Buy Real Instagram Followers? Should You Do It in 2022?

buy real instagram followers

Your Instagram & TikTok Turbo Growth Partner

It’s a given that anyone who wishes to conquer the world of business in their own niche has to build an active social presence these days. With Instagram being on top, social media platforms are sources of huge income, and building a following on them is of great significance. This could lead many to want to buy real Instagram followers

Some others prefer to use the best Instagram growth services to grow their Instagram page organically. However, this takes a little more time whereas most fake followers companies promise you overnight fame on Instagram. And well, who doesn’t like to wake up to thousands of followers on their IG account?! But how sane of a decision is this? 

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know regarding this matter from scratch and show you why it is not wise to buy Instagram followers. Then, we will introduce you to the best alternative to purchasing IG followers in addition to tips to ensure your success. 

So buckle up, and let’s get started!

How to Buy Instagram Followers

Based on statistics, over 1.440 million people are active on  Instagram. This is more than most other popular sites, including Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Tumblr. With such a dynamic pool of people, it is no wonder that companies are using this platform and its influencers as a powerful marketing tool.

If you’re running a business on Instagram, having a high number of followers adds to your credibility and brand awareness. However, you should do this the right way. 

In the following sections, we will tell you exactly why you should not buy Instagram followers, but let us first see how you can do so in the first place to get a deeper understanding of the matter. 

Here’s how to buy Instagram followers

1- Pick the Best Instagram Follower Buying Service

Numerous companies are currently working in this industry. Some even promise to provide you with the opportunity to buy real Instagram followers. But how reliable are these claims?! If the followers are real, how can you possibly purchase them?!

Instagram closed its public API back in 2018 so that third-party apps couldn’t post anymore. And that’s how Instagrammers witnessed a drastic change on this social media app. Thousands of bot accounts, accounts that sold likes and followers, and even those IG accounts that had used these services to grow their brand on Instagram were permanently shut down. That caused a huge distrust towards the companies allowing you to buy followers on Instagram.

However, this didn’t stop the bot companies. It made them even more ravenous. This time, they came back with even more tempting prepositions and friendlier faces. ‘Buy real active Instagram followers’ was their slogan. While a lot of them stopped requiring you to give them your login credentials, many of them, including the most famous ones, would still need them.

To get access to these Instagram followers bots, you can simply google to get tons of them. But for the sake of your comfort, we’ve gathered up the most famous ones here in this article. Be careful. Some of these services promise to show you how to buy real Instagram followers, but we don’t approve of any of them!

2- Choose Your Followers Packages 

Yes, you heard it right. Every company in this industry offers various packages and plans. These plans can be categorized into two groups: basic and premium ones. What is the difference between the two? The difference lies in the quality of these followers!

Note that by choosing any of these packages, you can buy Instagram likes as well. 

Basic Plans

Using these plans, you can buy cheap Instagram followers. The quality of the followers you’ll receive by choosing a basic plan will be quite low. Meaning, that it is so apparent that they’re fake. For instance, they don’t have a profile photo and are following over a thousand accounts. Mostly, they have less than 10 posts on their IG page and are not active. 

Premium Plans

These packages are a little more advanced than the basic ones. By choosing these plans you are promised to be able to buy active Instagram followers. Wait, did they just admit that they sell fake followers at least in their basic plans?! 

The truth is, the premium followers don’t increase your engagement rate either because they are not really ‘active’.

3- Specify the Number of IG Followers

After you’re done choosing your plan, you can specify the number of IG followers you wish to get. 1,0000 Instagram followers? Sure. 10,000? Of course. An Instagram fake followers app won’t say no despite the fact that Instagram will get suspicious and might penalize your account by shutting it down for good. 

In order to avoid this, a lot of companies may give you the chance to buy Instagram followers with instant delivery, or a gradual one. However, it doesn’t solve anything in practice and Instagram is likely to notice your violation of its Terms of Use

Therefore, when buying followers, you can choose different packages, depending on your needs. Some offer 500 to 1,000 followers for a set price. However, other options make it possible to add as many as 10,000 followers for a fixed price. Consider what you plan to use your Instagram for and determine which number of followers will help you achieve that goal (In theory, indeed).

Best Place to Buy Instagram Followers

You have plenty of choices when it comes to purchasing IG followers. In order to find them, all you need to do is to google the phrase. However, if you feel overwhelmed by the number of choices available, and wondering where to buy Instagram followers, read the list below. We’ve gathered up the most famous sites offering these services with their pros and cons.

We should emphasize once again that we DO NOT APPROVE any of them.

#1 Twicsy

If you’d like to buy Instagram followers Twicsy is the first app you’ll come across with. This company claims to get you real, active followers with quick delivery in addition to likes and views to improve your online presence

Buy Instagram followers Twicsy
Buy Instagram Followers Twicsy

Twicsy offers you two types of packages: High-quality and Premium followers. Interestingly enough, the website itself admits to fraud! In the explanations given for the difference between these two packages, this social media marketing service states that the High-quality followers only have a profile picture and no further uploads! And they promise ‘auto-refill’ after you lose your followers

 #2 Buzzoid 

If you’re wondering how to buy followers on Instagram, Buzzoid is your second option. Likewise to the previous company, this one also promises to get you real followers and likes. 

Buy Instagram Followers and Likes: Buzzoid

In addition to High-quality and Premium packages, this Instagram followers app offers ‘Managed Growth’ services as well. You can use their services if you wish to buy Instagram followers and likes. They promise instant delivery. Way to go to make Instagram alert to your page.

Here’s our Buzzoid review, if you’re interested to know more. 

#3 Stormlikes

Here’s yet another website you can use for this end. Stormlikes prides itself on being the only app that allows you to buy followers on Instagram and other social networking sites such as Facebook, Tiktok, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Twitch. The only app that offers real followers! 

Stormlikes: Buy Fake Instagram Followers

We did our research about this service as well only to realize that there’s no truth to their claims. Most reviews left about Stormlikes suggest that they only add fake followers and likes with fake profiles that are easily distinguishable. Moreover, the so-called ‘quality’ followers will unfollow you within 48 hours. 

If you still insist on your decision and want to buy fake followers on Instagram, give this Stormlikes review a shot to make an informed decision. 

#4 Kicksta

Here’s another automated Instagram growth tool. This tool has a different appearance than other ones. Kicksta promises 100% organic growth with no bot followers. They require you to give them some data such as your competitors and influencers in your niche to be able to track down your potential followers.

Kicksta: Buy Fake Followers on Instagram

Kicksta appears to be totally against buying Instagram followers. Yet, how valid are these claims? For one thing, they’re using automation which is entirely against Instagram’s policy. Therefore, by using Kicksta you put your IG account at risk of getting shadowbanned or banned for good.

In addition, Kicksta adds irrelevant, non-qualified followers to your account and doesn’t perform well most of the time according to customer reviews. So technically, you don’t grow your IG page organically, but rather buy Instagram fake followers with this app. Read this complete Kicksta review for more information.

#5 Mr Insta 

This is an interesting one. With Mr Insta you can both get free Instagram followers and buy them. So, it offers both free plans and premium plans. 

Mr Insta: buy real Instagram followers
Mr Insta: Buy Real Instagram Followers

By using this IG tool, not only can you buy Instagram followers, but also you can buy IG views, likes, comments, impressions and reach. 

There are two reasons why you should avoid this tool. The first reason is that it adds ghost followers to your account, and the second is that it uses ‘Insta’ in its name which is against Instagram’s infringement policies and Instagram takes legal action against such third-party apps. 

Read this Mr Insta review to get a deeper insight. 

#6 GoRead

If you wish to buy followers on Instagram, GoRead is another option on the table. This IG tool promises to deliver your followers, likes, views, comments, and shares within minutes.

GoRead: Buy Real Instagram Followers

Based on customer reviews these claims are not valid. GoRead is one of those services you can buy Instagram followers for $1 with. And these orders are delivered instantly. 

We’ve already explained how these instant deliveries can destroy your Instagram page. Basically, when you hear ‘instant’ when it comes to IG growth, RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!

Here’s our complete Goread review if you’re interested to know more about it.

#7 Famoid 

This followers app claims that being famous is no longer a dream! It offers services on various social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Youtube. For Instagram, the services include followers, likes, views, reels views, and likes, each with distinct packages.

Famoid: Buy Instagram Followers

Famoid promises to allow you to buy real Instagram followers with ‘natural delivery and ad-based methods. However, first-hand experiences say otherwise. As it turns out, Famoid followers will be lost only after a short while, and even those that remain are irrelevant to your niche.

Here’s our full Famoid review, if you’re curious to know more.

#8 Instafollowers 

The last service we tested out is InstaFollowers. Using this followers tool you can buy Instagram followers, views, comments, and likes. Like some other services, this one also provides services for multiple social media networking sites such as TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Pinterest, and many more!


InstaFollowers comes with the promise of letting you buy active Instagram followers, but alas! This is nothing but a false delusion. Based on Trustpilot reviews, not only do they perform poorly, but also steal your money and charge you extra.

And that’s it! Now you know how to buy Instagram followers and where to do so. However, if you care about your business and genuinely want to expand your business on this platform, don’t do that. We’ll tell you why in the next sections. 

How Much Does It Cost to Buy Instagram Followers

As we discussed earlier, each app offers different plans and packages; high-quality, premium, managed-growth, etc. Therefore, your total bill will depend on the type of package you choose and the number of followers you wish to get. 

Mostly, you can buy Instagram followers for $1 or so. Of course, this is only for basic plans with minimum followers. The premium plans are indeed more expensive. Getting 1,000 followers, for example, would be $25-50 dollars. 

Generally speaking, buying Instagram followers is much cheaper than other ways to grow your page, but it will cost you a fortune when your IG page and business are seriously damaged. 

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy Instagram Followers

There are many reasons why you should steer clear of snapping up followers for your Instagram business page. Here, we will narrow them down to the 5 most important ones.

Reasons why you shouldn't buy Instagram followers
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy Instagram Followers

Let’s dive in! 

1- Instagram Will Notice

Instagram is smart and alert. As of 2018, Instagram has been taking serious action against those who have suspicious activities on the platform. This includes selling likes and followers, using third-party apps, etc. So, if you buy followers Instagram will know.

What rats these third-party apps out is that they deliver hundreds and thousands of likes and followers within a very short period which usually exceeds Instagram’s daily limits and results in a penalty. Therefore, those who buy Instagram followers are likely to get caught. 

Moreover, It’s been years that Instagram has been identifying fake and ghost followers and removing them from IG accounts automatically. Therefore, one day you will wake up and check your IG account only to see that you’ve lost hundreds and thousands of followers.

2- It Ruins Your Credibility

Instagram is all about getting followed and being recognized for your content. So you might think: ‘I will buy Instagram followers cheap and fast’ and the dream will come true. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re wrong.

Yes, having a large number of followers on Instagram is important. But to what cost? You need a solid following in order to generate more sales on Instagram. If all your followers are fake or inactive, you would lose face.

Think of it this way. How would you feel if you realize the brand or influencer you’re following on Instagram has 500k IG followers but only 50 likes and views?! Would you be able to trust them at all? I know I wouldn’t!

This gives your real audience the impression that you’ve bought tons of fake followers because your services are not good enough to attract real followers. 

3- Brands Won’t Collaborate with You If You Buy Instagram Followers

When your credibility is lost and dignity gone, there’s no place for you to run! 

Brands and influencers including local influencers and micro-influencers on Instagram will only work with reputable and well-developed businesses. So, there’s no wonder why no one would want to collaborate with you if all you have is tons of fake Instagram followers.

4- It Will Lower Your Engagement Rate

When you purchase a lot of followers, your Instagram account’s engagement rate will drop drastically. This is due to the fact that these followers are mostly inactive. Even though some companies promise to give you a chance to buy real Instagram followers.

So what happens is that you get thousands of IG followers with no likes, views, or comments. This will mess up your analytics and prove to Instagram that your posts are not worthy of appearing on IG explore page.

5- You Won’t Sell on Instagram

If you own a business on this platform or are a social media influencer trying to make money out of influencer marketing, you need real, active followers to be able to earn money on Instagram.

When most of your followers are fake, who do you have to sell your products to? After all, your main goal is to turn your IG followers into paying customers. It goes without saying that you need actual real followers then.

The Best Alternative to Buying Instagram Followers: AiGrow

We know how demanding a task managing an Instagram business page is. We understand the struggle. And we’re here to introduce you to the best Instagram growth tool: AiGrow

Buy Instagram followers alternative: AiGrow
AiGrow: The Best Alternative to Buying Instagram Followers

Unlike other Instagram growth services, AiGrow doesn’t push you to buy Instagram followers. Instead, it combines advanced artificial intelligence technology with human-powered force to help you achieve 100% organic followers growth on Instagram

This all-in-one Instagram growth tool doesn’t have any bot-like activities. Once you sign up on AiGrow, an incredibly dedicated Instagram account manager will take over your growth process and handle everything manually to help you build your brand on Instagram

The fascinating point about this Instagram growth company is that it offers various features with 100% real, active followers who will actually engage with your content! These followers are attracted to your page by AiGrow’s advanced targeting. 

If you wish to know more about this growth tool, take a look at this AiGrow review. We’ve discussed every little detail about it!

AiGrow Features

AiGrow offers tons of useful features. Take a brief glance at them in the picture below. 

AiGrow features
AiGrow Features

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have all these in your pocket rather than to buy fake Instagram followers and ruin your IG page?!

Then sign up on AiGrow for free right now!


Now that you know every single aspect of growing your followers on Instagram, it’s time for some of your most frequently asked questions. 

#1 Can You Buy Followers on Instagram?

Yes, you can. But it would only bring you fake or ghost followers. To achieve organic growth on Instagram and increase your sales, try more reliable methods such as using trustworthy Instagram growth services such as AiGrow

Final Words on Should You Buy Instagram Followers

Instagram is the one and an only go-to place for social media fans these days. Therefore, building a good social presence with a large following is of great significance for anyone who wishes to skyrocket their business on Instagram. 

This has given rise to many companies who offer users to buy Instagram followers from them, each claiming to be the best and getting you overnight fame. However, a wise user never falls for these tempting prepositions. 

In this article, we covered everything you need to know about these services and how destructive they can be for your IG page, and introduced you to AiGrow as the ideal alternative to boost your followers organically and manage your Instagram account like a pro!

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