to completely improve your Instagram.


A service that performs Instagram tasks manually, pays attention to the client’s needs and is prepared to solve their problems.

AiGrow; a professional service is available to assist you.

AiGrow features

The best service we can recommend to you is AiGrow. Read the next section if you’re interested in learning more about the features this fantastic service will offer.

AiGrow Features

You must have discovered what factors to consider when selecting a growth service up to this point. Here, we will gather all of the features that AiGrow offers, and you will be amazed! AiGrow has the following features:

Furthermore, services occasionally fail or do not work properly, so you must be able to contact them for assistance. AiGrow provides you with 24/7 support, whereas RoboLike does not.

AiGrow Packages and Pricing

AiGrow’s packages are divided into three categories (starter, premium, and advanced). You can select any plan that meets your requirements. For example, if you are a startup and want to start your Instagram account, the Managed Starter plan is ideal.

Their Managed Premium package, which has a reasonable monthly cost of $129, is another package they offer and is suitable for every type of company. All of the features offered by AiGrow are included in this package.

However, you must provide the AiGrow Managed Advanced package if you wish to use the AiGrow Influencer marketing strategy and assign your content creation to them.

The best part is that you can end the contract whenever you’re dissatisfied, and AiGrow will pay back you whenever you’d like. So you can confidently buy AiGrow packages.

Robolike Review Final Verdict; AiGrow VS. Robolike

AiGrow has received a great deal of positive feedback. Read this AiGrow review on Hoothemes’ website to see it. In this table, we also compared Robolike and AiGrow to help you make the best decision.

AI-powered technology
Organic, human-based growth method. No bots, spam, or fake followers
Automatic followers, likes, views
Hashtag generator tool
Advanced filtering & targeting options
Growth with influencer marketing
Instagram analytics & social monitoring tools
Managed growth plans
Support in developing your Instagram content strategy
An experienced account manager will take care of your Instagram account (Manual Growth)
No password required
Viewing Insta stories
The number of followers and success guaranteed
Content design template (feed/stories)
Scheduling Tool
Multiple links in bio
Instagram post deleter tool
Instagram Mass unfollow tool
Analysis Tool
Mass DM marketing
Giveaway & contest picker
Fast delivery of services
Trustpilot Scoredeleted4.7

FAQs on Robolike

You may have additional questions that we did not address in our Robolike review. Some of them are discussed here.

1. Is Robolike Legit?

Maybe we can say it used to be legit, but now it doesn’t work and another website ( wants users to enter their Instagram password to use their app, so what can we say?
The app does not work, but their website does not notify you of this. You can register as if nothing is wrong. So we can simply state that Robolike is not legitimate!

2. Is RoboLike a Scam? Is Robolike Safe?

Robolike has been around for a while and has been reported numerous times. Additionally, using it has resulted in some people being banned from Instagram. Just stay away from Robolike for this reason. It’s probably better to go with a better alternative that produces results, such as AiGrow.

Last words on Robolike Review

As you’ve read in this post, you can’t rely on services like this Robolike service that perform automation and use bots. Additionally, take a look at the features and tools that an Instagram growth service offers to its customers when you are making the decision to choose a growth service.

It’s not simple to run a business on social media. Many tools are required, as well as care. You can approach your goal with the aid of various tools. Now that we’ve introduced you to AiGrow, making the best decision will be simple for you!

So register for AiGrow to use a reputable and legal tool to expand your Instagram following.

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